Joint venture challenger, Geely Xingyue L listed for sale at 137,200 yuan.

During this year’s Shanghai Auto Show, Geely Automobile built a new SUV model named Xingyue L based on CMA architecture, and released "SUV Disruptive Action", which opened the curtain to challenge the mainstream joint venture SUV. After waiting for three months, Xingyue L was officially listed in Hangzhou on July 20th.

This time, Xingyue L launched two power combinations, 2.0TD-7DCT EVO and 2.0TD High-Tech -8AT, with a market guidance price of 137,200 yuan to 185,200 yuan. Among them, Xingyue L’s exclusive Cuiyu magic color suit costs 5,000 yuan, including Cuiyu magic color special car paint+Cuiyu double suede interior, double five-spoke pulse exclusive wheels+magic color exclusive car keys.

At the same time, Geely Automobile has also prepared a variety of car purchase benefits for users who purchase the Star Yue L, such as a financial subsidy of up to 10,000 yuan, an increase and replacement subsidy of 7,000 yuan, free basic traffic for life, free maintenance for 4.5 years or 120,000 kilometers, and free warranty for 5 years or 150,000 kilometers.

Challenge the three flagship standards

As the main model of Geely in SUV products in the future, Xingyue L is also challenging the mainstream joint venture SUV models. And it has been comprehensively advanced from three levels: intelligence, security and luxury.

First of all, on the intelligent level, Xingyue L is equipped with the strongest Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, which supports 5G high-speed network and drives multiple screens with one core. At the same time, the new car is first equipped with Geely Galaxy OS system, which can realize the three-screen linkage of IMAX and the four-screen linkage of 25.6-inch AR-HUD–creating a smart cockpit with the largest "screen ratio".

In addition, under the blessing of CMA’s new intelligent and evolvable electronic and electrical architecture, Xingyue L has the intelligent expansion potential in the next 5 to 10 years. In addition, Xingyue L also has the global FOTA capability, which is the first engine power OTA, so that fuel vehicles can achieve multi-dimensional upgrades like pure trams.

Thanks to the 24 sensing elements with the largest number of mass-produced fuel vehicles, Xingyue L has nine large-area security. Among them, the EMA emergency steering assistance system carried by the new car can help the driver to make emergency avoidance when danger comes and minimize the possibility of injury; Elk passed the test with a score of 79km/h, giving users the strongest protection with the ultimate safety experience.

Finally, at the luxury level, Xingyue L is fully aligned with the products of 300,000 yuan. The straight waterfall air intake grille, with the appearance of matrix headlights on both sides, gives people a tall and tough visual experience. With a length, width and height of 4770mm×1895mm×1689mm and a wheelbase of 2845mm, Xingyue L has surpassed the level of joint venture competitors at the same level.

The luxury of Xingyue L is also reflected in the power. The new car is equipped with 2.0T high and low power engines of Volvo Drive-E series, which are matched with 7-speed wet DCT gearbox and 8AT gearbox respectively. The addition of the sixth generation electro-hydraulic four-wheel drive system of Borgwarner, the first in China, further highlights the comprehensive mechanical quality of Xingyue L.

Popularize high-end products

At the listing conference of Xingyue L, Li Shufu, chairman of Geely Holding Group, who has not participated in such activities for a long time, also came to the scene to cheer for Xingyue L platform. In Li Shufu’s view, Xingyue L is of epoch-making significance. It is neither a traditional car nor a new energy car, but it inherits the advantages of traditional cars, absorbs the highlights of new energy cars and creates its own characteristics.

Two years ago, Xingyue, the first model of Geely Automobile CMA architecture, went on the market, which broke the inherent cognition of users’ distrust of the three major parts of China. Last year, the launch of Xingrui, the first car product under CMA framework, broke through the "family car standard" previously formulated by joint venture brands.

With the listing of Xingyue L, Geely Automobile officially released the "High-end Series of Geely Brand CMA"-named "China Star" at the event site. Geely Automobile believes that China Star represents the highest level of automobile brands in China at present, and will challenge the high-end market in the future to provide users with high-value products and realize the popularization of high-end products. And in the global automobile industry, we will fight for "China automobile value" and set a new benchmark of "China automobile value" with three high values.

In Geely Automobile’s view, the first high value of China Star is to lead the era of global architecture. The release of China Star can also be regarded as a brand-new advance of Geely’s architecture. At present, Volvo, Link and Geely CMA architecture products have been recognized by more than 1 million users around the world. By 2024, all products of Geely brand will fully realize the construction of cars!

The second high value is to lead the global hybrid new energy era. In the future, Geely will continue to promote the "Blue Geely Action Plan". In September this year, Geely Automobile will launch a global power brand and build a Geely GHS2.0 intelligent hybrid system, achieving 43.32% of the world’s highest thermal efficiency and more than 40% fuel saving rate. In the future, GHS2.0 dual-engine intelligent hybrid system will be first installed on China Star.

The third high value is to lead the global era of 5G smart travel. Geely has made diversified layouts in the fields of LEO synchronous satellite, V2X vehicle-road coordination and high-level autonomous driving, and has the ability to link smart city traffic. By 2022, we will see Geely automobile with L4 unmanned driving and intelligent digital cockpit in Hangzhou Asian Games.

Gan Jiayue, CEO of Geely Automobile Group, said: "The high value of China Star Three leading the world is one of the’ China Geely’ schemes for China Automobile to go global, become bigger and stronger. As the global leader of China Automobile, Geely will fight for the’ China Automobile Value’, look for the direction, strengthen its belief, and work hard to make China Automobile travel all over the world. "

Write at the end:

First of all, from the product point of view, Xingyue L should have the strength to compete with or even surpass the joint venture products in terms of intelligence, safety and luxury, and the price of 137,200 yuan to 185,200 yuan, while fully surpassing the product strength value of the strong joint venture brand, it can be said that it is full of sincerity without requiring users to spend a penny more.

The release of China Star highlights Geely’s brand dream of "being great because of happiness" forged in 35 years. As Li Shufu said: "For more than a decade, Geely has cooperated with global partners to overcome one difficulty after another and solve one problem after another to achieve today’s product achievements of Xingyue L. What users buy is not an isolated automobile product, but the result of Geely’s systematic service and high-tech ability. I firmly believe that Xingyue L will lead the intelligent transformation of traditional automobiles and make positive contributions to the intelligent development of China automobile industry. "

Director’s Notes: Ren Xianqi

??The guest of this issue of the "Light and Shadow Star Podcast" is our old friend. He is a mature but funny little boy – Ren Xianqi! Two years ago, when Brother Qi came to the "Light and Shadow Star Podcast", he improvised a "Smurf". This time, he still played and sang in the makeup room at will. It was still a happy melody and an unforgettable scene. I think Brother Qi’s voice has a kind of magic, which makes people calm down naturally as soon as they listen to it.

??During the live recording, Brother Qi was very friendly to all the staff, and he was also very cooperative with the director. He always required excellence, and he must use the most accurate words between "attentive" and "careful". He was also very considerate to the staff who dressed up as "Black Cat Sheriff", and it could be seen that he was trying his best to submit the efficiency and shorten the time for the shooting of "Black Cat Sheriff", because the studio was really hot. Who doesn’t like Ren Xianqi, who is so cute and kind, and has a high appearance?

??This time, Ren Xianqi came to our show with his self-written, self-directed and self-starred movie "Run Away! Bride". Do you want to know the director’s strength of Xiao Qi? Curious about why the bride ran away? Hurry up and enter the cinema, let’s support Xiao Qi together! Support this soul singer!

Yu Chengdong: The biggest drawback of the M5 is that the cost is too high

Fast Technology reported on April 17 that the AITO M5 smart driving version was officially launched, divided into two power versions: extended range and pure electric, both providing rear drive and four-wheel drive.Among them, the price of the extended version is 27.98-29 9,800 yuan, the pure electric version is 10,000 yuan, and the sales 28.98-30 9,800 yuan

Yu Chengdong said on the spot,If there are any shortcomings of the M5, then the cost must be too highThe material alone exceeds 200,000, and the cost of the smart driving version is 2-30,000 more expensive than the ordinary version, and the car factory can’t stand it.

Yu Chengdong: The biggest drawback of the M5 is that the cost is too high

Compared with the current M5, the wind resistance coefficient of the M5 smart drive version is reduced from 0.32 to 0.28, and the extended range version adds an active air intake grille.The pure electric battery life has been increased from 200km to 255km, and the comprehensive battery life has been increased from 1200 + km to 1400 + km.Increase by 15% (CLTC).

At the same time, it is still equipped with an all-aluminum alloy chassis, reducing the quality of the spring by 30%. Maglink universal patch is added to the rear row, which can hold mobile phones and tablets, and can also be charged. Spatial audio is used on the car, and the sound field matching algorithm allows the main driver to always be in the music center.

Yu Chengdong: The biggest drawback of the M5 is that the cost is too high

Yu Chengdong: The biggest drawback of the M5 is that the cost is too high

Yu Chengdong: The biggest drawback of the M5 is that the cost is too high

The most interesting thing is still Huawei ADS 2.0.It has lidar, high definition cameras, millimeter wave radar and ultrasonic radarIt is possible to achieve high-speed and city navigation without relying on high-precision maps, and the high-speed 0-takeover mileage will increase from 100 kilometers to 200 kilometers. The parking capacity adds valet parking with cross-level parking capabilities in addition to smart parking and remote control parking.

In the high-end smart driving function, in addition to high-speed pilot, smart parking and remote control parking for free, valet parking, urban lane cruise assistance enhancement (LCC +), and urban smart driving pilot assistance belong to the high-end function package of intelligent driving service software, the price is a buyout 36,000, 7200 yuan a year, 720 yuan a monthIn contrast, a Tesla FSD buyout would take 64,000.

Yu Chengdong: The biggest drawback of the M5 is that the cost is too high

MIIT responded that Steam was blocked: I don’t know the specific reason, there must be illegal activities anyway

  After the Steam store domain name had been added to MIIT’s illegal Internet site blacklist, the reporter asked MIIT staff about the matter, and the other party replied: Although I don’t know the specific reason why Steam was blocked, it is definitely because of the platform’s illegal behavior. As for whether it can be removed from the blacklist after rectification, and whether domestic players can log in normally in the future, the staff said they don’t know.

[Pudong] Lixi Middle School: Gathering "Cloud Teaching and Research" Shows "Depth" Empowering "Online Teaching" Full of "Temperature" – Week 7 Online In-depth Teaching and Research Activities of the S

In order to further implement the practice and research of the "New Teaching and Research for Core Literacy" project of the Teaching and Research Office of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, use teaching and research as a support system to promote the implementation of core literacy, actively explore new concepts and new paths for teachers’ professional development under the background of "double new" and "double reduction", focus on the important and difficult issues of students’ learning in the practice of "online teaching", ensure the quality of online education and teaching, and lead and support the orderly and efficient development of online teaching activities. From March 28 to April 2, 2022 (7th week), the teaching and research groups of various disciplines of Shanghai Lixi Middle School carried out cloud teaching and research activities aimed at moving towards "in-depth teaching and research".


Collect problems · Focus on problems · Solve problems

Under the organization of Teacher Pan Fanjie, the Chinese teaching and research group conducted "Learning Interpretation of the Task List of in-depth teaching and research activities" and "Online teaching problems and experiences" to exchange and share. Before the teaching and research activities, the Chinese teaching and research group collected the actual problems of the teachers through questionnaires, which enhanced the pertinence of the activities and discussions; the technical experts in the group demonstrated the basic operation methods of the two main modes of online classroom and video conference for everyone, solving the technical confusion of some teachers.

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Poly salary to promote teaching, innovation to promote learning, and focus on promoting research

The mathematics teaching and research group carried out online teaching and research under the organization of Mr. Shen Xiaqing. Teachers actively used online classrooms to enhance effective interaction between teachers and students; used class simulcast to increase healthy competition in classes; used small videos to help students extend classroom knowledge; used "face-to-face teachers" resources to supplement classroom knowledge. The team members also focused on teaching practical issues such as "answer efficiency", "identical homework" and "teaching time" for in-depth discussions.

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Content integration, resource sharing, path unification

Under the organization of Mr. Min Liping, the English teaching and research group shared the experience and experience of online teaching of each lesson preparation group. Give more flexibility to the teaching progress, integrate and sort out knowledge according to the important and difficult points of teaching; try to use small functions to make online classroom interaction forms diverse; real-time unified progress, share teaching resources, find problems and solve problems at any time; adhere to the teaching path of "resource utilization – technology application – clear focus – homework implementation – tutoring follow-up".

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What to learn · How to learn · How to learn

The physics teaching and research group held a discussion under the organization of teacher Xu Jianjun. The group reached a consensus: to shift from standardizing teachers’ "teaching" to focusing on students’ "learning"; to give full play to the interactive function of online classrooms, adjust the rhythm of the classroom, and with the help of a caring tutor group, set up an online learning group to guide students to record problem-solving videos and mobilize students’ subjective initiative. Teacher Wu Yaozhong, a teaching and researcher, affirmed the teachers’ online teaching strategies and methods, and put forward valuable suggestions for follow-up teaching. Principal Zhu Guohua recognized the standardization and effectiveness of online teaching, and hoped that the teachers of the physics group would continue to work hard, overcome difficulties, break through themselves, and achieve great results.

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Resource Sharing · Plan Symbiosis · Technology Sharing

The chemistry teaching and research group held a seminar under the organization of Mr. Zhang Liou. First, unified progress to realize the sharing of teaching resources within the group; second, discuss the review plan for the next stage, and the special topic review needs to be adjusted to increase teacher-student interaction. Exercise students’ problem-solving ability and do a good job in the training of excellence; third, the members of the group introduced the online class equipment and teaching methods, and recommended successful experiences, such as the use of touch screen pens, pad handwriting functions, and the assistance of digital pads, which can make the dynamic presentation of the classroom richer.

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Standard demonstration · Clear explanation · Effective interaction

The physical education teaching and research group held a seminar under the organization of Mr. Wang Zhong. Members of the group believe that for online teaching, teachers should interact more with students, ask students to strengthen exercise and improve physical fitness; they should pay attention to the psychological state of students, grasp the characteristics of physical exercise, do a good job of demonstration, explain clearly, alleviate students’ bad emotions caused by epidemic isolation, and stimulate students’ love for sports.

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Information Technology

Unified progress · Optimized strategy · Sharing experience

The information technology teaching and research group held a seminar under the organization of Mr. Wei Lan. The members of the group unified the teaching progress and optimized the solution strategies for teaching problems; shared each member’s online teaching experience and learned from each other’s strengths and weaknesses; in addition, the teachers discussed the research tasks of the interdisciplinary in-depth teaching and research project together.

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Integrate resources, focus on results, and meet needs

The interdisciplinary teaching and research group held a seminar activity under the organization of Mr. Wang Hui. Members shared the specific situation of online teaching. Combined with their own materials, compare the content of the air class, adopt a self-teaching mode, and ask questions and interact in the form of online multiple-choice questions; interdisciplinary teaching adopts the method of geography special topic module teaching; make better preparations than offline teaching, design a "learning task list", and pay full attention to students’ "learning"; the group shares learning materials from time to time to meet the needs of students at different levels.

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Dao law

Fixed form · Selected content · Focus on process

The Taoist teaching and research group carried out seminar activities under the organization of Mr. Huang Wei. In terms of teaching form, it currently takes the form of multi-class live broadcast; in terms of teaching content, according to the requirements of the high school entrance examination question type, select, refine, and concentrate on homework questions, which are expensive "fine" and not expensive "too much"; students’ homework should also be selected and carefully approved, and the thinking and ability training of reviewing and solving problems should be strengthened; in the teaching process, attention should be paid to students’ participation and follow-up Q & A services.

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Orderly advancement · Thematic sorting · Path guidance

The history teaching and research group carried out research activities under the organization of Teacher Zheng Lili. History is divided into two grades. The first grade mainly solves progress problems; the second grade mainly solves special review problems. Based on the sorting out of the knowledge points of the textbook, the mind map is used to help students sort out the internal logical relationship; focusing on the normative guidance of problem-solving, teachers need to form a certain guidance of answering methods, select and refine, and refine.

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Problem Exploration · Strategy Exploration · Technology Exploration

The art teaching and research group held a seminar in the form of two groups of art and music under the organization of two teachers, Fu Wenshou and Xie Chong. The teachers of the art group discussed the problems and solutions encountered in the online class, and shared methods to reduce the difficulty of teaching technology; the teachers of the music group focused on "Exploration of the implementation strategies of teaching design in small and micro units – taking the sixth grade’National Flower Garden ‘unit as an example" to conduct a seminar on teaching design, and took "Yao Dance Music" as an example to discuss and explore the application of educational technology in online teaching.

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"Water accumulates and fish gather, wood is lush and birds gather." In response to online teaching in the context of the epidemic, the teachers of the teaching and research groups of various disciplines in the school are think tank support groups, problem diagnosticians, and strategy analysts. Work together to increase efficiency, wait for the cloud, and use collective wisdom and team strength to help the teaching work advance steadily and promote in-depth teaching and research to achieve practical results. When we click the mouse, we also click on spring; when we link students, we also link the future. Let us welcome spring and walk towards the sun with courage and hope!

169,800-199,800 Yuan Great Wall Gun Off-road pickup truck officially listed.

  Economic Daily-China Commercial Automobile Network News On June 5, the Great Wall Gun Off-road pickup truck was officially launched, and three national six gasoline 8AT models were launched in the first phase, including the advanced four-wheel drive version of 169,800 yuan, the advanced four-wheel drive version of 179,800 yuan and the limited four-wheel drive version of 199,800 yuan. The diesel version will be available in July.

Zhang Haobao, Deputy General Manager of Great Wall Motor Sales Co., Ltd.

  Life is full of unknowns, and surprises always flash inadvertently. Whether exploring, climbing or cross-country, it is a magical process of repeatedly examining yourself and discovering the world. They make us persevere, see the scenery that others can’t reach, make friends all over the world, and make us fear nature and life. Because of them, we live a broader life. At this conference, An Bang, an outstanding photographer in China’s gold medal list, Shao Jianhui, an off-road vehicle driver and life explorer, and Bin Sun, coach of the international mountaineering team and torchbearer of Mount Everest in 2008 Olympic Games, shared their own life experiences respectively.

China Jinbang Excellent Photographer Anbang

Shao Jianhui, an off-road vehicle driver and life explorer

Coach of international mountaineering team and torchbearer of Olympic EverestBin Sun

  Great Wall Gun is the first global pickup truck brand in China. Its birth has created a new category of passenger pickup trucks and led China pickup trucks into the 3.0 multi-purpose passenger era. No matter photography, cycling, rock climbing, fishing, or exploration, camping, yachting, RV, the Great Wall Cannon can be easily handled. This lifestyle has been divorced from the simple value of pickup trucks, but has connected a complete consumer ecosystem with interests as the starting point. As a family universal car, the Great Wall Gun covers the whole scene of cars, SUVs, station wagons and light trucks, which can completely expand the life radius of consumers and let them live a vast life and meet amazing lives.

  As the first all-terrain mass-produced off-road pickup truck in China, the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck ended the era of imported pickup trucks dominating off-road circles and opened a new chapter in Chinese off-road pickup truck culture with its strong product strength.

Lv Wenbin, Deputy General Manager of Chongqing Branch of Great Wall Motor Corporation

  Great Wall gun off-road pickups are naturally powerful, and more than ten unique off-road equipment with fever level, China pickups, were assembled for the first time. Seven driving modes, three locks, tank turning, and all-terrain tires of Bailuchi KO2 are not afraid of dangerous road conditions, making off-road easier; Creeping mode, original winch and wading throat ensure driving safety and make off-road more calm; Nitrogen shock absorption, off-road expert mode, multi-link rear suspension and off-road information display improve driving pleasure and comfort and make off-road more comfortable.

  In addition, the latest generation 9.3 version of ESP, 360 look around system, intelligent lane departure warning, ACC adaptive cruise and other configurations provide security with technology. CN95 air filter, 6 airbags and high-strength chassis armor ensure driving safety and care for every wonderful moment.

  Compared with SUV, pickup truck not only has strong off-road performance, but also has strong loading capacity. The open container means unlimited modification possibilities. The Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck has several reserved refitting positions and power interfaces, which can provide "box liberalism" type ever-changing containers.

Jiang Bo (right), pioneer of box free life and senior cross-country expert

  It is reported that from now on, consumers can buy cars through the official flagship store of Great Wall Motor Tmall/JD.COM and the dealers of Great Wall pickup brand, and they can also enjoy the five gifts of listing:

  Car booking gift: customers who book cars before June 30, 2020 can enjoy a high-end intelligent off-road gun car model (1: 18) when they pick up the car;

  Financial gift: customers who buy cars before July 31, 2020 can enjoy a three-year zero-interest financial policy (except those who enjoy car subsidies in Chongqing);

  Replacement ceremony: 5,000 yuan high replacement subsidy.

  Interconnection ceremony: basic services are free for life, entertainment services are free for 3 years and exclusive services are free for 1 year.

  Service Gift: The engine/transmission warranty is extended from 3 years or 60,000 kilometers to 4 years or 100,000 kilometers.

  Since its listing, the Great Wall Gun has been in short supply. In the past May, Great Wall Cannon achieved the best monthly sales of more than 10,000 vehicles, and continued to rank first in the sales of high-end pickup trucks. Help the Great Wall pickup truck to have a market share of nearly 50% in 2020, and the cumulative global sales volume exceeded 1.7 million.

  In recent years, Great Wall Motor has actively promoted the development of pickup truck culture in China, promoted the establishment of pickup truck association, formulated pickup truck classification standards, and initiated many activities to lift the ban on pickup trucks. Chongqing, Jinan, Ningbo, Nanchang and other provinces and cities have gradually lifted the ban.

  Great Wall Gun surpasses the joint venture in terms of products, wins the joint venture in terms of sales volume and is comparable to luxury cars in terms of service. It is understood that Great Wall Gun will provide users with online and offline integrated super services based on more than 2,500 sales and service networks around the world; Great Wall Gun will build a brand experience center in the core cities of the country, set up off-road extreme experience bases in Alashan, Everest and other regions, and build an open and shared pickup truck life community with the cross-border brand alliance, customer alliance and merchant alliance of Great Wall Gun as the link to create a full-scene pickup truck life.

  From China cannon to global cannon, Great Wall pickup truck will be the first in domestic and export sales for 22 years, with global R&D, global manufacturing and global sharing as the standards, accelerate the globalization process in an all-round way, compete with international mainstream pickup truck brands on the same stage, and become the top three in the world. Create an amazing experience for users around the world and make the Great Wall Gun popular all over the world!

I have confirmed my eyes and met the right car. BYD Qin has 54,200 cases nationwide.

The penetration rate of private cars in China has been very high. However, at this stage, most people still choose to spend more on cars than on tools. Under this trend, most people are getting more and more expensive to buy cars. The original budget was about 200,000, but in the end, they spent 400,000. But after using it for a period of time, I complained repeatedly and regretted my irrationality. What is the appropriate budget or price for buying a car? One algorithm is that the car price you can afford is about 1-2 times the annual household income balance. Of course, the market can’t be missed, and catching up with the larger preferential sales will definitely save a lot of money. Take BYD Qin Wei as an example today to see the national real transaction price, preferential discount, sales volume, value preservation rate and other information of new cars, so as to help you understand the market situation of a car more comprehensively.

The biggest discount of BYD Qin’s transaction price in the past month reached 8.35 fold, the cash of new cars dropped by 11,300 yuan, and the national sales of new cars started at 54,200 yuan. The point price is for reference only, and the actual transaction price is subject to the local dealer.

The figure below shows the sales data of BYD Qin. The national sales volume in the last month was 156 vehicles. I wonder if BYD is still satisfied with this result. Most people will follow the sales volume when buying a car, which is the main basis for most people to judge whether a car is good or not without in-depth understanding of a car. Although it is not accurate, it is not groundless, but if you have higher requirements for car selection, you need to make more efforts to fully understand it.

When we buy a car, we need to consider many factors, among which the preservation rate is also very important. The low preservation rate of the car indicates that the overall quality of the car is poor, while the high preservation rate indicates that the market is highly recognized. The chart below shows the value-preserving rate of BYD Qin. Is it within your acceptable range?

When we buy a car, we will pay attention to all aspects of this model in advance, especially the posts and word-of-mouth posted by car owners in major forums and vertical websites. Apart from the navy, there are still some car owners’ real car experience that is worth learning. Let’s take a look at BYD Qin’s word-of-mouth score. BYD Qin’s comprehensive score is 4.78, and the result is not bad, so BYD Qin can consider it.

If you have seen the above, you still have doubts about whether BYD Qin is worth buying, then you can also look at the performance of BYD Qin Jingpin. Among the following competing products, Jetta VA3 sold the most last month, with 5,358 cars. There is always one for you.

If the price of BYD Qin is suitable in the near future, then the friends will hurry! Linkage promotion in many places across the country, and there are even more discount models as low as 30%.

2023 World Power Battery Conference opens in Yibin

  This newspaper(Li Miao Liu Chuan, all-media reporter of Sichuan Daily) On June 9th, the 2023 World Power Battery Conference, co-sponsored by the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, opened in Yibin. Wan Gang, Vice Chairman of 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Jardot Peter, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economy of Hungary, as the guest of honor, delivered a video speech, Miao Wei, member of the Standing Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and deputy director of the Economic Commission, delivered a keynote speech, Huang Qiang, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor, delivered a welcome speech, and Xin Guobin, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Chang Qide, coordinator of the United Nations system in China delivered speeches respectively.

  On behalf of China Association for Science and Technology, Wan Gang congratulated the conference. He said that as an important part of the modern energy industry cluster, the power battery industry has become an important force to promote the global green and low-carbon transformation, and is entering a critical stage of industrial development under the new situation of accelerating the electrification transformation of automobiles and other vehicles in various countries. It is necessary to increase the research and development of the next generation power battery technology, scientifically judge the technical route, systematically solve technical problems such as key materials, new system batteries and system integration, and promote industrial application and demonstration operation. Promote the high-quality development of the whole industrial chain of new power batteries, accelerate the development of upstream mineral resources, realize the stable price and supply of key raw materials, build a symbiotic and win-win ecological circle of the whole industrial chain, and give full play to the role of power batteries in "cutting peaks and filling valleys" in the power grid. Accelerate the formulation of safety-related standards and regulations, continuously improve the technical requirements of thermal diffusion and thermal management, speed up the revision and formulation of relevant standards, strengthen regular maintenance of vehicles in use and improve the annual inspection system. Promote the green recycling and comprehensive utilization of retired batteries, establish a standardized and orderly market ecology, strengthen the construction of supervision and management system, actively explore innovative business models, and realize the market-oriented development of recycling. Adhere to high-level open cooperation, strengthen global coordination and internationalization, jointly explore the construction of low-carbon standards and management systems, and strengthen global cooperation in technological innovation, intelligent manufacturing and recycling of next-generation power batteries. It is hoped that experts, scholars, entrepreneurs and policy makers in the field of global power batteries will join hands to jointly ensure the green and low-carbon transformation of the global automobile industry and build a clean and beautiful world.

  In his speech, West Jardot Peter thanked the General Assembly for inviting Hungary as the guest of honor. He said that Hungary and China are strategic partners. Thirteen years ago, Hungary announced the policy of "opening to the east", especially encouraging China investors to take Hungary as their investment destination. In 2020, China became the largest source of foreign investment in Hungary for the first time, and it is expected to maintain this position this year, mainly because of the investment choices made by China power battery manufacturers. Thanks to the investment of a large number of power battery enterprises such as Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, the Hungarian power battery output has ranked fourth in the world, and the number of the latter will rise to the second place in the world after these investments are completed. Thanks to the trust of China investors in Hungary, we will continue to encourage China investors to expand their production capacity in Hungary or to settle new investment projects in Hungary.


  Entrusted by Jin Zhuanglong, Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Xin Guobin congratulated the conference on behalf of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. He pointed out that in recent years, China has grasped the reform trend of the automobile industry, promoted the continuous expansion of the production and sales scale of the power battery industry, effectively improved the technical level, and gradually improved the industrial ecology. The global new energy automobile industry has entered a new stage of accelerated development, which puts forward higher requirements for technological innovation, quality and performance of power batteries. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, follow the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, adhere to the principle of open cooperation and win-win, and work with relevant parties to jointly promote technological innovation of power batteries, jointly improve the stability and green development level of industrial chain supply chain, and make scientific and technological innovations better benefit people of all countries. The development of power battery cluster in Sichuan Province has begun to take shape, and the first World Power Battery Conference last year received a good response. I hope everyone can make full use of this platform and work together to promote the better and faster development of new energy vehicles and power battery industries.

  Chang Qide said that the green new power and electric vehicle exhibition will bring great changes to the world, and advanced batteries are one of the important forces to promote change. China is the world leader in innovation and production of power batteries, and Sichuan is an important production center, in which Yibin plays a key role. The United Nations system in China will actively build a platform, gather sustainable development partners, and help the electric vehicle reform and environmental protection in China to advance simultaneously.

  At about 11: 50, Wan Gang, Miao Wei, Huang Qiang, Xin Guobin and Hungarian Ambassador to China Bertie jointly launched the opening ceremony of the 2023 World Power Battery Conference. Before the opening ceremony, Wan Gang, Miao Wei, Huang Qiang and Xin Guobin also visited the exhibition booths of power batteries and new energy vehicles in Yibin International Convention and Exhibition Center.

  The theme of this conference is "green new power, new kinetic energy in the world". Zheng Bei, Vice Governor, presided over the opening ceremony. Zeng Yuqun, Chairman of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited New Energy Technology Company, and Qiu Xiandong, General Manager of China FAW Group, delivered keynote speeches respectively. Liu Liang, Director of Changjiang Waterway Bureau of the Ministry of Transport, and representatives of 13 provinces and cities in the Yangtze River system jointly issued the "Electrified Yangtze River" initiative. Torre Secknes, head of the European Battery Union, and representatives of some domestic industry associations and leading enterprises jointly issued the consensus on "global integrated development" of the power battery industry.

  Provincial leaders Zhu Jiade and Xie Shanghua, representatives of relevant national delegations in Chengdu and Chongqing, academicians of the two academies, responsible comrades of state ministries and commissions and brother provinces and cities, and guests from well-known enterprises, universities, research institutions and industry organizations at home and abroad attended the opening ceremony.

Your May Day holiday circle of friends has been contracted, and Yangzhou’s most beautiful online celebrity punching resort has a large inventory.

  [Editor’s note]

  The charm of Jiangsu is inseparable from the long canal. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal connects 11 cities in Jiangsu, and 60% of the population lives along the river, so that the vast land and countless people can be nourished and multiplied, and towns have risen and prospered. In order to actively guide the new consumption mode of cultural tourism in Jiangsu Grand Canal Cultural Belt and promote the high-quality development of Jiangsu cultural tourism industry, the Provincial Cultural Tourism Department and the Provincial Radio and Television General Station jointly produced the all-media cultural tourism program "Travel All over Jiangsu". The program group traveled all over the province’s scenic spots and historical sites and old streets and alleys, found folk artists and craftsmen, visited experts and scholars in literature and history, and explored those moving stories behind the scenery, so that everyone "had the impulse to travel and was moved by culture.""Lead the audience to discover the unprecedented "fun Jiangsu".

  The program has been broadcast on Jiangsu Public News Channel since April 18th. The first broadcast time is from 20: 30 to 21: 00 every Thursday, and the second broadcast time is from 8: 50 to 9: 20 every Tuesday and Saturday.

  Huaizuo Mingdu, Zhuxi Jiachu"Yangzhou has always been a online celebrity resort for literati to" punch in ". In order to see Qionghua, Emperor Yangdi dug the Grand Canal to Yangzhou. Emperor Qianlong counted Jiangnan and must travel to Yangzhou many times. "The spring breeze is ten miles along Yangzhou Road, and it is better to roll a bead curtain." The May Day holiday is coming. Today, let’s take a trip with Xiaobian and have a look.Punch resort in YangzhouWhat’s the charm? Let’s appreciate the slow life in Yangzhou! 

  At the first stop, Yechun Tea House had morning tea and tasted Yangzhou for the first time.

  In the morning, you can’t really come to Yangzhou without experiencing morning tea. There are many tea houses in Yangzhou, and you won’t be disappointed when you walk into any one. As a family about years ago200Yechun, a 2000-year-old shop, not only has antique pavilions and beautiful natural environment, but its breakfast is also very characteristic of Yangzhou.

  Zheng Banqiao, one of the eight eccentrics in Yangzhou and a famous painter, once wrote:"Celebrities have never been able to judge water, and monks have loved to fight tea since ancient times.". Salt merchants who are rich in the world by the canal need elegance like spring snow even if they show off their wealth.Morning tea has become the best choice.Over time, I am not tired of eating fine and meticulous.

  Jade is selling,As soon as the food inside the barbecue is heated, it will turn yellow. This dish should be cooked, kept green and transparent, and the skin should be thin. Such an extreme pursuit has risen to art.

  In addition to thousands of layers of oil cakes and jadeite, Yangzhou morning tea also has famous snacks such as crab roe soup packets, boiled dried silk and stir-fried shrimps. so-called"Dry white soup is red and emerald green, pepper is red and ginger is yellow river shrimp."It tells the artistic essence of the color, flavor and shape of Yangzhou morning tea.

  Yangzhou morning tea also has a complete set of etiquette, including cold dishes, stir-fried dishes, snacks, staple foods, fruits and seasoning saucers. A meal of morning tea usually lasts for an hour or two.

  No wonder inYangzhou Painting Boat Record, the author Li Dougan so evaluation:My hometown tea shop is the best in the world.The morning tea in Yangzhou is the best in the world.

  At the second stop, you can swim in the sea of books and immerse yourself in the canal culture.

  Walking into Zhongshuge is like wading into a river of time, talking with scholars from ancient times to modern times. It turns out that this is a designer who uses the relationship between Yangzhou and the canal to guide readers into this vast ocean of knowledge by adopting a semi-circular design concept.

  Some of these words are about Yangzhou, and some are speeches by celebrities and works by writers. In a canal, human civilization flows.

  Look, is it like being in the bridge opening of Wuting Bridge? It feels like we are shuttling between bridge opening. The bookstore creates a sparkling feeling with lights. In this situation, Xiaobian just wants to stay here all day.

  In addition to the warm reading environment, Zhongshuge also has many interesting and fun cultural and creative products for tourists to choose from.

  The third stop is to innovate the special restaurant of Huaiyang cuisine and savor Yangzhou cuisine.

  Huaiyang cuisine is one of the four traditional cuisines in China, which originated in Yangzhou and Huai ‘an.Huaiyang cuisine is mainly based on river and lake seafood.Supported by the top knife-maker’s cooking skills,Pay attention to the original color and taste, fresh and refreshing.

  This wayGolden soup rolling stone mandarin fish,The raw materials are simple, the knives are exquisite, the collocation is exquisite, salty and palatable, and the original color of Huaiyang cuisine is still maintained in innovation, which should be the best inheritance.

  Zhang Guangbing, the founder of this restaurant, is the inheritor of authentic Huaiyang cuisine. In his hands, the traditional kitchen knife seems to have been given a new life, and Huaiyang cuisine has made new tricks. Brown sugar walnuts, two-color shrimps, shredded beef in cloth bags, etc., just the face value is very exciting.

  The fourth stop is the 486 non-legacy gathering area, "Yangzhou at the fingertips"

  Many people who come to Yangzhou to play will be related to this.486Non-legacy gathering area "Passing by,In fact, it’s opposite Geyuan.. Here, you may not think that these seemingly ink paintings are actually made of Yangzhou embroidery.

  And the bird cage. Yangzhou’s bird cages are not only elegant in style, complicated in production process, but also exquisite in materials. What is even more amazing is that even the details, it has achieved the ultimate. Ivory Gate, a bird food jar in Qing Dynasty, and one for officials to wear hualing.XuepoIt takes two years to make such a birdcage.sevenLast month, it was no easier than building a house.


  In Yangzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Cluster, masters rely on inheritance and continuous innovation to carry on precious memories from generation to generation. If you don’t think it’s enough here, you can go to the next oneChina Jade MuseumVisit,The skilled craftsmen here represent the famous Yangzhou craft in the jade industry!

  Hetian jade, Yangzhou worker.The best material comes from Hotan, and the best craft is in Yangzhou. There are two things in Yangzhou workers that are unique skills. One isShanzidiaoThere is another one.Chain life.

The mountain son carved Dayu to control water and Yushan Mountain weighed more than 10,000 kilograms. It took six years for skilled craftsmen to carve it here in Yangzhou.

Chain life

  This movable chain,The earliest collar technology can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.The hole diameter of each chain must be the same size, and the carving also needs to be formed at one time. As long as there is a mistake in one chain, all efforts will be wasted. Yangzhou craftsmen have higher requirements for chain work. In order not to waste raw materials,A piece of jade can make works three times as high,Therefore, even in today’s advanced technology,"Chain life" still cannot be completely replaced by machines.

  In Yangzhou Arts and Crafts Museum, there is also a treasure of the town hall — —Emerald mantis cabbageThis emerald mantis cabbage is heavy.150Kilogram, lifelike, vivid, the price.Forget it. It’s priceless.

  The fifth stop Wen Qing must go to "Pishi Street"

  Pishi Street can be visited, eaten and played. Accommodation can also be a literary style.

  "wide residence"Just a family.A homestay that exudes traditional culture.. The furnishings in the hall are all non-legacy works by Yangzhou craftsmen. 

  In the homestay, we sawPoint snailCrafts.Point snailIt’s a skill,"Point" is the technique and "snail" is the raw material for making.It is actually made of luminous snails and pearl shells.

  The sixth stop, Slender West Lake Hot Spring Resort, is the "water jacket" of slow life in Yangzhou.

  When I came to Yangzhou, I experienced the "leather bag water" in the morning, but how can I not experience the "water foreskin" at night? The bathing culture in Yangzhou can be traced back to more than 2000 years ago. For Yangzhou people, bathing is not only a personal habit, but also a way of life, which is people’s love for life and the exploration of life fun. The content of bathing in Yangzhou is rich. In Slender West Lake Hot Spring Resort and some Tang Chi, precious Chinese herbal medicines such as saffron have been added, which can clear away heat, relieve depression and soothe the nerves.

  After taking a bath, you can also have a rest in the lounge and experience one of the three knives in Yangzhou.Pedicure knife.Pedicure knife, Yangzhou, is skilled in medicine, skilled in art, and passed down from generation to generation.Coupled with the exquisite skills of pedicurists, you are guaranteed to enjoy the satisfaction on your toes.

  Yangzhou is prosperous because of the canal, and it is infiltrated with a different cultural atmosphere."Who knows Zhuxi Road, the song is Yangzhou."If you haven’t been to Yangzhou, a trip to Yangzhou will definitely make you glad you came!

  The complete version of the second episode of "Traveling around Jiangsu" is presented! Poke the video to get more exciting ↓ ↓ ↓

   (Manuscript and video source: Editor of Jiangsu Guangdian Rong Media News Center/Zhang Quanquan)

[See you at 8: 00] online celebrity "Zhang Meili" was detained and the police collected clues about illegal crimes.

CCTV News:At 8 o’clock every day, CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours.

The torch relay of Hangzhou Asian Paralympic Games was successfully concluded.

In the third quarter of the country, the direct settlement of medical treatment across provinces and different places exceeded 36 million.

More than 600 wetland nature reserves and 900 national wetland parks have been established nationwide.

Secretary of the Party Group of the former Legislative Affairs Office of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and any leader who violated the law seriously were expelled from the Party.

Zhang Xiulong, former deputy secretary and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, was investigated.

6 people were killed in Pingguo explosion in Guangxi. 

A collision between a tour bus and a car occurred in Yunlin, Taiwan Province, resulting in 4 deaths and 22 minor injuries.

In case the commander announced the objectives of Gaza’s operational plan, saying that a new "security regime" would be established.

Hamas announced the release of two Americans, and UN agencies said that about 1.4 million people in Gaza were displaced. 

Trump and other three defendants have pleaded guilty in the case of trying to overthrow the presidential election in Georgia.

A large number of dead sardines appeared in a fishing port in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.

An international research team deciphered the octopus genome map.

Online celebrity "Zhang Meili" was detained, and Shaanxi Suide police collected clues about illegal crimes.

A vocational college student in Sichuan slaughtered stray dogs? School: Two students involved were detained for observation and the police intervened.

The police in Zhangjiagang City intercepted more than a thousand cats: these cats would have passed 4.5 yuan off as pork and mutton per catty.

Jiangsu "scalpers" each accepted 100 yuan, took dozens of fans to the concert, and were detained.

A woman’s cat and coffee shop in Wuhan was scratched, and the merchant refused to pay the medical fee. Merchant: The cat has been vaccinated.

A woman in Chengdu, Sichuan Province threw 60,000 yuan by mistake, and the old man picked it up and returned it.

The topic of "fragile college students" is no longer just self-mockery, but also sounds an alarm for the physical health problems of contemporary college students.

— — China News Network commented that the word "crispy college students" quickly became popular on the Internet.

In Jiyuan, Henan Province, the Wangwu Mountain forest is completely dyed in autumn, and the red leaves enter the best viewing period.

In autumn, egrets fly, play and feed in the waters of Shangshan Park in Tengzhou City, Shandong Province.

  On October 21st, the China Sports Delegation of the 4th Asian Paralympic Games in Hangzhou announced that Huang Xiaolian and Sun Gang would be the flag bearers of the China Sports Delegation at the opening ceremony of the 4th Asian Paralympic Games in Hangzhou. Huang Xiaolian is a female wheelchair basketball player and won the silver medal in wheelchair basketball at the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games. Sun Gang is a male wheelchair fencer, who won individual and team gold medals in foil at the 2020 Paralympic Games in Tokyo.

Editor in charge: Qian Jingtong

Editor: Xiao Xiao