"Silent Witness" premieres in Hong Kong, with Ren Xianqi playing the role of gangsters beating Zhang Jiahui

group photo of the main creator

1905 movie network news Starring Zhang Jiahui, Yang Zi, and Ren Xianqi, as the opening film of the 43rd Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF), it officially appeared at the "2019 Media Asia Film Conference" on March 18. Director Renee Haring and actors Zhang Jiahui, Ren Xianqi, Guo Jin’an, Wu Zhuoxi, and Chen Jiale attended to introduce the characters and share the behind-the-scenes stories.

"Silent Witness" debuts at the Hong Kong Film Festival

On the tour, Zhang Jiahui, Ren Xianqi and Chen Jiale, who appeared first, showed up with bone pliers and two Christmas masks respectively to attract the audience’s curiosity. For the first time as a forensic doctor, Zhang Jiahui introduced that bone pliers are forensic tools, and this shooting requires a lot of forensic expertise. In addition to many hand-to-hand fights with the villain Ren Xianqi, this role mainly relies on wisdom. This time, Ren Xianqi, who played the villain with a Santa mask, said that Zhang Jiahui was a "gentle man", ridiculed himself as the leader of the bandits, and beat Zhang Jiahui violently like a "bad boy fight" to amuse the audience. On the tour, Ren Xianqi also said that the last time he worked with Zhang Jiahui was in 2004. After 15 years, they worked together again. The action scenes between the two were punched to the flesh, and everyone was beaten to the ground by three gangsters, which was very exciting. When talking about the action scenes of the movie, Ren Xianqi also said that "the movie has the spirit of Hong Kong action movies, and I hope everyone will support it more." When it comes to the role of another gangster, Chen Jiale said that the director hoped that the role would be worse, so wearing a mask also tapped into his "bad" side. Zhang Jiahui joked that "so many girls like you."

Ren Xianqi Zhang Jiahui

In addition, Guo Jin’an and Wu Zhuoxi, who are specially starred in the film, also appeared at the press conference. As a well-known TVB actor, Guo Jin’an admitted that he rarely makes movies, and he is very honored to make Hollywood movies. Wu Zhuoxi, who also plays a police officer, also said that he "cherishes making movies with Hollywood directors, Brother Jiahui and Brother Qi, and hopes to have the opportunity to continue filming." As a brand-new crime action film, "Silent Witness" has attracted not only many crime action film fans, but also the attention of ordinary audiences. After watching, many viewers commented that "the plot is tense, and it is very cool to watch, and Yang Zi is very pleasantly surprised." "I rarely see this kind of forensic crime action film. It is very novel, and the plot is also full of suspense. It is worth watching." "Anti-killing is very hard-core. Zhang Jiahui’s forensic doctor is calm and meticulous. Yang Zi is deeply impressed by the play, and Ren Xianqi’s villain is also very brilliant."

The movie "Silent Witness" is produced by Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. and Media Asia Film Production Co., Ltd., telling the story of forensic doctor Chen Jiahao (Zhang Jiahui) and intern forensic doctor Qiao Lin (Yang Zi) inadvertently playing a series of life-and-death games with three bandits led by Santa (Ren Xianqi) one night.

[Pudong] Lixi Middle School: Gathering "Cloud Teaching and Research" Shows "Depth" Empowering "Online Teaching" Full of "Temperature" – Week 7 Online In-depth Teaching and Research Activities of the S

In order to further implement the practice and research of the "New Teaching and Research for Core Literacy" project of the Teaching and Research Office of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, use teaching and research as a support system to promote the implementation of core literacy, actively explore new concepts and new paths for teachers’ professional development under the background of "double new" and "double reduction", focus on the important and difficult issues of students’ learning in the practice of "online teaching", ensure the quality of online education and teaching, and lead and support the orderly and efficient development of online teaching activities. From March 28 to April 2, 2022 (7th week), the teaching and research groups of various disciplines of Shanghai Lixi Middle School carried out cloud teaching and research activities aimed at moving towards "in-depth teaching and research".


Collect problems · Focus on problems · Solve problems

Under the organization of Teacher Pan Fanjie, the Chinese teaching and research group conducted "Learning Interpretation of the Task List of in-depth teaching and research activities" and "Online teaching problems and experiences" to exchange and share. Before the teaching and research activities, the Chinese teaching and research group collected the actual problems of the teachers through questionnaires, which enhanced the pertinence of the activities and discussions; the technical experts in the group demonstrated the basic operation methods of the two main modes of online classroom and video conference for everyone, solving the technical confusion of some teachers.

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Poly salary to promote teaching, innovation to promote learning, and focus on promoting research

The mathematics teaching and research group carried out online teaching and research under the organization of Mr. Shen Xiaqing. Teachers actively used online classrooms to enhance effective interaction between teachers and students; used class simulcast to increase healthy competition in classes; used small videos to help students extend classroom knowledge; used "face-to-face teachers" resources to supplement classroom knowledge. The team members also focused on teaching practical issues such as "answer efficiency", "identical homework" and "teaching time" for in-depth discussions.

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Content integration, resource sharing, path unification

Under the organization of Mr. Min Liping, the English teaching and research group shared the experience and experience of online teaching of each lesson preparation group. Give more flexibility to the teaching progress, integrate and sort out knowledge according to the important and difficult points of teaching; try to use small functions to make online classroom interaction forms diverse; real-time unified progress, share teaching resources, find problems and solve problems at any time; adhere to the teaching path of "resource utilization – technology application – clear focus – homework implementation – tutoring follow-up".

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What to learn · How to learn · How to learn

The physics teaching and research group held a discussion under the organization of teacher Xu Jianjun. The group reached a consensus: to shift from standardizing teachers’ "teaching" to focusing on students’ "learning"; to give full play to the interactive function of online classrooms, adjust the rhythm of the classroom, and with the help of a caring tutor group, set up an online learning group to guide students to record problem-solving videos and mobilize students’ subjective initiative. Teacher Wu Yaozhong, a teaching and researcher, affirmed the teachers’ online teaching strategies and methods, and put forward valuable suggestions for follow-up teaching. Principal Zhu Guohua recognized the standardization and effectiveness of online teaching, and hoped that the teachers of the physics group would continue to work hard, overcome difficulties, break through themselves, and achieve great results.

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Resource Sharing · Plan Symbiosis · Technology Sharing

The chemistry teaching and research group held a seminar under the organization of Mr. Zhang Liou. First, unified progress to realize the sharing of teaching resources within the group; second, discuss the review plan for the next stage, and the special topic review needs to be adjusted to increase teacher-student interaction. Exercise students’ problem-solving ability and do a good job in the training of excellence; third, the members of the group introduced the online class equipment and teaching methods, and recommended successful experiences, such as the use of touch screen pens, pad handwriting functions, and the assistance of digital pads, which can make the dynamic presentation of the classroom richer.

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Standard demonstration · Clear explanation · Effective interaction

The physical education teaching and research group held a seminar under the organization of Mr. Wang Zhong. Members of the group believe that for online teaching, teachers should interact more with students, ask students to strengthen exercise and improve physical fitness; they should pay attention to the psychological state of students, grasp the characteristics of physical exercise, do a good job of demonstration, explain clearly, alleviate students’ bad emotions caused by epidemic isolation, and stimulate students’ love for sports.

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Information Technology

Unified progress · Optimized strategy · Sharing experience

The information technology teaching and research group held a seminar under the organization of Mr. Wei Lan. The members of the group unified the teaching progress and optimized the solution strategies for teaching problems; shared each member’s online teaching experience and learned from each other’s strengths and weaknesses; in addition, the teachers discussed the research tasks of the interdisciplinary in-depth teaching and research project together.

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Integrate resources, focus on results, and meet needs

The interdisciplinary teaching and research group held a seminar activity under the organization of Mr. Wang Hui. Members shared the specific situation of online teaching. Combined with their own materials, compare the content of the air class, adopt a self-teaching mode, and ask questions and interact in the form of online multiple-choice questions; interdisciplinary teaching adopts the method of geography special topic module teaching; make better preparations than offline teaching, design a "learning task list", and pay full attention to students’ "learning"; the group shares learning materials from time to time to meet the needs of students at different levels.

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Dao law

Fixed form · Selected content · Focus on process

The Taoist teaching and research group carried out seminar activities under the organization of Mr. Huang Wei. In terms of teaching form, it currently takes the form of multi-class live broadcast; in terms of teaching content, according to the requirements of the high school entrance examination question type, select, refine, and concentrate on homework questions, which are expensive "fine" and not expensive "too much"; students’ homework should also be selected and carefully approved, and the thinking and ability training of reviewing and solving problems should be strengthened; in the teaching process, attention should be paid to students’ participation and follow-up Q & A services.

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Orderly advancement · Thematic sorting · Path guidance

The history teaching and research group carried out research activities under the organization of Teacher Zheng Lili. History is divided into two grades. The first grade mainly solves progress problems; the second grade mainly solves special review problems. Based on the sorting out of the knowledge points of the textbook, the mind map is used to help students sort out the internal logical relationship; focusing on the normative guidance of problem-solving, teachers need to form a certain guidance of answering methods, select and refine, and refine.

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Problem Exploration · Strategy Exploration · Technology Exploration

The art teaching and research group held a seminar in the form of two groups of art and music under the organization of two teachers, Fu Wenshou and Xie Chong. The teachers of the art group discussed the problems and solutions encountered in the online class, and shared methods to reduce the difficulty of teaching technology; the teachers of the music group focused on "Exploration of the implementation strategies of teaching design in small and micro units – taking the sixth grade’National Flower Garden ‘unit as an example" to conduct a seminar on teaching design, and took "Yao Dance Music" as an example to discuss and explore the application of educational technology in online teaching.

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"Water accumulates and fish gather, wood is lush and birds gather." In response to online teaching in the context of the epidemic, the teachers of the teaching and research groups of various disciplines in the school are think tank support groups, problem diagnosticians, and strategy analysts. Work together to increase efficiency, wait for the cloud, and use collective wisdom and team strength to help the teaching work advance steadily and promote in-depth teaching and research to achieve practical results. When we click the mouse, we also click on spring; when we link students, we also link the future. Let us welcome spring and walk towards the sun with courage and hope!

How long can BYD Han battery last?


How long is the service life of BYD Han battery?

The battery life of BYD Han can reach about eight to ten years, but the specific life will be affected by the driving habits of the owner and many factors. It is recommended to replace the battery after driving about 1 million kilometers. Correct use and maintenance skills are helpful to prolong the service life of batteries. Byd Han is a medium-sized and large-sized car with a body size of 4950mm, 1890mm, 1490mm and a wheelbase of 2940 mm. In terms of configuration, it is equipped with ACC adaptive cruise, electric suction door, head-up display, parallel line assistance, lane keeping assistance and inductive opening of trunk. In terms of power, BYD Han is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system and a 6-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox.

In February, Celeste new energy vehicles increased by 360% year-on-year. Aito asked the world to win the monthly sales champion of new forces.

  On March 1st, Cyrus Group Co., Ltd. (601127.SH hereinafter referred to as "Cyrus") released the February production and sales express. The data shows that in February, the sales volume of Sailis new energy vehicles reached 30,257, a year-on-year increase of 360.04%; From January to February, 2024, the sales volume of Celeste new energy vehicles totaled 67,095 vehicles, up 485.37% year-on-year.

  In February, 2024, AITO asked the whole department to deliver 21,142 new cars, AITO asked the new M7 to deliver 18,479 cars in a single month, with a cumulative delivery of more than 100,000 cars. The cumulative delivery of the M7 in the asking sector was set to exceed 150,000 cars, leading the first monthly sales list of new forces in China market with absolute advantage, creating a new record for the sales of single cars of China automobile brands.

  Cyrus ranks among the top five luxury brands in the world.

  Since the beginning of this year, AITO has shown sustained upward momentum. According to the data, from January 1st to February 18th, 2024, Celestial World ranked among the top five luxury brands in China market with a cumulative sales volume of 46,200 vehicles. It is worth mentioning that in the sales list of the fourth week of February (February 19-February 25), Celestial World ranked among the TOP3 luxury brands with a weekly sales volume of 7,200 vehicles, beating the traditional luxury cars Audi and Mercedes-Benz, second only to Tesla and BMW, becoming the highest ranked China brand in the luxury brand list.

  On February 26th, the nationwide delivery of Celestial M9 was fully launched, and over 100 cities officially ushered in large-scale delivery. As the latest product jointly built by Celestial Automobile and Huawei for three years, Celestial M9 has been well recognized by users, and it has exceeded 50,000 vehicles in 62 days since its listing. In addition, all versions of AITO Wujie M5/ New M7 have also started to speed up delivery, and the car can be delivered in 2-4 weeks at the earliest. It is reported that at present, Sailis has more than 700 experience centers and more than 200 user centers in 220 cities, bringing users a better product and service experience.

  Super factory completed and put into use institutions continue to be optimistic

  On February 5th, Sailis Auto Super Factory was completed and put into use. It is built in accordance with international leading standards and industrial Internet requirements, and has four characteristics of high efficiency, intelligence, cutting-edge and green, which has become a new benchmark for China new energy automobile intelligent manufacturing factory. The factory has more than 3,000 robots intelligently cooperating to realize 100% automation of key processes; Use the industry’s first quality automation testing technology to achieve 100% quality monitoring traceability; Through the world’s leading 9000T die casting machine, the highest integration among integrated die casting parts is realized; At the same time, it also achieved the highest production efficiency in the world.

  Zhang Xinghai, chairman (founder) of Celestial Group, said: "The M9 is a high-end luxury boutique model that we have built with our heart, adhering to the tenet of’ taking users as the center and serving users wholeheartedly’. We will continue to iterate and improve, improve at the fastest speed, and meet the needs of all users as much as possible. Let the high-end be higher, the luxury be more luxurious, and the intelligence be smarter! "

  Many institutional research reports are also optimistic about the future market performance of Celestial M9. Huaxin Securities Research Report pointed out that at present, the M9 has been delivered, and the new model is expected to continue to exert its strength. According to the latest research report of Founder Securities, with the increasing proportion of sales in AITO’s brand after the production capacity of M9 climbs, the volume and price of Cyrus are driven upward in Shuang Sheng, and it is expected that the profit contribution of models will turn a profit in June 2024 at the earliest, and the profit cycle will be started in the third quarter of 2024.

2023 Dragon Bomb 256,800 yuan listed Great Wall Gun Super Pickup lineup stunning appearance at Chongqing Auto Show.

On June 10th, 2023 new product launch conference was launched in Chongqing International Automobile Exhibition in 2023. Two series of new models, guns with guns and bombs, were unveiled at the auto show. Heavyweight modifications were made to create 2023 dragon bombs, 2023 passenger guns of global smart luxury pickup trucks and 2023 commercial guns of global smart luxury commercial pickup trucks, which showed their hard-core strength.

Heavyweight modification to create the ultimate experience of 2023 dragon bullet hard-core off-road

Great Wall Gun insists on taking users as the center and will carry out co-creation to the end. This auto show brought a customized model named Desert King 2023 Dragon Bomb jointly created by Great Wall Gun and Yuanda Shelby, which was another heavyweight modified model created by Great Wall Gun after it hatched a series of bomb products that users loved, such as black bombs, dragon bombs and fire bombs.

The official guide price of the 2023 Dragon Bomb is 256,800 yuan, which can be ordered through the Great Wall Gun APP. The top 200 users of the Dragon Bomb have the right to give away the anti-roll frame, which is the ultimate hard-core off-road.

This performance beast combines the spirit of cross-country racing with the Great Wall Gun, which also contains powerful genes, and is committed to providing the ultimate experience for top pickup players in terms of appearance, performance, power and configuration.

The design is domineering and wild. The front face design of "rattlesnake" has more visual attack power; "Wings of Vultures" competitive wheel eyebrows and sharp-edged shapes are more suitable for the adjusted wheel track of 1738mm; At the same time, there are "Baha ‘i fanatic" competitive front and rear bars, and the approach angle and departure angle of the whole vehicle are increased to 32/23, all of which reflect the dragon bomb’s enthusiastic pursuit of competition.

Off-road performance has been comprehensively improved. The 2023 Dragon Bomb is equipped with 285/70R17 Bailuchi KO2 tires and KMC wheels, which has better passability, smoother turning stability; K-man high-performance shock absorber, 8-stage damping adjustable, based on the user’s various road conditions, to ensure comfort without losing off-road fun.

In addition, the whole vehicle is raised by 1.5 inches, and the chassis of the model has been modified and strengthened to improve off-road capability and cope with multi-environment and complex terrain and road conditions, and it is compatible with the comfort of urban roads, retaining the original excellent design concept and giving players the confidence to go wild if they want to.

The momentum is invincible. The 2023 Dragon Bomb is equipped with 2.0T+8AT part-time 4wd power system, which responds to the outdoor off-road demand at any time, adopts high-power engine, and the maximum net power is increased to 160kW and the maximum net torque is increased to 380N·m, so it can easily cope with the outdoor complex terrain and wading through mountains and rivers.

Luxury technology is within reach. Simple horizontal extension cockpit design, immersive outdoor comfort zone; At the same time, it adopts the brand-new 7-inch instrument +12.3-inch Zhilian large screen double suspension design to provide high-end luxury driving experience for hardcore players.

The arrival of the 2023 Dragon Bullet, a heavyweight modified model, will once again lead the off-road trend of pickup trucks, and together with more hard-core players who love off-road, create the story of ultimate conquest in the vast world!

Brand upgrade in an all-round way Great Wall gun category evolution

As the leader of pickup trucks, Great Wall pickup trucks ranked first in sales for 25 years in a row, with global cumulative sales exceeding 2 million, and its market share exceeding 50% from January to May in 2023. Great Wall Gun has been on the market for more than three years, with a cumulative sales volume of over 10,000 in 33 months, ranking first in the domestic pickup truck market and becoming the first high-end pickup truck brand in China to break through 450,000 units.

Great Wall Gun insists on category innovation to promote market expansion and continuously enhance category value. At present, the brand of Great Wall Gun has been upgraded in an all-round way, and it has evolved into two categories: passenger leisure and fashion business.

The passenger leisure category covers medium-sized, large-sized and full-size pickups in an all-round way, and is committed to meeting the diversified and personalized needs of users, improving the quality of life of users around the world, and empowering pickup trucks to be culturally upward. Fashion business goods focus on building compact and medium-sized pickup trucks, and are committed to building a car of value and people’s livelihood for thousands of industries, helping users to have good business and a better life!

The global champion strength of intelligent luxury pickup truck is upgraded again.

The Great Wall Gun redefines the pickup truck, endows it with riding value, and initiates a new era of riding and globalization of pickup trucks in China. The global smart luxury pickup truck-2023 passenger gun, which was unveiled at this auto show, is a new and upgraded Great Wall gun with advanced strength and smarter! More luxurious! Safer! More comfortable!

The official guide price of 2023 passenger gun gasoline model is 126,800-159,800 yuan, and the official guide price of diesel model is 133,800-166,800 yuan. At the same time, car buyers will also enjoy five major gifts: financial gift, replacement gift, interconnection gift, service gift and recommendation gift. The sincerity of increasing the allocation and not increasing the price is full!

The 2023 passenger gun, built on the world’s leading intelligent professional off-road platform, has been tested in 76 kinds of global roads and extreme environments such as "extremely cold, extremely hot and plateau", with a test mileage of over 6 million kilometers and leading technical performance at the same level. It also continues to evolve in terms of higher intelligence. The driving control is upgraded to L2+ intelligent driving assistance level, equipped with a new generation of vehicle networking, and supports remote vehicle control. It is the first of its kind to be equipped with a fully automatic parking system, freeing hands and getting it done with one button.??

In order to fully meet the needs of users, the 2023 passenger gun strives to create a new luxury technology experience, adopting a brand-new exquisite technology wind interior, with a large-area soft coating, a 7-inch color LCD instrument+a 12.3-inch Zhilian touch screen double suspension design, and a laser carving process luminous decorative board, which is bursting with technology. Large storage boxes are added on the left and right sides of the dashboard to increase storage space, leading the same level.

At the same time, the 2023 passenger gun is also designed with armor-level safety protection, with 6 airbags, 14 radars, high-strength door anti-collision beam, high-strength cage body, etc., to ensure the safety of the owner to the maximum extent; Highly integrated body stability system, with multiple functions such as rollover prevention, up and down slope assistance, dynamic direction stability, etc. Ultra-practical low-speed emergency braking, front and rear collision warning and other functions are all available to protect every step of the trip.

In terms of comfort, the 2023 passenger gun is comparable to the SUV of the same class. Equipped with 2.0T+8AT gold power combination, matching five-bar rear suspension and TOD intelligent four-wheel drive, as well as upgrading four-door one-button lifting & anti-pinch & automatic window closing, 50W wireless fast charging and other intimate equipment, making travel convenient and efficient; Equipped with the first hidden container boarding pedal in China, it is convenient and comfortable to get on and off. In addition, the passenger gun comes with the electronic lock of the container, which is really worry-free and reliable.

The 2023 passenger gun can also realize multi-purpose of one car and expand diverse life. The original factory has its own towing qualification, which can tow RV, Luya boat, motorcycle, etc. A number of refitting interfaces and original car switches are reserved to meet the diverse refitting needs of users.

The arrival of the 2023 passenger gun will once again break through the traditional cognition of Chinese people on pickup trucks, lead the value of pickup trucks in China to jump upward, and let everyone who loves life live a vast and amazing life.

Five strengths of global smart luxury commercial pickup trucks are renewed

Great Wall Gun is the best pickup truck in China, constantly setting a new record for pickup trucks in China! Among them, commercial guns have won the trust of thousands of users by virtue of their superior product strength, ranking first in the sales of single models in the pickup truck market in China.

At present, standing at the starting point of the new era, commercial guns are renewed and upgraded again! Global intelligent luxury pickup truck-2023 commercial gun has become the preferred business partner and intelligent assistant of business elites in the new era with five leading strengths of "super enjoyment of driving, super power, super safety, super load bearing and super ingenuity", which is safer, more comfortable, more worry-free and more efficient!

The official guide price of 2023 commercial gun gasoline models is 99,800 yuan-135,800 yuan, and the official guide price of diesel models is 106,800 yuan-142,800 yuan; In addition, car buyers can also enjoy four gifts: financial gift, replacement gift, service gift and recommendation gift! Great value for money!

Super enjoy driving, smart and comfortable. The front face of the 2023 commercial gun is completely refreshed, with a large area of V-shaped mesh matrix mesh, which is fashionable in atmosphere; The brand-new upgrade of the interior, smart floating screen design, 12.3-inch Zhilian large screen blessing, large-area soft material coating, etc., will surely trigger a comprehensive benchmarking follow-up by friends; There are also high-level intelligent equipment such as keyless entry+one-button start, automatic parking, electric sunroof, automatic headlights, and a new generation of intelligent car networking, which supports AI intelligent voice, vehicle remote control, FOTA wireless upgrade, online map, smart parking and other functions. The technology is convenient. You can also send and receive WeChat, brush Tik Tok, K songs, etc., with rich entertainment functions.

Super power, surging and reliable. Equipped with 2.0T "China Heart" top ten engines, the power of gasoline and diesel reaches 70kW/L and 60kW/L, which is powerful. Together with 6MT/8AT transmission, it forms a golden power combination, which is more powerful, more economical, more environmentally friendly and more reliable. The shift at the same level is the smoothest and the response speed is the fastest. Equipped with Borgwarner electronic control part-time 4wd, it is easy to operate and fearless of all rugged road conditions on the road to wealth creation.

Super safe, guarding all the way. Commercial guns have benchmark-level safety equipment. In terms of active safety, the whole system comes standard with ESP, integrating brake assistance, traction control, uphill assistance, steep slope descent and other functions. At the same time, it is equipped with right front blind spot monitoring, tire pressure monitoring and other configurations, and it is optional to install a 360-view system with megapixels to prevent accidents to the maximum extent. In terms of passive safety, it is equipped with four airbags, and the proportion of high-strength steel in the whole vehicle is as high as 48%. The high-strength cage body, high-strength door anti-collision beam, automatic collision unlocking and automatic fuel cut-off ensure the safety of users in all directions.

Super bearing capacity, high efficiency and convenience. Great Wall is the first enterprise to apply the passenger car standard to pickup trucks. No matter the design, manufacture and production are made according to the passenger car standard, the body is made of galvanized sheet, and the salt spray test lasts for more than 1000 hours. The chassis is made of high-strength trapezoidal frame and leaf spring, which leads the same level in bearing capacity. Only by loading more can you earn more! Standard metal anti-roll frame, effectively protecting vehicle safety, adding external rope hook, making it more convenient to fix items; Equipped with metal chassis guard, it is easy to deal with all kinds of bumpy roads on the road to wealth creation. The original factory has its own traction qualification to expand diverse lives.

Excellent ingenuity and convenient service. Great Wall Gun is not only a leading product, but also a benchmark in the industry. Great Wall pickup truck has the most complete sales and service system of pickup truck brand, with 2000+ sales and service outlets nationwide, which is more convenient for sales and service, and provides 24-hour rescue service, which is trusted by millions of users.

The arrival of the 2023 commercial gun will empower the pickup truck to make a breakthrough in commercial value, and create a better future together with thousands of new era strugglers in Qian Qian!

Great Wall Gun continues to make great efforts in category innovation, and constantly meets the diversified car demand of users with a more excellent product experience. In the future, the Great Wall Gun will continue to fully evolve into two categories: passenger leisure and fashion business. The global product layout of the Great Wall Gun will achieve full lineup, full scene and full price coverage.

The king of pickup trucks has a worldwide reputation. The Great Wall Gun will continue to lead the pickup truck culture in China to upgrade and make pickup trucks really popular.

Luo Xiang, a professor of law, spoke for Volvo to see how Volvo XC60 came out of the circle.

A series of seemingly jokes, such as "Can I fight back after being chased by a panda", are serious legal issues. The impression that the UP owner left on the Internet was "indecent", but in fact, we learned a lot of serious legal knowledge in this "indecent".

This big shot was born in China University of Political Science and Law, and he was an inaugural professor. He was also a well-known lecturer in the criminal law of Houda Law Examination in academic circles at that time, and he was famous in the legal field. Previously, this time, the professor was serious, speaking for Volvo cars and telling everyone about Amway cars. So what strength does Volvo have to make this "not serious" professor suddenly serious? Pass next.
get away
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To illustrate the contrast.

Both cars are the best among medium-sized luxury brand SUVs. As a typical representative of Nordic luxury, Volvo has a large audience in the domestic market. Volvo XC60 has a lot of powder for its super-high face value, super-high safety and power.

First of all, at the design level, the unique air intake grille on the front face of the new Volvo XC60 is integrated into the new bumper design, making the whole face more impactful. Straight waterfall chrome plating, LED
The design of headlights and Viking axe taillights endows them with solid and delicate workmanship. The front of Audi Q5L adopts the traditional family design, and the front face style has entered the aesthetic fatigue period. On the whole, Volvo XC60 wins in novelty and visual impact.

Secondly, in terms of performance, both Volvo XC60 and Audi Q5L are equipped with 2.0T engines, but after entering the electrification era, the power system has also been adjusted accordingly. Volvo XC60 adds a 48V hybrid system on the basis of 2.0T, which has faster dynamic response and no sense of frustration at the beginning. And according to the book data given by official website, Volvo XC60 is also better than

Finally, on the safety level, Volvo’s safety performance can be said to be engraved in the brand gene. Since the car was built, Volvo has always put safety first. I saw a video of a Volvo XC60 stacked car before. In the video, seven cars were vertically stacked on each other, and the Volvo XC60 at the bottom of the car took on all the weight. The scene looked spectacular, and the strong safety was perfectly reflected in the Volvo XC60! At this point, Audi Q5L may only be discouraged in front of Volvo.

In the highly competitive automobile market, the strong are like a cloud, and if they don’t advance, they will retreat. Perhaps it is because of its extraordinary strength and determination to forge ahead with the enterprise that law professors can take a fancy to Volvo!

Promote the high-quality development of the city’s care for the next generation! The working meeting of the city’s working Committee was held

Following the announcement on March 29th that the price of Zhiji L7 Pro was 408,800 yuan, this time, Zhiji Automobile announced the configuration and price of Zhiji L7 Dynamic for 368,800 yuan.

At the press conference, Zhiji Automobile announced the record of Zhiji L7 drifting continuously for 1 hour, 6 minutes, 258 laps and 43.646 kilometers.

Zhiji L7 has the power comparable to that of a 4.0T engine, and the zero-acceleration performance of the whole vehicle for more than 10 consecutive times has no attenuation. At the same time, based on the high-density energy battery, the four-wheel drive version has a cruising range of 615km CLTC, which meets daily travel.

Zhiji L7 ran into the "3-second acceleration club" with the measured result of 3.87s acceleration of 000 km. Zhiji L7 has a length of more than 5 meters and a wheelbase of 3.1 meters, and can achieve an ultra-small turning radius of 5.4 meters. Zhiji L7 adopts electric four-wheel vector drive technology, and the rear wheel can achieve a super steering angle of 12 in both directions, which can realize the intelligent adjustment of "virtual wheelbase" under different working conditions.

According to reports, in terms of performance configuration, Zhiji L7 Dynamic is equipped with 400V voltage power density, straight waterfall cooling oil gallery design, innovative technology of 8-layer Hair-pin flat wire winding and magnesium alloy shell. Zhiji L7 cooperated with Williams Foresight Engineering Team to test and adjust 108 chassis indexes and software parameters in two rounds at Millbrook proving ground in England.

Zhiji Auto founded the "Clean Taste Workshop", allowing users of Zhiji L7 Dynamic to enjoy the clean taste space 180 days in advance. Zhiji L7 Dynamic has 9 double-deck sound insulation glass, equipped with silent tires and silent motors, to create a quiet driving cabin. At the same time, its intelligent audio-visual system has a 1120W power amplifier and customized software algorithms, which can create a real and highly restored stereo field and create an ethereal sound field by immersive audio-visual. Zhiji L7′ s "huge immersive intelligent scene screen" that can be lifted automatically can enter the "sound, light and electricity global immersive super-running mode" with one button.

AITO asks M5 Smart Driving Edition for limited time: 18,000 yuan for purchasing HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-end smart driving bag at half price during the year.

On June 28th, AITO Automobile announced today that the price of purchasing HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-end smart driving package at one time is 18,000 yuan, and the limited-time promotion will end on December 31st, 2023!

Yu Chengdong said that after the OTA upgrade in July, the intelligent driving function of urban NCA will be opened in five cities, namely, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing and Hangzhou. In the third quarter of this year, the urban NCA that does not rely on high-precision maps will land in 15 cities, and will increase to 45 cities in the fourth quarter.

At the 2023 Huawei Smart Car Solution Conference held in April this year, Huawei released ADS 2.0, a high-level intelligent driving system, which officially declared that "people drive safer and make smart driving easier".

According to reports, Huawei’s advanced intelligent driving system ADS 2.0 buys out 36,000 yuan at one time, and subscribes to 720 yuan for 7,200 yuan every year and every month. The four highlights of IT House are as follows:

1, safety leading generation:

ADS 2.0 is equipped with the industry’s first laser fusion GOD network, which is more accurate in obstacle identification and safe and smooth even in complex traffic scenes.

2, the high-speed is more assured, and the urban area is more comfortable:

ADS 2.0 optimizes the high-speed experience. After the optimization, the average manual takeover mileage is increased from 100km to 200km, and it is easy to cope with up and down ramps and channel obstacle avoidance.

3, with or without pictures can open:

The NCA intelligent driving pilot equipped with ADS 2.0 can cover 90% of urban scenes, and can be opened with or without maps.

4. Smart parking can be parked when it is visible:

The performance and scene of intelligent parking are further improved. With the assistance of AVP parking service and 360 full range obstacle perception blessing, intelligent parking can be carried out across the ground, underground parking lots and mechanical parking spaces.

Huawei’s advanced intelligent driving system ADS 2.0 will be launched by AITO’s M5 advanced intelligent driving version, and has been adapted to the full range of Aouita 11 and the new Hi version of Extreme Fox Alfa S.

Huawei’s advanced intelligent driving system ADS 2.0 is available in three versions: basic package, advanced package and advanced package. Details are as follows:

Huawei advanced intelligent driving system ADS 2.0 basic package: active safety assistance, adaptive cruise assistance and 360 panoramic view;

Huawei advanced intelligent driving system ADS 2.0 advanced package: high-speed lane cruise assistance, high-speed intelligent driving navigation assistance, urban lane cruise assistance, intelligent parking assistance and remote parking assistance;

Advanced package of Huawei’s advanced intelligent driving system ADS 2.0: urban intelligent driving navigation assistance, urban lane cruise assistance enhancement and parking service assistance.

It is reported that AITO Wenjie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition is the first model equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-order intelligent driving system, equipped with an overhead laser radar, three millimeter-wave radars, 11 high-definition cameras and 12 ultrasonic radars, superimposed with new antenna technology, which doubles the signal and takes the lead in realizing high-speed and urban high-order intelligent driving functions independent of high-precision maps.

According to the official, Huawei’s ADS 2.0 intelligent driving system has achieved a major breakthrough in understanding various road elements such as roads and traffic lights even without high-precision maps, making driving more intelligent, safer and more reliable.

According to the official introduction, the newly upgraded Huawei ADS 2.0 has the industry’s first GOD network with laser fusion. Through the perception of multi-sensor fusion such as laser radar, millimeter wave radar and camera, special-shaped obstacles can also be identified. The average manual takeover mileage has increased from 100km to 200km;; NCA intelligent driving navigation can cover 90% of urban scenes; With the assistance of AVP parking service and 360 full range obstacle perception blessing, intelligent parking can be carried out across the ground, underground parking lots and mechanical parking spaces, supporting intelligent parking of up to 160 parking spaces.

Great Wall Gun Beijing Auto Show Brush C-position, set up a new pickup order by going to sea ecologically!

At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, the Great Wall Gun, the leader of pickup trucks in China, occupied an absolute C position: the 2.4T Great Wall Gun, a "global high-performance pickup truck", officially opened for pre-sale, and the pre-sale price of the 2.4T passenger gun was 148,800 yuan; The pre-sale price of commercial gun 2.4T is 126,800-138,800 yuan. In addition, the high-end luxury off-road new energy pickup truck, Shanhai Gun Hi4-T, was unveiled at the same time, bringing more power, more complete scenes and extremely reliable benchmark car experience.

Since 2019, the Great Wall Gun was born, which triggered the upgrade revolution of pickup truck market in China. Every time a new product is launched, it will quickly become popular in the market, thus boosting industrial upgrading. This year’s Beijing Auto Show, the new car of Great Wall Gun is heavy, what kind of vitality can it inject into the future market?

First of all, sales at home and abroad will be boosted by "fuel". According to the latest data, Great Wall pickup trucks sold 17,569 vehicles worldwide in March, accounting for nearly 50% of the domestic market; From January to March, a total of 43,495 new pickups were sold. Great Wall pickup trucks sold 3,440 vehicles overseas in March, a year-on-year increase of 25%. From January to March, the cumulative export volume of Great Wall pickup trucks reached 10,414 vehicles, up 19% year-on-year. In China, the Great Wall pickup truck has written the myth that "the domestic terminal market share is nearly 50%"; Overseas, the Great Wall pickup truck has maintained the leading position in export sales of China pickup truck brand with a high-spirited attitude. After the follow-up power of this impressive sales volume is added with the most powerful diesel pickup truck within 200,000 in China-the Great Wall Gun 2.4T model and the optimal solution of new energy pickup truck-the Shanhai Gun Hi4-T, the global sales volume of the Great Wall Gun will be "opened" again.

In addition, Shanhai Gun Hi4-T and its brother model Shanhai Gun HEV are the top three swords in the world. "Great Wall Cannon, China Cannon and Global Cannon", with the continuous innovation in pickup truck categories, the models that closely fit various scenes and take into account the whole scene are constantly enriched and upgraded. Great Wall Cannon has improved Chinese people’s understanding of pickup truck categories and led the industry’s passenger, high-end, intelligent and diversified development. At the same time, its overseas popularity and influence are increasing day by day, and it has been listed in more than 50 countries on four continents around the world and won the annual awards in Australia, South America and South Africa. With the new energy becoming the general trend of global pickup truck development, Great Wall Gun stands out in the world by virtue of its technological and innovative advantages, and the speed of globalization is becoming increasingly obvious, which is also the most proud thing of China’s pickup truck manufacturing industry!

Like a bamboo, globalization is speeding up.

In March, at the 2024 Bangkok International Auto Show in Thailand, the Great Wall Shanhai Cannon HEV, which was positioned as the "new first-class smart pickup truck", officially opened for pre-sale, becoming the first new energy pickup truck product in Thailand’s auto market, and won the Best Commercial HEV Model Award from the Auto Show Organizing Committee in 2024.

In Thailand, pickup trucks are indispensable to people’s lives, and half of new car sales come from pickup trucks every year, forming a culture of using cars in the whole scene. However, in Thailand, China pickup truck is actually facing great challenges if it wants to gain a foothold in the market. Japanese auto giants have long occupied a dominant position, and the established market barriers is like a steel plate that is difficult to penetrate. However, judging from the current situation, the Japanese auto giants have a serious sense of crisis, and the once unbreakable market order seems to be blown to pieces in front of the Great Wall Gun.

First of all, this is due to the strong technical strength and innovation ability of Great Wall pickup truck, which can quickly launch smarter products that are more in line with the current global development, so that overseas consumers have more choices and better choices in choosing pickup trucks. Moreover, the advantages of the Great Wall pickup truck service system in China have been extended overseas, so that international consumers can also enjoy better and more convenient service guarantee.

As the first and only hybrid pickup truck model in Thailand, Shanhai Gun HEV has played a role in inciting and reshaping the pickup truck market in Thailand, making Thailand an important position for the globalization of the Great Wall Gun, radiating a wider Southeast Asian market, and accumulating strength for the continuous development of the ASEAN market, thus speeding up the globalization goal of the Great Wall Gun sword pointing to the top three in the world.

Since its birth, Great Wall Cannon has set its sights on the global market, enhanced its product strength and value by deeply applying the ride-sharing technology to the dual-use products of passengers and merchants, and persisted in global R&D, global manufacturing and global sharing to build a truly global car. In addition, the Great Wall Cannon is rooted in overseas local culture, and has tailored a new way of playing pickup trucks for the local area, integrating the Chinese pickup truck culture created by the whole scene, cross-circle and users into it, and realizing the "firing" upsurge of powerful circle-breaking.

Up to now, Great Wall Gun has been listed in more than 50 countries on four continents, representing China pickup truck in the global market. Judging from the specific market situation, the Great Wall Gun has completed a relatively complete layout in the global typical pickup truck market:

In Australia, Great Wall Gun became the first China automobile brand to receive a five-star safety rating under the new test standard of ANCAP in 2021. In 2023, the sales volume of the Great Wall Cannon squeezed into the seventh place in Australia, a year-on-year increase of 23.2%.

In Russia, the Great Wall pickup truck won the sales crown in 2023, an increase of 250.6% compared with 2022. The Great Wall Cannon ranks first in model sales, and the sales of King Kong Cannon and Fengjun series enter the top ten in pickup truck sales list.

In South Africa, the Great Wall brand ranks first in China, and in 2022, the South African Automobile Industry Association won the "Best New Pickup Truck of the Year" award against many international big-name models. In 2023, the Great Wall cross-country gun won the South African pickup truck model award of the year, which once again enhanced the recognition of the Great Wall gun by South African consumers.

In the Middle East, Great Wall Motor signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Teyseer Motors, a local car dealer in Qatar, thus officially entering the Qatar market, including pickup trucks. This cooperation means that the Great Wall pickup truck will fully cover the six markets of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

On the other side of the globe, the Great Wall Gun was produced locally in Ecuador. In Chile, the Great Wall Cannon went on the market for one month and won the "Best Pickup of the Year" award selected by MT ONLINE, ranking first in monthly sales for many times.

Win honor with strength and beat the market with products. Starting from Thailand, Brazil and Mexico will be the markets for the further development of the Great Wall Gun. Following the footsteps of Great Wall Motor, the globalization process of Great Wall Gun is in full swing.

Ecological going out to sea, "double-line" development

All along, the Great Wall Gun has been trying to "break the ice" in enhancing Chinese people’s awareness of pickup trucks, and actively promoting multi-scene use and expanding pickup truck users. At present, new energy is an irreversible development trend of the automobile industry, and new energy is also an opportunity to bring pickup trucks into the mainstream automobile product circle and further promote the household and passenger use of pickup trucks.

In order to enhance the value of pickup trucks, Great Wall Gun has spared no effort. The globalization strategy of Great Wall Gun has been rapidly upgraded to "going out to sea in an ecological way", taking the lead in the field of new energy, paving the way for its own brand and China pickup truck to popularize and enhance its popularity in the world in the future.

In fact, before it became the first and only hybrid pickup truck model in Thailand, Shanhai Artillery HEV was unveiled in Australia, and it will also be the first hybrid pickup truck mass-produced in Australia. From the time point of view, the Great Wall Gun has competed with Ford and Toyota in the decisive battle field of new energy, the future global pickup market, and seized the "highland".

Compared with the Great Wall Gun, the American and Japanese pickup truck giants are obviously slow in the layout of pickup trucks. The Ford Ranger plug-in hybrid model will not be launched until 2025, while the Toyota Hilux only has a 48V light mixing system, and the hybrid model is still missing.

To achieve the goal of becoming the top three pickup trucks in the world, Great Wall Gun needs long-term planning and execution in product upgrading. The Great Wall Gun never pulls its crotch in terms of products, and it has a rapid upgrade and update, and also has multiple unique design functions. In the tide of pickup truck’s new energy, the Great Wall Gun has shown its power to shake the global pickup truck pattern, and it is only a matter of time before it takes a place in the world.

It is worth mentioning that in the new energy products and globalization strategy of Great Wall Gun, the layout of "two-line development" is adopted, and the domestic market is the foundation.

In terms of new energy products, Shanhai Gun HEV is specially aimed at overseas markets, and Shanhai Gun Hi4-T, which was unveiled at Beijing Auto Show, is a surprise left by Great Wall Gun to domestic users. Compared with other hybrid forms, the Shanhai Gun Hi4-T retains the advantages of the traditional hard-core pickup truck to the maximum extent, but also incorporates the characteristics of new energy power, which can be both oil and electricity.

Shanhai Gun Hi4-T is equipped with 2.0T+9HAT powertrain and matched with P2 motor. Under parallel drive, the comprehensive power of the system is 300kW and the maximum comprehensive torque is 750 N m. The maximum power of P2 motor is 120kW and the maximum torque is 400N·m, and the peak efficiency is over 95%. The motor can reach the maximum torque in an instant, which makes the acceleration of the whole vehicle 100 kilometers only 7.15 seconds.

In this 2.0T+9HAT super hybrid system, a 2.0T Miller cycle hybrid engine is used, with the maximum power of 185kW and the maximum torque of 380N·m, and the maximum torque output can be achieved at 1700~4000rpm. The strong combination of hybrid special engine and high-power motor combines the characteristics of high engine stability and strong explosive power of motor, which makes the whole vehicle start lightly and overtake quickly. In extreme scenes such as getting out of trouble and climbing, the motor will assist the engine and comprehensively improve the explosive power of the vehicle. Even in extreme driving environments such as plateau, high temperature and cold, the power performance is still strong. Intelligent energy control system reduces the fuel consumption of the whole vehicle, achieving the purpose of economy and fuel saving.

In terms of safety, the battery layout of Shanhai Gun Hi4-T is groundbreaking, and it is fixed on the inner side of the transverse and longitudinal beams of the frame and above the frame at multiple points, thus avoiding the collision of the battery pack. At the same time, the protective plate is designed, and the surface is galvanized+electrophoretic+scratch-resistant coating, and the three-layer protection improves the rust-proof and scratch-resistant performance.

Because it is a hybrid model, Shanhai Gun Hi4-T has three power modes: pure electric, hybrid and intelligent. The battery has a partial capacity of 37.1kW?h, which can meet the pure battery life of 100km. Coupled with the 75L super-large fuel tank, the comprehensive cruising range can reach 780km. Moreover, in the intelligent mode, the oil and power consumption are both reduced, the comprehensive fuel consumption can be as low as 2.5L/100km, and the feed fuel consumption is only 10.2L/100km. The charging time is also quite saving. With 50kW high-power DC fast charging, the power can be changed from 30% to 80% in 26 minutes.

With the blessing of "electricity", the Shanhai Gun Hi4-T also has a powerful external discharge function. The discharge port supports 5.5kW high-power external discharge, which meets the outdoor expansion of coffee machines, projectors, most household appliances, etc., and is enough to solve the power consumption problems such as outdoor camping and picnics. Two 220V power connectors are reserved in the cab and the trunk, with 120W in the cab and 2.2kW in the trunk power supply, which can support the power demand of multiple devices at the same time. In addition, the new SOC energy management strategy can automatically adjust the proportion of oil and electricity according to the user’s habits, road conditions, traffic conditions, etc., and realize the personalized adaptation of the whole scene and all terrain. In addition, the Shanhai Gun Hi4-T adopts non-decoupled mechanical four-wheel drive with three locks, and the whole vehicle can easily match different car scenes to meet the needs of various outdoor scenes such as self-driving travel and camping.

Many innovations in the fuel version of Shanhai Gun, such as: equipped with advanced intelligent driving assistance system, the first design in China to improve the convenience of multi-scene use, luxurious riding experience and intelligent level in the car, C6 towing qualification that can meet the certification of 3.3-ton trailer, NVH quiet design, etc., have been extended to Shanhai Gun HI4-T.

In terms of globalization strategy, new energy products are a sharp weapon to open and expand overseas markets, while the domestic market is the base camp for the Great Wall Gun to continue to innovate, which not only enhances the influence of pickup trucks in China, but also continuously delivers "shells" to overseas markets, improving and strengthening its overseas competitiveness.

In 2024, the Great Wall Gun has been constantly upgrading its products: the model of "King Kong Gun" equipped with ZF 8AT gearbox was officially launched; Passenger guns, commercial guns and off-road guns have added 2.4T diesel engines of the same model as Shanhai guns, and the traction qualification has been upgraded to 3 tons.

It is not difficult to see that upgrading to a stronger engine and a more advanced gearbox is the next direction of the Great Wall Gun in domestic products. At the same time, "improving the overall performance" is also the development focus of the Great Wall Gun fuel pickup truck, which not only brings more satisfactory car experience to all kinds of users, but also helps the brand to achieve the two-way power of "fuel and new energy" in overseas markets.


Looking back, when Great Wall Cannon became an independent brand of pickup trucks and shouted the slogan of "becoming the top three in the world", many people knew in their hearts that it was to compete directly with pickup truck giants such as Ford, Toyota and Isuzu. But how many people can foresee that the Great Wall Gun can rise rapidly in six years and achieve today’s achievements.

"Strong civil war, expert in foreign war"! At home, although the joint venture has played its cards and introduced the latest models of the same model from overseas to China, the Great Wall Gun has always gained the upper hand in the contest with the joint venture. Overseas, the pace of globalization of the Great Wall Gun is solid and powerful, and it has quickly opened up big markets such as Australia. With the help of the new energy trend, Great Wall Gun began to March into important markets such as Thailand, and its own technological advantages and innovation ability seemed more like a duck to water.

I have confirmed my eyes and met the right car. BYD Qin has 54,200 cases nationwide.

The penetration rate of private cars in China has been very high. However, at this stage, most people still choose to spend more on cars than on tools. Under this trend, most people are getting more and more expensive to buy cars. The original budget was about 200,000, but in the end, they spent 400,000. But after using it for a period of time, I complained repeatedly and regretted my irrationality. What is the appropriate budget or price for buying a car? One algorithm is that the car price you can afford is about 1-2 times the annual household income balance. Of course, the market can’t be missed, and catching up with the larger preferential sales will definitely save a lot of money. Take BYD Qin Wei as an example today to see the national real transaction price, preferential discount, sales volume, value preservation rate and other information of new cars, so as to help you understand the market situation of a car more comprehensively.

The biggest discount of BYD Qin’s transaction price in the past month reached 8.35 fold, the cash of new cars dropped by 11,300 yuan, and the national sales of new cars started at 54,200 yuan. The point price is for reference only, and the actual transaction price is subject to the local dealer.

The figure below shows the sales data of BYD Qin. The national sales volume in the last month was 156 vehicles. I wonder if BYD is still satisfied with this result. Most people will follow the sales volume when buying a car, which is the main basis for most people to judge whether a car is good or not without in-depth understanding of a car. Although it is not accurate, it is not groundless, but if you have higher requirements for car selection, you need to make more efforts to fully understand it.

When we buy a car, we need to consider many factors, among which the preservation rate is also very important. The low preservation rate of the car indicates that the overall quality of the car is poor, while the high preservation rate indicates that the market is highly recognized. The chart below shows the value-preserving rate of BYD Qin. Is it within your acceptable range?

When we buy a car, we will pay attention to all aspects of this model in advance, especially the posts and word-of-mouth posted by car owners in major forums and vertical websites. Apart from the navy, there are still some car owners’ real car experience that is worth learning. Let’s take a look at BYD Qin’s word-of-mouth score. BYD Qin’s comprehensive score is 4.78, and the result is not bad, so BYD Qin can consider it.

If you have seen the above, you still have doubts about whether BYD Qin is worth buying, then you can also look at the performance of BYD Qin Jingpin. Among the following competing products, Jetta VA3 sold the most last month, with 5,358 cars. There is always one for you.

If the price of BYD Qin is suitable in the near future, then the friends will hurry! Linkage promotion in many places across the country, and there are even more discount models as low as 30%.