After Didi stopped serving at night, who benefited? Listen to what other car platform drivers have to say

  Since Saturday, Didi has suspended all online ride-hailing services at night, and passengers cannot use the Didi platform to order rides from 11am to 5am. However, the demand for night trips is not small, so who benefits from Didi’s policy? Are the drivers of other private car platforms "reaping benefits"?

  Taxi Driver: OK.

  "It’s very easy to pull at night now, you can earn an extra 200 yuan in one night!" A taxi driver told a Beijing Youth Daily reporter that after Didi stopped late-night service, he collected his car from 11pm to 2am, and could earn an extra 200 yuan a day.

  Another taxi driver said that he would "pick jobs" near 11 p.m. and choose "big orders" that are farther away, because after 11 p.m., he would be subject to the randomness of the promotion and could not choose for himself. He also said that there are many people who call a taxi when 11 p.m. is approaching. "There are people who add 10 yuan and 20 yuan."

  In interviews, many taxi drivers believe that the late-night outage of the Didi platform is "good" for them. On the one hand, passengers have no options such as express trains, and more people take taxis; on the other hand, there are still platforms such as Didi, Shouqi, and Feidi running, which can call taxis. If you want to pick big jobs, you are not completely dependent on Didi’s platform.

  Shenzhou driver: The order volume has increased, but it is not obvious

  A Chinese-owned driver said that after the Didi platform was suspended, the number of orders in the evening increased. "Before, I could pull about 3 in one night, but now it is almost doubled. But in fact, the money I earn has not increased too much, because the running time is limited after all, and the commission is not much." He said that he usually runs from 2pm to around 1am. Recently, after Didi stopped late-night service, the number of orders per night has increased relatively. "Before, sometimes I would wait for an hour to pull an order, but now there is no such long waiting time. But our commission for an order is about 20%, and I don’t get much personally."

  Another Shenzhou franchised driver said that Shenzhou and himself are purely platform-sharing relationships, "We take 65% of each order by ourselves, and the platform takes 35%. I came out to run for a day on the evening of the 8th, and I earned an extra 100 yuan." He also said that the mechanism of Shenzhou’s special car is that the driver can only see the destination of the passenger after receiving the order and arriving at the place where the passenger gets on the bus, and at night, some destinations are in the suburbs. Orders he is unwilling to run.

  Shouqi driver: The departure time is a personal habit and will not be easily changed

  Shouqi launched the "Night Guarantee Operation" on September 8, and carried out guarantees in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities. A Shouqi driver told the Beijing Youth Daily that Shouqi called on the driver to leave the car from the 8th to the 15th, which is the stage of Didi’s night outage, to ensure the smooth and safe travel of passengers. For this, the company specially rewarded the driver who left the car.

  However, he also said that the reward amount is not very high. "It is about double the points, about 5 yuan for one order and 20 yuan for three orders." He believes that the protection action is more of a responsibility and moral incentive. "For drivers, if I run more, I have to stick gas and stay up late, so I can’t make much more money at night."

  Another driver of Shouqi’s car-booking said that because Shouqi’s car-booking vehicles belong to the company and the drivers are their own, most of them have a base salary of several thousand yuan, and they will only get extra commissions when they exceed the time and amount of work. In addition, the company only subsidizes part of the fuel cost, and the excess part has to be paid by themselves. Therefore, many drivers are not very motivated. "I usually choose to leave the car in the morning, because this can basically run two peaks in the morning and evening, almost 5 hours, and the income is relatively high. The company has adjusted the price, raising the price during peak hours and lowering the price during peak hours, so that the price during peak hours is almost the same as that of ordinary taxis."

  Beiqing Daily reporter inquired that from 7:00 am to 10:00 am and 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm every day are the peak hours for the first car to book a car. The mileage fee is 3.8 yuan/km, which is higher than 2.3 yuan/km during the peak hours, and the duration fee is 1.0 yuan/minute, which is also much higher than 0.2 yuan/minute during the peak hours. However, from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am, there is also a "night surcharge", which is charged 1.5 yuan/km and 0.8 yuan/minute, and the fee is the same as during peak hours. One driver said that the departure time is actually a matter of personal habits. "It will not change personal habits and work and rest just because Didi is out of service for a few days."

  Wen Jing, Beijing Youth Daily reporter

Say love with music **** E live re-screening Jay Chou concert, setting the highest online concert viewing record

  Recently, the panoramic music live performance brand TME live officially announced the launch of the "Miracle Live Replay Plan", allowing those miracle scenes that have caused waves in the long river of time to cross time and return to the public eye. The first "Miracle Live" Jay Chou’s "Strongest Demon Tianlun on the Surface" concert was broadcast on May 20 through Tencent Music Entertainment Group’s (TME) QQ Music, Kugou Music, Kuwo Music, WeSing four major platforms, and TME’s WeChat Channels matrix. In an instant, the whole network formed a screen swiping frenzy. Hundreds of millions of netizens shouted "My youth is back" and created the highest viewing record for an online concert.

  On May 17, TME live officially announced the first "Miracle Live", featuring two miraculous live concerts by the king of Chinese pop music and national singer Jay Chou, "Mo Tianlun" and "The Strongest on the Surface", and chose to re-release them on the evening of May 20 and May 21, so that hundreds of millions of music fans can hear love, feel love, and express love in the songs that accompany youth.

  In order to allow more fans to watch and enjoy the best music experience in this unprecedented "Miracle Live", TME Live has integrated cross-platform broadcast resources, including QQ Music, Kugou Music, Kuwo Music, WeSing, and TME’s WeChat Channels matrix. In addition, under the music promotion ecosystem of Tencent Music, Weibo Music and Sina Music also serve as the promotion partners of this "Miracle Live" to support cross-platform, multi-matrix, and systematic support.

  This unprecedented "miracle scene" has also won the unprecedented love of hundreds of millions of music fans. 12 hours after the official announcement of TME live, the number of reservations on TME’s four platforms exceeded 10 million, and on the night of the "Mo Tianlun" concert re-screening on May 20, it created the highest online concert viewing record; and at the level of social publicity, Tencent Music re-screened Jay Chou’s concert, setting the highest online concert viewing record; the whole concert that night won Weibo’s trending topic list 30 +, and the whole network searched nearly 40 +. The topic of "Jay Chou’s concert re-screening" continued to top the chart Weibo’s trending topic list and entertainment list. Until it detonates.

  "Miracle Live Replay Plan" premieres, featuring Jay Chou’s "Strongest Demon Tianlun on the Surface" concert to express love with music

  No matter how the pop music performance market changes and changes, there are always some stages that are not limited by time and space, emitting a dazzling light for a long time, becoming a "miracle scene" passed down by word of mouth, shaking a generation with its unique charm, and echoing in the long river of time.

Say love with music *** E live re-screening Jay Chou concert, the highest online concert viewing record _fororder_ picture 10

  Adhering to the concept of "good music lasts forever", TME live premiered the ultra-clear restored version of Leslie Cheung’s enthusiastic concert in the world in early April this year, which won the attention and love of many music fans. Therefore, TME live will present more divine music scenes that have touched countless music fans in the form of online replays for music fans, and create the "Miracle Live Replay Plan". The plan will be divided into multiple chapters such as "Looking Back", "Looking Back" and "Return" in the future. The "Looking Back" will reunite the outstanding peak singers, the "Looking Back" pays tribute to the music legends that have never left, and the "Return" reproduces the miracle of Hong Kong music, leading music fans to return to the classics and revisit the track of spring.

  Re-screening is a kind of feeling, reproducing the top of the music of singers and musicians; re-screening is also an attitude, paying tribute to the classics that have never been forgotten in the Chinese music scene. It is the hope of the "Miracle Live Re-screening Project" that allows music fans to gain strength and feel happiness from good.

  For the first performance of the "Miracle Live Replay Project", TME live invited Jay Chou, the king of Chinese pop music and a national singer, to give two concerts of "Mo Tianlun" and "The Strongest on the Surface", and carefully selected on May 20 and May 21, which were full of romance. Not only did the ceremony give music fans a unique holiday gift, but also let music fans once again hear love, feel love, and express love in the songs that accompany youth and growth.

  Create the highest viewing record for online concerts, and online live sets a new paradigm of win-win for users, singers, and brands

  The good content lasts for a long time, and the replay of the "Strongest Demon Tianlun on the Surface" concert is still applauded and well received. In the replay of the "Demon Tianlun" concert on the night of May 20, under the four platforms of QQ Music, Kugou Music, Kuwo Music and WeSing under the WeChat Channels matrix of TME Music, the bullet comments and comment areas of the screen are "My youth is back" "My youth is back" "Tears" "Nice" swipe screen.

  And when TME live put this originally offline concert on the online replay, this already iconic and influential concert released stronger energy, and the number of online viewers of the concert also set an industry record. Before the replay was over, the cumulative number of viewers on all broadcast platforms had exceeded the total number of people on the two tours of "Mo Tianlun" and "Surface Strongest".

  In fact, before the replay, only 12 hours after the official announcement of "The Strongest Demon Tianlun on the Surface", the number of reservations on TME’s four platforms exceeded 10 million, and the number of reservations on the whole network broke 20 million before the broadcast. According to relevant industry sources, the number of appointments has now greatly exceeded the highest reservation record in the entire music industry. It is reported that TME’s QQ music team also worked overtime overnight to increase server capacity for expansion.

  The re-screening of the "Strongest Demon Tianlun on the Surface" concert was not only swiped on WeChat Moments, Weibo Music and Sina Music were the publicity partners of this time. With the help of multi-matrix systematic social publicity, the re-screening of the "Demon Tianlun" concert also won the first place in Weibo’s trending topic list 30 + on the night of May 20, and continued to top the chart Weibo’s trending topic list and entertainment list.

  In addition, as the exclusive title sponsor of this concert replay, Pepsi is equivalent to buying a concert ticket for each viewer, which together created the highest viewing record for an online concert.

  A veteran performance practitioner said: "The re-screening of Jay Chou’s’The Strongest Demon on the Surface ‘concert is a benchmark online concert operation case. The organizer, TME live, brings users the most classic music content, gives singers the most effective platform to reach music fans, and gives commercial customers the widest consumer base and breaking the circle. It has achieved a win-win situation for all parties. It can be said that after two years of operation, TME live has gradually promoted the innovation of the performance industry."

  In fact, in the two years since the establishment of the brand, TME Live has held over 120 online concerts, and in the process, it has rapidly completed the iteration and continuous evolution of the brand and business.

  "Miracle Live" is not the first pioneering move of TME live. As early as two years ago, Liu Xianhua’s special concert used OCTIV technology for the first time to present the industry’s first panoramic virtual performance. After that, he continued to explore the music content ecosystem, using the world’s top XR stage technology, diversified to show Billie Eilish’s powerful music sensory world, and also joined hands with Mayday at the FLY TO 2022 New Year’s Eve concert to open the prelude of the domestic music meta-universe on TMELAND, surpassing the imagination of music fans again and again with strength and action.

  It is reported that in the future, TME live’s "Miracle Live Replay Program" will also use leading technologies such as the highest-definition digital audio and video technology and streaming media transmission to connect the past and the present, and continue to work with powerful global music partners to present timeless classic performances. It is believed that more "Miracle Live" will continue to break the limitations of time and space, allowing more global-level shocking scenes to return to the public eye, bringing the most intimate company and lasting touching to every music fan. (Photo/Chen Dong)

MIIT responded that Steam was blocked: I don’t know the specific reason, there must be illegal activities anyway

  After the Steam store domain name had been added to MIIT’s illegal Internet site blacklist, the reporter asked MIIT staff about the matter, and the other party replied: Although I don’t know the specific reason why Steam was blocked, it is definitely because of the platform’s illegal behavior. As for whether it can be removed from the blacklist after rectification, and whether domestic players can log in normally in the future, the staff said they don’t know.

How long can BYD Han battery last?

How long is the service life of BYD Han battery?

The battery life of BYD Han can reach about eight to ten years, but the specific life will be affected by the driving habits of the owner and many factors. It is recommended to replace the battery after driving about 1 million kilometers. Correct use and maintenance skills are helpful to prolong the service life of batteries. Byd Han is a medium-sized and large-sized car with a body size of 4950mm, 1890mm, 1490mm and a wheelbase of 2940 mm. In terms of configuration, it is equipped with ACC adaptive cruise, electric suction door, head-up display, parallel line assistance, lane keeping assistance and inductive opening of trunk. In terms of power, BYD Han is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system and a 6-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox.

Volvo S60 in Yuncheng has greatly reduced its price, with the latest offer of 224,900! just this once

Recently, car home Yuncheng preferential promotion channel has launched an exciting preferential activity, and the preferential car series is. This luxury car is currently on sale in Yuncheng area, with a maximum discount of 88,800 yuan. The starting price is 224,900 yuan, which allows car buyers to buy this high-quality model at a more affordable price. If you are interested in this model, you can click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form to get a higher discount.

Volvo S60 is a car full of modernity and luxury, and its exterior design adopts a unique front face design, showing the unique charm of the brand. The air intake grille adopts Volvo’s family-style straight waterfall design, and with large-size chrome-plated decorative strips, it creates a strong brand recognition. The overall style is simple and generous, the lines are smooth, and the body lines are smooth and dynamic, showing an elegant and steady temperament. No matter from the front or rear of the car, the Volvo S60 shows its unique design charm, which is impressive. The lines on the side of the car body are smooth and powerful, and it is more dynamic with large-sized wheels. Generally speaking, the design of Volvo S60 is full of modernity and luxury, which leaves a deep impression on people.

Volvo S60 is a medium-sized car, with a body size of 4778*1850*1437, a wheelbase of 2872mm, and a front and rear track of 1600 mm.. The body lines are smooth, the side design is simple and atmospheric, and the overall shape is fashionable and dynamic. Tyre size is 225/50 R17, the front tires are the same as those in tyre size, and the rim style is simple and exquisite, which adds a sense of stability to the vehicle.

Volvo S60′ s interior design is simple and generous, with black and brown color scheme, giving people a sense of high class and comfort. The steering wheel is made of leather, which feels comfortable and the position can be manually adjusted up and down and back and forth. The 9-inch central control screen is large in size and equipped with voice recognition control system, which can control multimedia system, navigation, telephone and air conditioning. Both the front row and the back row are equipped with two USB/Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for charging and connecting devices. The seat is made of imitation leather. The front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment and lumbar support adjustment can be carried out for the main and co-pilot seats. The driver’s seat is also equipped with electric seat memory function. The front seats also have a heating function. Generally speaking, the interior design of Volvo S60 is exquisite, comfortable and practical.

Volvo S60 is equipped with a 2.0T 197 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 145 kW and a maximum torque of 300 N m.. This engine is matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, which can provide a smooth shifting experience and abundant power output. Whether it’s city driving or high-speed cruising, Volvo S60 can do it easily. At the same time, this engine also has excellent dynamic response and fuel economy, making your driving experience more comfortable and economical.

In the communication with the owner of car home, we learned that he spoke highly of the design of Volvo S60. Although there are relatively few color choices, he thinks that the overall appearance is very atmospheric, especially the front face design is quite beautiful. Volvo has always been famous for its unique design and exquisite craftsmanship, and S60, as one of the main models of the brand, naturally lives up to expectations. From the evaluation of car home car owners, we can see that the design of S60 has been widely recognized. I believe that in the near future, S60 will continue to bring amazing driving experience and beautiful driving memories to more car owners.

Sudden attention! 6 boards, big cows, hot spots?

K diagram 002988_0

  Recently, A-share board stocks have emerged in an endless stream, like 14 boards.11-plate10-plateWait, now it’s your turn.. The stock has been trading for six consecutive days since the daily limit of the word board began on November 7, becoming the "king of the board" of the current A shares. At the close of trading on Tuesday, it still had 33,000 orders to seal the daily limit, which was about 120 million yuan according to the latest price of 37.77 yuan.

  The data shows that there are currently 15 A shares (including) recorded 2 or more consecutive daily limit, andTied for the first place with 6 boards.andTied behind with 4 boards., Sampton,It is 3 connecting plates.


Going to Huawei to ask the world?

  According to public information, it is a large aluminum profile manufacturer integrating professional research and development, manufacturing and sales. And its recent surge in share prices, a high probability and the company’s recent multiple games.At the event, it was mentioned that Huawei asked about the community.

  Haomei New Materials first mentioned in the record of investor relations activities disclosed on October 30 that the company has obtained a total of 280 fixed-point projects in the first half of the year, and its customers cover joint venture models such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Honda and Toyota, and Guangzhou Automobile Ai’ an.Domestic brands such as Huawei Wenjie and Changan. This business (referring to automobile lightweight business) is throughEnterprises indirectly supply all kinds of aluminum extrusion materials and components to vehicle manufacturers, and indirectly supply them to Wenjie series vehicles.Pallet products. On October 31st, Haomei New Materials rose by 7.6%.

  Then, on November 3rd, the record of investor relations activities disclosed by Haomei New Materials once again stated that the company had made a fixed point for the series of models of Wenjie, mainly providing pallet products, but the previous quantity was always small, and after mass production of Wenjie M7, it brought a certain order increment to the company. On November 6, Haomei New Materials rose by 4.1%. Then there is a wave of 6 boards.

  In the last two stock transactions, it fluctuated abnormally.In China, Haomei New Materials kept silent about the world, only saying that most of the lightweight materials and components provided by the company need to be processed and assembled by enterprises and then supplied to the automobile factory.


Receive a letter of concern from the exchange

  On Tuesday, Haomei New Materials received a letter of concern from Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange asked Haomei New Materials to explain whether the company’s disclosure on automobile lightweight business was true, accurate and complete in the recent record of investor relations activities and the two announcements of abnormal fluctuations in stock trading on November 9 and November 13, and whether there was speculation and hot spots.

  In addition, Haomei New Materials is also required to check whether the directors, supervisors, senior managers and their immediate family members have bought or sold the company’s shares and whether there is any suspected insider trading.


great momentum

  Recently, the concept is really strong. On Tuesday, the sector index rose by 1.19%, with a cumulative increase of 12.91% since October 24, and a cumulative increase of 36.45% since it bottomed out on April 27 this year.

  If you only look at Tuesday, among the concept stocks, in addition to the daily limit of Haomei New Materials,It is also the daily limit closing;Up more than 7%;Up over 6%;Up more than 5% and so on.


The new car in the world is on fire

  The strength of the concept plate should be said to have something to do with the hot sales in the field of inquiry. The data shows that 12,700 vehicles were delivered in October, up 78% from 7,125 vehicles delivered in September.

  In addition, the new M7 has continued to be popular since it was officially listed on September 12th. In the first month of listing, it has exceeded 60,000 vehicles, 70,000 vehicles after 45 days of listing, and 80,000 vehicles after 50 days of listing, with the latest breakthrough of 86,000 vehicles. There is also the unlisted M9, and the number of blind orders has exceeded 25,000.

  beforeIt is estimated that in 2023.Automobile sales reached 85,000 vehicles, up 6% year-on-year, of which M5 and M7 models sold 45,000 and 40,000 vehicles. In 2024, the automobile sales reached 255,000 vehicles, up by 200% year-on-year, among which the sales of M5, M7 and M9 vehicles were 7.5, 11 and 70,000 vehicles.

  It is pointed out that the M9 represents a new round of cooperation between Huawei and Intelligent Car Selection, and it is the first vehicle platform in China to participate deeply, including intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving. M9, which will be listed soon, is expected to continue to enhance the brand power of AITO.


The car is still booming.

  Judging from the whole car market, the car is still in a hot trend. Previously, the Federation estimated that the wholesale sales volume of new energy passenger car manufacturers in October was 890,000, a year-on-year increase of 32% and a quarter-on-quarter increase of 7%.

  Look at the part againBrand, sold 301,800 vehicles in October, up 38.57% year-on-year. In the first 10 months, the cumulative sales volume was 2,381,500 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 70.36%.

  Delivery reached a record high, exceeding 40,000 vehicles, reaching 40,400 vehicles, up 302.1% year-on-year and 12.09% quarter-on-quarter. As of October 31, 2023, a total of 284,600 vehicles were delivered throughout the year.It also achieved a breakthrough in October, with the monthly delivery reaching 20,000 vehicles for the first time;The number of cars delivered in October was 16,100, a year-on-year increase of 59.8%.

  It is believed that it is expected to usher in the inflection point of the second increase of permeability. The reason is that the vehicle supply is further enriched, the intelligent+fast charge+long battery life experience is improved, and the cost compression drives the price down, sinking into a more competitive price range.

  DongguanIt is said that the achievements of the "100-city Linkage" Automobile Festival and the "Thousands of Counties and Towns" new energy going to the countryside activities by the Ministry of Commerce have appeared, and superimposed car companies have started a new round of promotional activities, and the demand for car purchases has continued to be released. Looking forward to the follow-up, the orders of the new car companies led by Huawei Auto have achieved rapid growth during the National Day holiday, and the market fever is expected to continue, which may drive the automobile consumption at the end of the year to consolidate the realization of the steady growth goal of the automobile industry throughout the year.

  Besides,It is believed that many car companies have launched sub-brands to enrich their product matrix, and their high-end brands and personalized brands will gradually go public, which will promote the demand growth in the fourth quarter.

It is for investors’ reference only and does not constitute investment advice.

BYD’s new car: Song Lé l "Platinum Leopard 5, the fifth generation DM.

The news of "Looking up to the U8 order breaking 30,000" exploded the car circle a few days ago. As an ultra-luxury car with a price of more than one million yuan, the deposit for looking up to U8 is as high as 20,000 yuan, and the deposit for "big setting" is 50,000 yuan.

If the online news comes true, even if it is calculated according to the "small order" deposit-mass delivery has not yet been realized,Looking up to U8, I have already received 600 million yuan in cash.. This has to make people feel that BYD’s influence is now high.

With such a smooth environment, it is no wonder that BYD has spread the market plan of "selling 3 million vehicles in 2023". However, from January to September this year, BYD’s cumulative sales volume was 2.07 million vehicles, with an average monthly sales volume of 230,000 vehicles, which is still far from the goal.

Faced with the gap, BYD needs to achieve an average monthly sales volume of 310,000 vehicles in the fourth quarter of this year, which requires finding new growth points in the mainstream market. As a result, these new cars have attracted the attention of the author.

No.1 BYD song l

First of all, Song L, a new pure electric SUV—— owned by BYD Wangchao. com, will announce the detailed information on October 31, and start the pre-sale at the same time. The author personally expects its pricing to be around 200,000-250,000 yuan.

The car is built based on e-platform 3.0, and it is expected to be equipped with CTB battery body integration technology, or use the suspension setting of "front double wishbone+rear five links", with intelligent electric four-wheel drive, L2 driver assistance, Yunqi -C intelligent chassis and other functions.

In terms of appearance, BYD Song L follows the new generation of "Pioneer Beauty" design language of Dynasty Network as a whole; Decorations officially called "Dragon Teeth" have been added to both sides of the front grille, which, together with the 3D dragon whiskers of Longjing headlights, has obvious sports atmosphere.

In terms of size, according to the previous new car application information of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, BYD Song L has a length, width and height of 4840/1950/1560mm and a wheelbase of 2930mm respectively, positioning a medium-sized SUV;; Compared with Song PLUS and Song Pro, the former is bigger.

In terms of interior, judging from the official map released, BYD Song L adopted the current "technology wind", and the overall layout was very simple; In the screen part, the combination of 10.25-inch instrument and 15.6-inch central control car machine is used, and some models will also be equipped with 50-inch AR-HUD.

In terms of details, the sub-instrument panel area of Song L has adopted a brand-new design, and the air outlet in the front row of the car has also adopted a brand-new design; In addition, the shift lever is more compact and exquisite, and the overall sense of key layout is stronger.

According to the application information, in terms of power, Song L rear-drive version provides two kinds of power options with maximum power of 150kW and 230kW; Song l four-wheel drive version, the maximum power of the front and rear double motors is 150 kW and 230 kW respectively, and the official acceleration time of 0-100 km/h is 4.3 seconds.

In terms of battery life, Song L provides 71.808kWh and 87.04 kWh battery packs, and the pure electric cruising range is 550km, 602km and 662km.

No.2 BYD "Qin L"

A few days ago, a group of road test spy photos of BYD’s new cars began to spread on the Internet. Through the Chinese logo on the front of the car, netizens think that the car may be a new derivative model of BYD Qin family-"Qin L".

In the previous product planning, the market positioning of "Qin L" is between Qin PLUS and BYD Han. It may be an A+ class car, including plug-in hybrid and pure electric vehicles. The author personally expects its pricing to be around 150,000-180,000 yuan.

At present, "Qin L" has not been declared by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, so there is less relevant information flowing out now.

In terms of appearance, the headlight group of "Qin L" has adopted a brand-new design, and its shape is close to that of Song L mentioned above; In the front part, "Qin L" adopts a blackened grille, which makes the overall appearance style more sporty;

On the side of the car body, the road test of "Qin L" still retains the traditional door handle; At the same time, the heavy camouflage of the rear part can mean that the design of the rear part has changed greatly.

In terms of chassis, compared with the existing non-independent rear suspension of torsion beam in Qin family, the rear suspension setting of "Qin L" is likely to change, and the high probability will be independent suspension setting such as three links; The latter has greater training potential and may bring a better ride experience in the back row.

In addition to the information revealed by the road test, BYD’s previous patent application may be used as a reference for "Qin L" in power.

According to the published patent drawing, it can be seen that this is a hybrid system with double planetary gears, which may be the rumored "fifth generation DM-i" system;

According to the network news, the system may use "Longitudinal engine",the feed fuel consumption may be further reduced to2.9L/100km; Compared with the existing data (4.6L/100km) of Qin PLUS DM-i Champion Edition, the energy consumption performance of the new system will be even better.

NO.3 equation leopard leopard 5

Finally, it is the first new car of BYD Equation Leopard brand-Leopard 5. At present, the car has been blindly ordered, and the blind order price is 300,000-400,000 yuan. Equation Leopard Auto officially said that Leopard 5 will be officially listed in November this year.

As a hard-core off-road SUV, Leopard 5 is equipped with BYD’s new hybrid platform DM-o and Yunqi -p intelligent body control system, including the power combination of vertical engine+dual motors+three locks and differential locks;

In terms of chassis, the front and rear suspension of Leopard 5 are double wishbone suspension; In terms of power, relying on the DM-o platform, the integrated system power of Leopard 5 can reach 500kW, the peak torque is 760N?m, and the acceleration time is only 4.8s s..

In terms of battery life and recharge, Leopard 5 can achieve CLTC pure battery life of 125km;; Support fast charge, which can be charged from 30% to 80% within 16 minutes; Under the condition of full oil and full electricity, the comprehensive endurance of the vehicle can reach more than 1200km;

In addition, Leopard 5 also supports the functions of 20kW in-situ power supply, 6kW AC vehicle-to-vehicle power supply and 6kW external discharge.

According to the official configuration information, Leopard 5 has launched three configurations: the Exploration Edition, the Pilot Edition and the Yunqi Ultimate Edition. The length, width and height of the vehicle are 4890/1970/1920mm (including the spare tire), and the wheelbase is 2800mm, which is a medium-sized SUV.

In terms of internal space, Leopard 5 is currently a 5-seat model, which can support a two-person mattress arrangement with a length of 1.9 meters and a width of 1.4 meters when the rear seat is down.

According to the official statement of Equation Leopard Automobile, they will set up new independent marketing stores. The first batch of stores is expected to start laying at the end of October, and the first batch of exhibition cars will also be in place simultaneously.

Conclusion:The above are the three heavy new cars of BYD before the end of 2023. Among them, the author is most concerned about "Qin L". After all, the starting price of around 150,000 is tangible to ordinary people, and it may be the first model of the fifth generation DM-i system.

So for everyone, which new car of BYD do you like best? What do you think about the pricing of new cars? Welcome to speak freely in the comments section.

Mid-Autumn National Day Super Long Holiday to "Xiaolong Game"

  Mid-Autumn Festival+National Day is about to begin. Have you planned where to play? Some people shuttle through the hutongs with yellow leaves in autumn and want to feel the fireworks of a city; Someone broke into northern Xinjiang and wanted to see the fleeting precious autumn colors of the grassland, but if you haven’t had time to make a travel plan, you can actually experience a happy long vacation in the city. A "Xiaolong Game" that integrates fun driving, grand prizes and happy experience must not be missed!

  It coincides with the opening of the international auto shows in Tianjin and Xi ‘an. During the two time periods from September 28th to October 4th (Tianjin) and October 1st to 7th (Xi ‘an), the Haval brand and its famous star model, Haval Xiaolong MAX, will bring well-designed experience subjects in the outfield of the two exhibitions, and there will be premium rewards for participation, which will bring to friends who love challenges, are eager to experience electric four-wheel drive driving and are bored to visit the exhibition.

  Seven fun ways to play, all-round electric four-wheel drive waiting for you.

  In this event, there are seven subject challenges, static and dynamic, and there are surprises in customs clearance. Users can win rich rewards by participating, and experience the advantages of Haval Xiaolong MAX in intelligent vehicle control, four-wheel drive control and super-large space in one stop.

  ① Top rushing on high slope: 60% slope challenge, in which the challenger drives the vehicle to 60% of the simulated slope, stops the engine after reaching the halfway stop line, and then starts the vehicle again to continue climbing to the top of the slope, which means the challenge is successful. Testing the driving skills of starting on a half-slope is also a good opportunity to experience Haval Xiaolong MAX’s steady start on a slope, which brings stronger grip and safety performance to daily passing through ice, rain and snow slopes.

  ② Blade Challenge: Have you ever heard of "blade overtaking" in stunt driving? In this 25-degree side slope challenge, the challenger needs to drive Haval Xiaolong MAX and use one-sided wheel to drive through the 25-degree side slope. This course mainly takes you to experience the professional chassis adjustment, front and rear independent suspension and higher strength of Haval Xiaolong MAX. It’s time to test your skills!

  (3) Walking on the flat ground: Sleeper road challenge, which simulates the bumpy road surface in daily driving. The challenger needs to drive the vehicle to the sleeper road, and the vehicle will start at zero speed. If it passes smoothly, it will be regarded as a success of the challenge. Fearless of bumps, experience the comfortable and calm driving experience brought by Haval Xiaolong MAX.

  ④ Multiple dilemmas: By simulating the comprehensive dilemma of SUV, challenge the comprehensive ability of Haval Xiaolong MAX to drive in potholes. Participants can experience Haval Xiaolong MAX’s Hi4 electric four-wheel drive, which explodes enough power to help you get out of trouble under the complex road environment in the suburbs.

  ⑤ Eye-catching: The challenger observes around the car body and accurately finds out how many induction probes Haval Xiaolong MAX has, so that it can pass the customs;

  ⑥ Keep your word: The challenger wakes up the intelligent voice system in the MAX cockpit of Haval Xiaolong, and releases 10 voice commands continuously and quickly. After the car system successfully recognizes and completes the operation, it passes through the customs;

  ⑦ "big" show: outdoor scene back row space experience, the challenger will put the Haval Xiaolong MAX seat flat and arrange the back row air cushion bed as required according to the guidelines, and pass the customs upon completion;

  In addition to the above links, this activity also brought the experience of family camping. Using Haval Xiaolong’s MAX 3.3kW external discharge function to connect electrical appliances, you can also taste drinks, punch in and take photos, and get the most special "tourist photos" in your circle of friends.

  As an all-round electric four-wheel drive new energy SUV, Haval Xiaolong MAX not only took the first ride on the new intelligent four-wheel drive electric hybrid technology Hi4 of Great Wall Motor, but also equipped with a new generation of Coffee OS smart cockpit and coffee smart driving that just completed OTA upgrade. Through millisecond-level response, intelligent voice interaction with one word and ten meanings, Hi4 electric four-wheel drive technology and wide interior size as a medium-sized SUV, it helps to challenge users to successfully complete a customs clearance experience, and the vehicle cost performance will be known after the test!

  Rich rewards, turning over the National Day file, challenging for good gifts.

  While completing the challenge, the government also brought rich rewards to friends in different degrees. After receiving VIP or SVIP cards from Harvard staff in the exhibition hall and completing the game in the field, you can get rich gifts customized by Harvard.

  In addition, this time Haval also made an unprecedented profit for car purchase. At present, ordering Haval Xiaolong MAX can enjoy the 0 yuan renewal plan, a limited purchase gift certificate from 299 yuan to 12,000 yuan, a cash expansion gift from 2,000 yuan to 8,000 yuan, and an online lottery of 10,000 yuan. Now, some subscribers have won a cash reward of 10,000 yuan, and buying a car during the activity is definitely full of value.

  This "Xiaolong Game" Haval National Electric Four-wheel Drive Talent Competition is a series of activities for more than two months, which will cover 100 cities across the country, including urban challenges in 26 cities and interactive challenges of prize-winning games in national distribution stores, rich gift awards and unprecedented interactive gameplay. Participating users will have the opportunity to be invited to participate in the year-end winter challenge finals, pay attention to the official news of Haval, and register in your city to start enjoying this "Xiaolong Game" carnival!

What should children do if they play mobile phones all day? Doctor: Parents should be clear about the "rules"

  "The child has Internet addiction, stays at home surfing the Internet all day, plays mobile phones all day long, and loses his temper when he says it. What should I do?" In the eyes of doctors, this problem is also very common.

  Yang Ying, deputy director of the Children and Adolescents Ward of Shandong Mental Health Center, said that nowadays, mobile phones have become an important way for everyone to get information. During the epidemic, they can’t meet their classmates and can only communicate on their mobile phones. There are several cases in which some children really use mobile phones as learning tools, but parents don’t trust them, thinking that they use learning as an excuse to peek and intervene from time to time. "Here, in fact, parents still make preconceived mistakes, presupposing that children can’t control themselves, don’t trust children, and cause children to resent, so they are very annoyed and lose their temper."

  There is also a situation where there are communication barriers in the family, and children don’t know what they really think. If they don’t have a place to pour out their worries, they will turn to the virtual world, which is actually a way to escape. Some children say that in fact, they don’t really want to play mobile phones, and playing mobile phones is to pass the time. Therefore, parents still have to communicate well with their children and understand their real thoughts. They can’t take coercive measures or even drop their mobile phones in a rage, which will only escalate the conflict and backfire.

  Tell your child the "rules" clearly, calmly, gently but firmly, and tell him how long to play with your mobile phone. You can jointly agree on a time period and tell your child to resolutely implement it. If not, then parents will tell your child that within two days, you have lost the right to own the mobile phone, and repeatedly and firmly tell him that this is not a punishment, but a means to help you manage yourself. For serious and real addicts, they have to go to regular medical institutions for treatment.

  Qilu Evening News Qilu Yidian reporter Zhang Ruyi

2023 World Power Battery Conference opens in Yibin

  This newspaper(Li Miao Liu Chuan, all-media reporter of Sichuan Daily) On June 9th, the 2023 World Power Battery Conference, co-sponsored by the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, opened in Yibin. Wan Gang, Vice Chairman of 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Jardot Peter, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economy of Hungary, as the guest of honor, delivered a video speech, Miao Wei, member of the Standing Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and deputy director of the Economic Commission, delivered a keynote speech, Huang Qiang, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor, delivered a welcome speech, and Xin Guobin, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Chang Qide, coordinator of the United Nations system in China delivered speeches respectively.

  On behalf of China Association for Science and Technology, Wan Gang congratulated the conference. He said that as an important part of the modern energy industry cluster, the power battery industry has become an important force to promote the global green and low-carbon transformation, and is entering a critical stage of industrial development under the new situation of accelerating the electrification transformation of automobiles and other vehicles in various countries. It is necessary to increase the research and development of the next generation power battery technology, scientifically judge the technical route, systematically solve technical problems such as key materials, new system batteries and system integration, and promote industrial application and demonstration operation. Promote the high-quality development of the whole industrial chain of new power batteries, accelerate the development of upstream mineral resources, realize the stable price and supply of key raw materials, build a symbiotic and win-win ecological circle of the whole industrial chain, and give full play to the role of power batteries in "cutting peaks and filling valleys" in the power grid. Accelerate the formulation of safety-related standards and regulations, continuously improve the technical requirements of thermal diffusion and thermal management, speed up the revision and formulation of relevant standards, strengthen regular maintenance of vehicles in use and improve the annual inspection system. Promote the green recycling and comprehensive utilization of retired batteries, establish a standardized and orderly market ecology, strengthen the construction of supervision and management system, actively explore innovative business models, and realize the market-oriented development of recycling. Adhere to high-level open cooperation, strengthen global coordination and internationalization, jointly explore the construction of low-carbon standards and management systems, and strengthen global cooperation in technological innovation, intelligent manufacturing and recycling of next-generation power batteries. It is hoped that experts, scholars, entrepreneurs and policy makers in the field of global power batteries will join hands to jointly ensure the green and low-carbon transformation of the global automobile industry and build a clean and beautiful world.

  In his speech, West Jardot Peter thanked the General Assembly for inviting Hungary as the guest of honor. He said that Hungary and China are strategic partners. Thirteen years ago, Hungary announced the policy of "opening to the east", especially encouraging China investors to take Hungary as their investment destination. In 2020, China became the largest source of foreign investment in Hungary for the first time, and it is expected to maintain this position this year, mainly because of the investment choices made by China power battery manufacturers. Thanks to the investment of a large number of power battery enterprises such as Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, the Hungarian power battery output has ranked fourth in the world, and the number of the latter will rise to the second place in the world after these investments are completed. Thanks to the trust of China investors in Hungary, we will continue to encourage China investors to expand their production capacity in Hungary or to settle new investment projects in Hungary.


  Entrusted by Jin Zhuanglong, Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Xin Guobin congratulated the conference on behalf of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. He pointed out that in recent years, China has grasped the reform trend of the automobile industry, promoted the continuous expansion of the production and sales scale of the power battery industry, effectively improved the technical level, and gradually improved the industrial ecology. The global new energy automobile industry has entered a new stage of accelerated development, which puts forward higher requirements for technological innovation, quality and performance of power batteries. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, follow the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, adhere to the principle of open cooperation and win-win, and work with relevant parties to jointly promote technological innovation of power batteries, jointly improve the stability and green development level of industrial chain supply chain, and make scientific and technological innovations better benefit people of all countries. The development of power battery cluster in Sichuan Province has begun to take shape, and the first World Power Battery Conference last year received a good response. I hope everyone can make full use of this platform and work together to promote the better and faster development of new energy vehicles and power battery industries.

  Chang Qide said that the green new power and electric vehicle exhibition will bring great changes to the world, and advanced batteries are one of the important forces to promote change. China is the world leader in innovation and production of power batteries, and Sichuan is an important production center, in which Yibin plays a key role. The United Nations system in China will actively build a platform, gather sustainable development partners, and help the electric vehicle reform and environmental protection in China to advance simultaneously.

  At about 11: 50, Wan Gang, Miao Wei, Huang Qiang, Xin Guobin and Hungarian Ambassador to China Bertie jointly launched the opening ceremony of the 2023 World Power Battery Conference. Before the opening ceremony, Wan Gang, Miao Wei, Huang Qiang and Xin Guobin also visited the exhibition booths of power batteries and new energy vehicles in Yibin International Convention and Exhibition Center.

  The theme of this conference is "green new power, new kinetic energy in the world". Zheng Bei, Vice Governor, presided over the opening ceremony. Zeng Yuqun, Chairman of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited New Energy Technology Company, and Qiu Xiandong, General Manager of China FAW Group, delivered keynote speeches respectively. Liu Liang, Director of Changjiang Waterway Bureau of the Ministry of Transport, and representatives of 13 provinces and cities in the Yangtze River system jointly issued the "Electrified Yangtze River" initiative. Torre Secknes, head of the European Battery Union, and representatives of some domestic industry associations and leading enterprises jointly issued the consensus on "global integrated development" of the power battery industry.

  Provincial leaders Zhu Jiade and Xie Shanghua, representatives of relevant national delegations in Chengdu and Chongqing, academicians of the two academies, responsible comrades of state ministries and commissions and brother provinces and cities, and guests from well-known enterprises, universities, research institutions and industry organizations at home and abroad attended the opening ceremony.