Han Songluo’s brand-new collection of short stories "Love Story in Late Spring" was published: becoming Han Songluo who wrote novels.

Reporter Qu Peng
Han Songluo’s brand-new collection of short stories in late spring, Love Story in Late Spring, was recently published by People’s Literature Publishing House. With the unique brushwork of the northwest land, it coldly observed and meticulously recorded its own stories of the times.
The six short stories in Love Story in Late Spring all revolve around "running away". Without exception, they all run away, looking for themselves or the future, or a running-away ceremony that has no purpose, no end and no answer, but must be completed.
In The Fish Tank and the Sunlight, the novel takes Li Zhiliang’s "running away" as the anchor point, and begins to exert its strength and spread outward: the low-frequency noise of the fish tank, the boredom of adolescence, and the conversation of psychologists … Finally, the ultimate fate of all people is running away, and the destination of running away is not going to prosperity or the city, but to the wilderness, madness and a long road with no return.
"Love Song for Remy Young" describes the musical memory of a generation in the 1990s. Teenagers who dream of Guangdong and small towns shrouded in prosperity, people who want to be famous and fearless. He focused on the fate of the little people. After several years, the music ensemble, can everything be the same?
In the Golden Age of Remy Young, the hero Remy Young is trapped in a dirty, chaotic and crowded family, and he is eager to break out of the shackles and build a beautiful new world. As a teacher, he entered the space of the other, which is also true and false, and also ushered in his golden age, because he investigated the students who impersonated the college entrance examination. However, after leaving the wilderness again and again, he was shocked that everyone was telling and confessing, spreading dark rumors to the world. Finally, with a sigh, return to his real world.
My Father’s House of Fantasies is a inner senses connected with the real world, which is constructed in fantastic imagination. The sudden disappearance of my father when I was young made the building he designed a fantastic space for me. With the mystery of my father’s disappearance, "I" kept searching until the appearance of "Xu Lihu", which made me find some clues …
The opening of Love Story in Late Spring is the return of Pu Yilin. Lin, who has been abducted for more than 20 years, "went home", and the joy he recovered, familiar and unfamiliar relatives and friends, guilt and hatred hung over the Pu family for an instant. After the ups and downs, mother Fengtai fell into endless assumptions: if he was shown the "White Pagoda" near his home, could he get it-his son never left home, so he didn’t have to accept everything in front of him in a hurry and panic?
"Lonely Hunter" is the twilight, when "she" dials the phone number randomly generated in her mind, her unstable mood and whispers with no fixed destination. Don’t cross the line, don’t trespass, just simply vent everything. When the "beep" sounds, I return to the scene and look around as if nothing had happened …
Han Songluo
Han Songluo was born in Xinjiang and lived in Gansu. His life for more than forty years has been based on the northwest land. He added new content to northwest writing by his own way of not sticking to traditional writing techniques and narrative skills. According to Zhang Yiwei, a writer, Han Songluo’s novels are "westerns" of China’s contemporary literature. Zhang Li, a professor at the College of Literature of Beijing Normal University, also said that Han Songluo’s writing is full of fantasy and deep sense of reality, with a distant, wild and chilly wind. He is an unforgettable writer who brings new temperament. Perhaps it is precisely because of his delicate and never lazy perception of the changes of the four seasons in the northwest and everything around him, spying, thinking and writing that his words and works were cast. "Not everyone has to sing the same song, he has his own movement", which is perhaps the best annotation for him. He lived and wrote as a shadow, dancing in the county town, Shan Ye and fantasy.
It has been nearly 20 years since Han Songluo began to write prose at the age of thirteen or fourteen and published his works in 1995. He is Han Songluo who writes columns, film reviews, music reviews and even lyrics, but he is always Han Songluo who writes prose. Han Songluo, who has written a column for eighteen years, returned to the road of novel creation after he had finished supporting his family, buying a house and obtaining financial resources. First came Night in Spring Mountain, then Love Story in Late Spring. He began to write for himself, not for anything else.
Writers Li Xiuwen and Han Songluo have been close friends for many years. He has been recommending Han Songluo’s novels to people. Those brilliant and gloomy, running away and returning, those "serial" traditions and wilderness characteristics, those mysterious pursuits and teachings under the stars have been constantly experimented and refined by Han Songluo, and finally formed a fascinating novel world. "Now, as a novelist, he has finally been seen by more people. As his friend and colleague, I am deeply proud.
Readers who are familiar with Han Songluo know that many of his works contain the word "spring". For him, "spring" is like a self-evident code word between him and words and readers. Han Songluo said that when he was young, it took great courage to say that he liked flowers. However, it is hard for people who have really lived in the northwest not to fall in love after truly feeling the spring. In the northwest, spring is the beginning of everything, and flowers are so important. Now he can finally speak out his longing for spring and his love for flowers, which is a great freedom and unspeakable happiness. Therefore, the main element of the cover design of Love Story in Late Spring is a hazy, gorgeous and blooming flower, which comes from the famous Spanish photographer Paula Codo?er.

The way of reading in the eyes of academicians

  "Looking at today’s society, the fragmentation trend of reading is relatively strong. This way of learning is short and fast, and knowledge is acquired quickly and lost quickly. If you want to read some classic works, it takes a lot of time and energy, but the results are also great. " Recently, Liu Jiaqi, an octogenarian academician of the China Academy of Sciences and a volcanic geologist and Quaternary geologist, shared his "way of reading" with the public at the National Library’s "Mr.’ s Study" activity.

  "Reading can not only increase knowledge and talents, broaden horizons, but also cultivate sentiment and gain spiritual enjoyment." Liu jiaqi said that when he was a child, reading was a luxury. Reading is difficult, borrowing books is difficult. At that time, he also thought that he could be a librarian in the future, and reading might be more convenient.

  In Liu Jiaqi’s view, reading is the way to grow up. His fate is also changed by reading. "My road to study, as Qu Yuan’s poem says, ‘ It’s a long way to go in Xiu Yuan, and I will go up and down for it ’ 。”

  Under difficult conditions, Liu Jiaqi went all the way from primary school to university, and later went to graduate school, but still felt that what he had learned was limited. In 1978, 10 years after graduation, Liu Jiaqi took the postgraduate exam again and came to Beijing. "I turned 40 when I was 30, and I wanted to drive back the past 10 years."

  After careful calculation, Liu Jiaqi spent 27 years and 8 months as a student. "Reading is very important for the growth of my life." Liu Jiaxuan said. About how to read? He summed up some experiences.

  First of all, we should be clear about the purpose of reading. To be wise and skilled, be determined to be a man first, and be determined to be a man first; Don’t fish for three days and dry the net for two days when reading.

  In the process of reading, we should pay attention to methods and think. "It is better if you can find faults in books." Liu Jiaqi said that reading should be selective, and it is necessary to read good books and classics; It is necessary to combine professional books with non-professional books, scientific books with artistic books, and systematic books with fragmented information. Don’t always indulge in fragmented information.

  "Reading is not only about growing up, but more importantly, making contributions to the country in the future." Liu Jiaqi studied earth science, and he told young people that in the process of studying, they should also specialize in one line and love another.

  "I have learned some scientific principles and the principles of being a man through reading, so now I can become a scientific worker and make some contributions to the country." Liu Jiaqi admits that he can study and learn something because of the cultivation of the party, so he should give back to the society.

  "I hope my friends can read more books and read good books, improve their scientific literacy, develop their scientific undertakings and build a better country." Liu Jiaxuan said.

"Security is no small matter": What should I do when the game encounters security problems?

On March 5, 2024, Tropic Haze, the author of NS simulator "Yuzu", announced that it had reached a settlement with Nintendo, paid 2.4 million US dollars in compensation, stopped the subsequent simulator development and operation, and closed related websites.

Although many players complain that they wouldn’t use the simulator if it weren’t for the poor performance of NS machines. However, with the increasing awareness of copyright of players today, almost no one will refute the fact that "cracking games is illegal". "Game safety" is not only related to game manufacturers, but also closely related to players.

Some players are worried that they will be liquidated by Nintendo after using Yuzu simulator.

In fact, "game security" occupies a very important position in the game industry, and both players and practitioners have to deal with it almost every day. However, people usually don’t discuss it much, because "game security" has certain technical barriers.

In China, game security is almost directly linked to big factories. Because of the high cost of the security team, only big factories have enough financial resources. Large factories can make adequate plans before safety accidents happen, but on the other hand, small and medium-sized factories and independent developers, which also occupy most positions in the industry, often find it difficult to make appropriate responses when faced with various safety problems.

To this end, we found a high-tech security service provider FairGuard, which focuses on game reinforcement and anti-plug-in, and jointly found some game security cases that are close to gamers and practitioners and exposed to the public, and analyzed them from a professional perspective. We hope to let the public fully understand the specific operation, function and significance of game security.

In the field of game security, the worst professional but most common case type is DDoS attack (distributed denial of service attack). Because of its characteristics, small and medium-sized manufacturers and independent developers are more vulnerable to such attacks.

For example, the mobile game "Lesonas" launched on February 29th this year was attacked by DDoS organized by ACCN. The game had to be delayed for 1 hour, and many players reported that the game was stuck on the first day. Every time they read a line, it took more than 10 seconds to get to the next sentence. The main means of ACCN is to ask the project team to pay the "protection fee", otherwise it will keep attacking. Coincidentally, a mobile game with 7 digits for users is also attacked by DDoS at the service node. If it is not solved in time, the losses caused are incalculable.

Whether there are too many players or they are attacked can be intuitively observed from the background data.

The basic principle of DDoS attack is that the attacker uses a large number of "broilers" (computers remotely controlled by hackers) to occupy the bandwidth or CPU of the game server. If the game server is compared to a hotel, it is like the hotel just opened, and suddenly a group of people came to the door of the hotel to block the door, so that normal diners could not squeeze in, or this group of people entered the hotel and occupied most of the tables, and kept asking the waiter to order, but the waiter could not drive them away, and other diners were also affected.

In order to improve the efficiency of making money, it is often the studio with clear division of labor (such as ACCN organization) that uses DDoS attacks for extortion. Some people will "find" the games to be launched, and record the volume, type and online time of the games. Others will launch attacks according to these records, and there may be a special group of people who will be responsible for contacting various game project teams to confirm the payment.

A "special person" responsible for collecting money

Of course, these behaviors are illegal, but it is difficult for the project team to trace the source and pursue the responsibility. First, the members of such organizations may not be in China, and the server IP address has been transferred several times; Second, attackers generally use virtual currency transactions such as Bitcoin.

Every year, there are a large number of announcements about developers being blackmailed by ACCN organizations on game platforms such as TapTap. Although some platforms and publishers will provide protection services, for developers, "I am not afraid of thieves stealing, but I am afraid of thieves remembering". Attacks that come from the dark and I don’t know when will always be a hidden danger.

From the perspective of technical protection, DDoS attacks are only a matter of money. The volume of the game is different, and the traffic of the attack will be different. After all, the attack also needs to cost. If this degree is not balanced, it is likely to be a loss-making business.

The cost of "broiler" is low, but the cost of preventing "broiler" is high. For example, if an attacker uses "broilers" to attack the game server with 200G of traffic, then the game project team may have to buy 200G of public cloud (such as Tencent Cloud and Alibaba Cloud) resources for protection. The former may cost only a few hundred yuan, while the latter needs tens of thousands of yuan.

Protection products on Tencent Cloud

Attackers often take the lower value of the two as the "protection fee", but the project team can’t guarantee that the other party is honest. If the attacker "steals well" and only collects the protection fee once, the project team can barely accept it; But if the other party thinks you are a "fat sheep", they will blackmail you again and again. Many times, the project team dare not gamble, but they have no money to buy special protection services, so they can only pay the money.

In this regard, the relatively professional advice is to enhance safety awareness. Some developers don’t have the concept of prevention, and they often make up for it after the incident. However, the profit lost after the first DDoS attack is more than the money spent on early protection, which is not worth the candle.

According to the experience summarized by professional security service providers, the low-cost method is that as long as the project team buys public cloud resources or corresponding protection services in the first month of online, there will be basically no more studios to launch DDoS attacks. Small games can directly solve the problems that may cause great losses by spending less money.

Compared with DDoS, most people may know more about plug-ins and pay more attention to the impact of plug-ins on their own game experience.

Some plug-ins can monitor or directly modify game files, which will cause serious damage to the game ecology. FPS games have always been the hardest hit area for black-and-gray attacks because of their high category popularity, high cheating income and data storage in the client.

For example, in the "fake match" incident of the professional team "Crossing the Firewire" last year, the team invited the anchor team to play against the professional players in an open environment, and speculated through subsequent offline battles and whitewashing. Players find that the plug-in used by the anchor team is extremely concealed. If it is not because of the complete victory over the professional players, it is difficult for people to think of using the plug-in. In related reports, this kind of hanging is also called "anchor customized hanging".

There are two characteristics of "anchor custom hanging", one is just the right function castration, and the other is the anti-detection means with external intervention. The former is to make the anchor "icing on the cake" in technology and provide good enough "effect" in the game. For example, the "lock" function can only be triggered when the enemy appears and the sight is close to the enemy’s body. It is difficult for the naked eye to tell whether this tiny moving trace is from the plug-in. As for the latter-teams that do "anchor customization" services often sell special equipment together with plug-ins and put them in the equipment, which makes the official detection methods fail to some extent.

From the point of view of protection, game manufacturers often get plug-in samples first, and use the similar identification code in the plug-in samples to carry out preventive testing in the player’s game. If an official identification code appears in the background data of a player, then the official has the right to take measures, and generally it will not be blocked by mistake. However, the identification code of the anchor custom hanging is separate, and this process naturally doesn’t work.

However, even if the player’s behavior is not detected by the conventional process, the official can make manual judgment, which is based on the background environment and some behavior data of the player-reporting is meaningful at this moment.

If a player receives a large number of reports from other players, the official will check his background environment and behavior data, and give him a risk rating according to the results of the inspection. There are many dimensions of rating, generally to see whether the memory has been modified or whether it is in an unconventional environment (such as a virtual machine).

The security team will send the high-risk player ID to the project team, and the project team will decide the specific measures to be taken later. Some players may be "big R", charging a lot of money, and the direct title may cause legal disputes. If the manufacturer fails to produce enough "objective evidence", there will be a greater probability of losing the lawsuit. Therefore, some manufacturers will turn a blind eye to "big R", and for players below "small R", they would rather kill by mistake than let go.

Compared with anchor customization, "script" is less harmful, but it also has a direct impact on the balance and life cycle of the game. Scripts often appear in role-playing, card and strategy games. From the perspective of protection, scripts are directly linked to the studio, and MMORPG with economic system is the hardest hit area of the studio.

The role of scripts is to efficiently collect in-game resources and realize the obtained resources. In the long run, when the resources in the game are collected too much, the resources will become cheap, and players will tend to find a studio to buy resources instead of "earning" resources through their own game labor. In order to reduce costs, scripts often run on virtual machines or in the cloud. A studio with more than a dozen people may open thousands of scripts at the same time. In other words, in fact, the script is "endless".

Another phenomenon derived from scripts and studios is the "initial number". Chen Shiliu, the technical director of FairGuard, talked to me about this: nowadays, the second tour often requires players to exchange growth resources or roles through repeated work in the game. However, after the game has been in operation for one or two years, it is difficult for newcomers with self-built numbers to catch up with the progress of the game, and it is a common choice to buy "initial numbers" from the studio.

For example, on August 30, 2022, Nexon, the international service operator of Blue Archives, permanently banned 280,000 initial numbers, including not only those in the studio, but also many that have already flowed into the hands of players. This has caused "inflammation" among the players-players have taken lessons in the game and continued to play for a while, but after the manufacturer banned it, they did not provide compensation measures. Players will naturally question: Why didn’t the manufacturer deal with this violation immediately, but it took some time to deal with it?

Nexon has issued a ban announcement.

Chen Shiliu told me that this is because the script does not modify the game memory data, but is just a fixed "simulated click", brushing the trumpet and licking the wool. Therefore, the security team needs to proceed from the risk situation of the equipment and combine the behavior judgment of the player after boarding the number. For example, players need to touch several fixed positions on the screen when doing daily work in a mobile game, but the time and operation logic of manual operation and script opening are different. In the case of background protection, the background will immediately detect the abnormal behavior of players and prompt that there is script risk. However, unlike FPS’s "anchor customization", the connection of the second tour is often "weak connection", and this behavior of hanging scripts and brushing resources cannot be reported. Game manufacturers can only observe it for a long time and regularly "one pot".

"One pot" means lag, so it is difficult to consider whether there are players in the account playing normally and whether there is recharge behavior. It is worth noting that while the players are "on fire", there are also many examples of the game rising due to the reduction of studios.

In Japan, the origin of the "initial number", many manufacturers have acquiesced in the existence of the initial number and formed a "symbiotic" relationship with the studio during their long "Yan Shang" career. Some games may be small in size and lack of newcomers, and the initial number even plays a role in saving some channels and announcing costs for developers. As long as it doesn’t directly affect the experience of other players, some developers will tolerate some behaviors that slightly modify the game memory, such as "variable speed hanging".

Other manufacturers adopt the attitude of "people don’t lift, officials don’t investigate". For example, the "ACT" plug-in of MMORPG Final Fantasy 14, if the player only uses its "damage monitoring" and "mechanism broadcasting" functions, the official will not take the initiative to intervene. After all, this plug-in has really improved the player’s game experience. But in principle, the game is not allowed to use plug-ins. If you take the corresponding test data to "police" other players, it will be officially banned.

"Police" Plug-in in Final Fantasy 14

Generally speaking, whether it is a plug-in or not, it is necessary to analyze the specific situation. For players, as long as the game is played according to the normal process, it will definitely not be banned. In this process, manufacturers need to reflect on whether their game design and version planning are unreasonable, and whether players must rely on some kind of soft plug-in (script) to get a good experience? If this is the case, it is not surprising that after the manufacturers take measures to crack down, they are "burned".

Strictly speaking, modifying the plug-in of game memory is also a part of cracking, but there are many more serious cases of cracking, and in the field of game security, anti-cracking is also the most important part.

In cracking, the most typical case is Legend. In the early years, "Legend" was cracked, and the source code was leaked. Some people deleted the source code with ulterior motives and added their own servers, which became a private server. In the field of black ash production, when a game is cracked, the cracked results will inevitably spread like a virus. When private servers can generate huge benefits, many people will ignore the law and start taking risks.

Under normal circumstances, game developers need to find the copyright party to request authorization to make genuine products. Private servers are like "tax evasion", which saves the step of paying money to the copyright party. There are many benefits in private servers, so there are fewer players playing genuine ones and the losses caused are incalculable.

Li Lei, marketing director of FairGuard, said that there are at least 20 billion industrial chains in the "Legend" mobile games, which are being attacked every year, but they just can’t be beaten.

A small game cracking platform

Of course, "Legend" is because the code leaked and cracked too early, and there will be a situation of private servers. A more common "crack" is to make paid games available for free. This has also brought a series of chain problems: after some small games with in-house purchases are cracked, they will be sold online at low prices, causing losses to developers and operators; Embedding some programs in the installation package, collecting personal information of players during installation, and then selling the information for profit; Implanting illegal advertisements in the original internal purchase part to achieve the effect of imitating genuine products and making money; What’s more, it will adopt a "subscription system" to make profits systematically, far exceeding the bottom line that game security can tolerate.

However, there are fewer cases of cracking the whole game, while there are more cases of cracking encrypted resources. For example, the pictures, audio, text and other contents in the game are all "game resources". Before the game goes online, these resources need to be packaged and encrypted. Generally, the encryption methods of game manufacturers are relatively low, so they have to entrust a third party to further encrypt.

Li Lei mentioned that in recent years, the demand for content-based secondary games has suddenly increased. On the one hand, because the art cost of Second Tour is getting higher and higher, art resources have become one of the most important project assets, accounting for the bulk of the project cost. Once the art resources are cracked, it is very likely that there will be competing products with simpler playing framework but similar art content in the market soon-in the legal sense, the criteria for judging plagiarism and skinning of games are still strict, and developers may realize that competing products have cracked their own art resources, but it is difficult to find tangible evidence.

On the other hand, the cracking of resources means "spoiler", which will affect the ecology of the game community to a certain extent and may indirectly interfere with the version planning of the operators. For example, a second tour puts the character resources to be sold into the game in advance, which is cracked in advance and spread in relevant communities. This character will gradually lose its appeal to players in the information flow, resulting in a decrease in profit.

Li Lei highlighted the resource leakage incident of "Girl Frontline 2: Chasing and Releasing" last year, that is, the "Mrs. Raymond" incident. This resource leakage directly led to the subsequent public opinion outbreak, so that the developer scattered the network and lost the trust of the players. From the point of view of protection, it is inconceivable that with the size of "less than the top 2", there are security problems in game resources.

Last October, the unpacked content of Little Top 2 was everywhere on the Internet.

Li Lei said: "Generally, medium and large-scale games will contact professional companies to do encryption work six months before the start of testing. PvE or relatively’ stand-alone’ mobile games need to prevent situations like’ less top 2′, and PvP games should consider whether the cracked resources will be used to make plug-ins."

In fact, once the popular game resources are leaked, they will be spread quickly and widely. Although this behavior is illegal, it is difficult for game companies to hold the disseminators accountable. At this stage, what developers should do is to keep an eye on whether their project resources are used for sale or further malicious use to prevent the loss from expanding.

In the process of communication, we always mention a problem: some small manufacturers or independent developers easily ignore security issues, or have relevant knowledge, but lack experience in dealing with them. Although large and medium-sized factories have accumulated more or less relevant experience in the development process, they will sometimes "stumble" when faced with the rapid change and increasingly rampant black ash production.

In fact, whether it is reality or games, security has always been a big problem. As a developer, what you should do is to make a good plan in advance as far as possible to avoid problems and then find ways to solve them.

The so-called plan, buying "outsourcing services" from professional teams is an option, but not all. Developers should consider some design logic when making games: will it be used by criminals? Can you do some verification work from the server to improve the intrusion threshold of cracking and plug-in? In fact, these jobs don’t cost too much, but are more about ideas and "intentions". On this basis, if something goes wrong, we can avoid more losses to some extent by looking for a security team to deal with it.

For developers, such concepts and "intentions" are particularly important. If there is an excellent game, because the developer lacks security awareness, he doesn’t even know how to deal with the most basic DDoS attack problem when he goes online, which makes a team’s efforts for several years go up in smoke. This is not only the personal loss of the developer, but also the loss of the game industry.

At this moment, defending the WTCR championship.

Steam potential Auto-First| Bai Yifeng

Although the COVID-19 epidemic continues to ravage, the final race of WTCR RV World Cup, which was originally scheduled to be held in Italy, was chosen to be held on November 15th in Aragon, Spain, but it still does not prevent it from being a world-class automobile race. In the end, Cyan Racing Lynk & Co team won the championship and runner-up in the third race in one fell swoop, and defended the championship with 429 points.

So far, the team has won 6 drivers’ championships in the six races of the WTCR RV World Cup in 2020, and won the podium for 19 times. Jan Herashe also won the drivers’ championship, representing the first time to win the world’s top car championship at his 24-year-old age, and becoming the youngest champion driver in WTCR history.

During the race, Cyan Racing Lynk & Co did not have a smooth ride. In the first race, due to the wet road surface of Aragon track, all the racing tires lacked grip and rushed out of the track many times. The team adopted the tire strategy of dry before wet, so it took the lead in the initial stage.

However, due to the car accident in the second race, Jan Ahrasche’s biggest competitor retired. Therefore, after the second race, Cyan Racing Lynk & Co team defended the 2020 WTCR team championship ahead of schedule.

Ordinary spectators may be more interested in this racing car. In this race, the BOP counterweight of 03 TCR racing car is 60Kg, and the supplementary counterweight is 40Kg. The whole car reaches 1365Kg, making it the heaviest racing car in this race. To know that the 03+ car weight of four-wheel drive has exceeded 1610Kg, you can imagine how much effort TCR has made in weight reduction.

At the same time, the height of the chassis is kept at 80mm, which is undoubtedly more suitable for the track compared with the coupe model of 120 mm-130 mm. As for why it doesn’t look so low? In order to ensure the tire strength, TCR racing car did not use tires with lower flat ratio. Even in such a difficult situation, the four drivers of the team were not affected at all.

Such excellent performance on the field benefited from the world-leading CMA basic module architecture, and continued to build high-end products with "high value, high performance, high technology, high safety and high value" for the global market, forming a three-dimensional product layout. At the same time, the 03 TCR racing car based on the 03 prototype not only won the honor in WTCR RV World Cup, but also remained strong in TCR CHINA.

In October, the monthly sales volume of automobiles reached 21,868 vehicles, up about 55.78% year-on-year, achieving seven consecutive months of growth. Among them, the sales volume of Model 03 reached 7,167 vehicles in October, becoming its main force and the only self-owned brand vehicle that can stand on the A+ market. Its continuous creation of automobile sports culture ecology makes everyone feel the rise of independent brands.

China football, why is it "hot" again recently?

BEIJING, Beijing, May 27 (Reporter Bian Liqun) "Shanghai Shenhua goalkeeper Ma Zhen committed violent acts and punched the opponent’s player in the face. He was suspended for 5 games and fined 50,000 yuan; Rodriguez, a foreign aid from Meizhou Hakka, carried out non-sports behavior and used insulting gestures to the opposing players. He was suspended for 4 games and fined RMB40,000. "

On the evening of 26th, China Football Association issued another heavy ticket. This is already the second consecutive round of the Super League, and two players have been severely punished for violence on the field.

Recently, football in China is full of anger, and in addition, the referee is insulted in the game and accused by social media. Since May, the China Football Association has issued as many as 21 tickets, most of which are concentrated in the past half month.

Jia Desong (left) and Aziz, who had been severely punished before, were in the game. China News Service reporter Wang Gang photo

The fire can’t be suppressed again.

The league has returned to the home and away games, and the fans have returned to the stadium. This season, the Super League is very popular. However, recently, there has been a lot of anger.

Of course, every season, there will inevitably be angry scenes. At the beginning of last season, just after two rounds of competition, the Super League created nine red cards and five tickets.

In contrast, this season, it is an improvement to enter the third node of the league and get frequent fines.

Data Map: In the Super League last season, referee Li Haixin showed a red card to Shi Ke (first from left). Image source: IC photo

Since the fifth round, the fire in the Super League has gradually started. Sunic, the foreign aid of Henan team, pushed down Fang Hao, a teenager from Beijing Guoan, and was suspended for five games by China Football Association, and fined 50,000 yuan.

In the same round of competition, Fan Bing, an official of Nantong Zhiyun Team, was banned from entering the competition stadium for one game and fined RMB10,000 by the Football Association for publishing the contents of questioning the referee in the WeChat circle of friends.

Coincidentally, Xie Hui, the coach of Dalian People’s Team, was also banned from entering the competition stadium for one game and fined RMB 10,000 for publishing the contents of the penalty dispute on social media.

Data Map: Xie Hui directs the competition in the stands. Image source: IC photo

As Nantong Zhiyun sent a long article in response to the Football Association’s fine on May 16th, the fire reached a new height.

"The facts on which the penalty decision is based are unclear and are not within the jurisdiction of the Football Association Disciplinary Committee, and the applicable rules are inappropriate; Moreover, although the punishment decision shows that there is a’ description of the parties’ by applying the template, in fact, it did not give our club or Fan Bing any opportunity to communicate, explain and defend themselves, and never held an interview meeting or hearing under the rules, lacking due process. "

"If such’ punishment decisions’ that lack legal basis and express personal opinions are allowed to flood, it will inevitably lead to illegal restrictions on the legitimate freedom of expression of football players and lead to a chilling effect."

Until now, the China Football Association has not responded to this. And a wave of unrest, a wave of rise again.

Data Map: Xie Hui directs the competition in the stands. Image source: IC photo

In the match between Tianjin Jinmen Tiger and Shandong Taishan Mountain on May 19th, Jia Desong, a foreign aid of Taishan Team, punched Beric, a foreign aid of Tianjin Jinmen Tiger, and the latter was injured. Jia Desong was finally banned for five games by the China Football Association and fined 50,000 yuan.

In the same round of competition between Wuhan Sanzhen and Chengdu Rongcheng, Aziz, a foreign aid from the three towns, trampled on his opponent’s leg and was banned for four games and fined 40,000 yuan.

Next, Shanghai Shenhua goalkeeper Ma Zhen and Meizhou Hakka foreign aid Rodrigo.

Why are you so angry?

Recently, the violence in China football field has been concentrated, which has to cause a question: Why are people so angry?

This season’s return to the home and away Super League, although the star flavor is insufficient after the loss of big-name stars, the game is still quite fierce.

To a certain extent, some of the anger also comes from this. Under the competition for every inch of land on the court, coupled with the blessing of the players’ own hormones in the game, irrational behavior is prone to occur.

This season’s Super League is hot at home. China News Service reporter Han Haidan photo

However, combing down, the source of a lot of anger comes from some penalties.

For example, Fan Bing, an official of Nantong Zhiyun, and Xie Hui, the coach of Dalian, made speeches on social media, all of which were aimed at the referee’s penalty.

In the match between Tianjin Jinmenhu and Shandong Taishan, the players of the two teams have accumulated anger for a long time. Before Jia Desong’s boxing behavior, the fighting action has gone beyond the normal range. Unfortunately, the referee on duty failed to control the field well, which indirectly led to a large-scale conflict at the end of the game. All kinds of chaos have buried the original excitement of this goal war.

Sunic, a foreign aid from Henan province, and Aziz, a foreign aid from three towns in Wuhan, were given additional punishment for their violent behavior, but in the game, the two referees on duty only showed them yellow cards.

The Wuhan Three Towns team punished Aziz for one dollar and responded to the ticket in disguise.

Another big source of anger is the intensive schedule. Since the start of the game on April 15th, the Chinese Super League has played 9 rounds in more than one month, with each team playing once every 4 days on average.

Under the long-term consumption of double matches in a week, the players are inevitably tired of fighting, which further increases their anger.

Data Map: This season’s Super League competition. China News Service reporter Futian photo

Sparse fire can reduce fire.

Objective factors, such as the intensive schedule and the referee’s ruling level, cannot be changed in a short time. Therefore, the way of suppressing fire, which is similar to punishing improper remarks, can not reduce the fire well, but is easy to be swallowed up by fire.

Therefore, Nantong Zhiyun, Wuhan Sanzhen and other clubs responded fiercely, and the behavior of club officials abusing referees on the court and questioning referees on social media off the court became more and more concentrated.

Fans in the stands and on social media are also angry.

For the current football in China, communication needs to be strengthened, and all parties need to reduce the fire.

In fact, in the 2021 season, the Super League used the mechanism of publicly responding to controversial penalties, but it did not last long, and such responses disappeared.

In addition, some fans suggested that it is possible to reconsider choosing an international referee in some 6-point battles related to championship or relegation.

Although this move may not necessarily put an end to the phenomenon of questioning the referee and the misjudgment and omission in the court, it can still alleviate the anger caused by various trust crises.

In any case, it is really precious that the league resumes home and away games, fans return to the stadium, and some stadiums even have a hard-to-find ticket. Football practitioners in China should cherish this fire, not anger. (End)

Is the village superior to Russia superior? Guizhou Football United played against Dzenit on November 17th.

According to "Colorful Guizhou Network", "China Daily" and other media, Guizhou will form a Guizhou Football League to play a game with Russia and Dzenit. Tickets for the competition can be collected free of charge, and the audience is controlled at around 30,000 people.

This series of football activities includes Guizhou Football United Trial, International Football Carnival, Tianhetan Football Night and so on. In terms of football competition, Guizhou Football United will select the best professional players in Guizhou through trials to form Guizhou Football United, which will compete with UEFA Cup and Super Cup champion and Russian Dzenit Football Club in Guiyang Olympic Sports Center on November 17th.

The football carnival will be held on the evening of November 16th, and international trade fairs, roadside music festivals and interactive sports activities will be held outside the stadium. Citizens and friends will enjoy players competing on the same stage, Guizhou minority songs and dances, drone performances and fireworks shows; You can also taste Chinese and Russian specialties, products and experience sports parent-child interaction projects.

It is reported that this activity aims to strengthen cultural exchanges among BRICS countries, further enhance the external visibility and influence of colorful Guizhou and Shuang Shuang Guiyang, promote exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in sports, culture, economy and other fields, and enhance the friendship between the Chinese and Russian peoples.

"The harm caused by Japan’s nuclear polluted water discharged into the sea will be global" (international perspective)

  On August 9, more than 20 college students from many places in South Korea formed a "delegation against Fukushima nuclear polluted water discharging into the sea" to hold a protest rally in Tokyo, Japan, and strongly opposed the Japanese government’s plan to force nuclear polluted water discharging into the sea.

  Our reporter Yue Linyi photo

  According to media reports, Japan is studying to start the discharge of Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the sea as early as late August. The Japanese government’s behavior of ignoring the legitimate and reasonable concerns of all parties and insisting on promoting the plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea has triggered continuous opposition and criticism from Japan and the international community. All parties urge the Japanese government to fully respond to the concerns of the international community, fulfill its due moral responsibilities and obligations under international law, stop pushing the plan of sea discharge, fully communicate with neighboring countries in a sincere manner, ensure the safe disposal of nuclear polluted water, and accept strict international supervision.

  "The Japanese government should abandon the established route of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea."

  On August 9, more than 20 college students from many places in South Korea formed a "delegation against Fukushima nuclear pollution" to hold a protest rally near the Prime Minister’s residence and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Tokyo, Japan. The students held banners and slogans such as "Oppose the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea" and "Don’t pollute everyone’s sea" and shouted slogans such as "Stop Fukushima nuclear polluted water from discharging into the sea" and "Preserve nuclear polluted water on land", and strongly opposed the Japanese government’s plan to force nuclear polluted water to discharge into the sea.

  Park Jae-min, a student from Korea’s Jianguo University who participated in the protest rally, told this reporter that the safety of Fukushima’s nuclear polluted water discharged into the sea has not been fully verified, and it is impossible to eliminate the worries and uneasiness of ordinary people all over the world, including South Korea. South Korea and Japan are close neighbors, and the discharge of Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the sea is bound to do harm to ordinary people in South Korea and seriously affect South Korea’s marine fisheries.

  On August 7th, Japanese citizens’ groups held a theme forum on "Opposing Nuclear Pollution Water Discharging into the Sea" in Nagasaki City. More than 100 citizens and students from Nagasaki and all over Japan attended the forum. In his speech, the host Gu Yazhi said that discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea is to put economic cost above safety, and the Japanese government chose discharging the sea as a simple way to save money out of economic self-interest. Gu Yazhi emphasized that the nuclear polluted water in Fukushima contains a variety of radioactive substances, which is not the same as the waste water generated by normal nuclear power plants. All radioactive wastes generated by nuclear accidents, including nuclear polluted water, should be permanently sealed and kept.

  At the forum, Masahiro Kaoda, a co-representative of the Fukushima Peace Forum, a local civic group in Fukushima Prefecture, pointed out that although various feasible measures can be taken to prevent nuclear polluted water from being discharged into the sea, the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company have always regarded the sea discharge plan as an "established policy", ignoring many objections, concealing various problems that are not conducive to the nuclear polluted water discharge plan, and constantly pushing forward the sea discharge plan.

  Masahiro Kakuda stressed that Japanese fishing groups insisted on opposing the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea and demanded that the Japanese government continue to preserve nuclear polluted water on land. This voice was very strong among ordinary people in Fukushima. However, the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company turned a blind eye to this and refused to re-study other disposal methods other than discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea. He said, "The Japanese government should abandon the established route of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea, show courage and make a political decision to re-study the disposal plan of nuclear polluted water."

  From August 4th, the second phase of the 2023 World Conference on the Prohibition of Atomic Bombs and Hydrogen Bombs, sponsored by the Japan National Conference on the Prohibition of Atomic Bombs and Hydrogen Bombs, was held in Hiroshima, Japan. On the morning of the 5th, at the sub-forum to discuss the Japanese government’s nuclear power policy, many experts, scholars and representatives of civic groups once again severely criticized and resolutely opposed the Japanese government’s insistence on promoting the plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea regardless of public opinion.

  In his speech, Professor Emeritus of osaka prefecture university, Mr. Kazuyuki Sawazawa, pointed out that the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company’s promotion of Fukushima nuclear polluted water to the sea not only violated the relevant provisions of the London Convention on Dumping Waste, but also suspected of violating Japan’s domestic law. The London Dumping Convention prohibits the dumping of radioactive wastes into the sea through artificial structures at sea. As a contracting party to the London Dumping Convention, Japan attempts to discharge the Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the sea, which obviously violates the relevant provisions of the Convention. In addition, at present, the amount of radiation in the space environment in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant far exceeds the limit measurement, and the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea will further increase the amount of radiation in the space environment in this area, which is an illegal act suspected of violating relevant Japanese restrictions and regulations.

  Park Zhenying, a representative of a civic group from Ulsan, South Korea, said in his speech that the current domestic polls show that more than 80% of South Koreans strongly oppose the Japanese government’s discharge of Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the sea. More than 700 citizens’ organizations in South Korea unanimously opposed the Japanese government’s plan to force nuclear polluted water into the sea. Once the nuclear polluted water is discharged into the sea, it means that the impact of the Fukushima nuclear accident will last for 30 years or even longer.

  "It is a barbaric act to force the plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea."

  Li Zaiming, leader of the Common Democratic Party, the largest opposition party in South Korea, said at the symposium on "Preventing Fukushima nuclear polluted water from being discharged into the sea" held by the South Korean National Assembly on the 8th, "Now we should unite and take countermeasures to prevent Japanese nuclear polluted water from being discharged into the sea. Ensuring that future generations can live in a safe and comfortable environment is one of the important responsibilities of our generation. "

  Yu Yuanzhi, member of the Standing Committee of the Common Democratic Party’s "Countermeasures Committee for Preventing Contaminated Water from Discharging into the Sea", said at the forum that the Japanese government could not dispel people’s concerns no matter how unreasonable it claimed to be "safe". The Common Democratic Party will stick to the end and prevent Japan’s nuclear polluted water from being discharged into the sea.

  More than 200 local people, including citizens’ groups in Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea, held a rally on the 5th to condemn Japan’s plan of forcing nuclear polluted water into the sea. The citizens attending the rally said that the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea is a disaster for the earth’s ecosystem and all mankind. Local citizens’ groups said: "In order to resist the Japanese nuclear pollution, we will fight with all the people in Chungcheongnam-do to the end."

  South Korea’s Gwangju Citizen Group held a press conference on the 2nd, strongly condemning and protesting the Japanese plan of forcing nuclear polluted water into the sea. The people who participated in the protests said: "It is a barbaric act for Japan to push the plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea. We must not sit idly by and ignore the serious consequences caused by the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea. We hope that more people can understand the harmfulness and seriousness of the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea through protests. We must stop this behavior and protect our future. "

  "The Japanese government should face up to the concerns of the international community."

  Luke Mani, director and senior researcher of the Solomon Islands Foreign Policy Advisory Secretariat, said in an interview with this reporter that the Pacific island countries are firmly opposed to Japan’s nuclear pollution water discharge plan. Pacific island countries are basically small island countries, and people’s lives depend heavily on marine ecosystems. For example, the most important marine resource of many Pacific island countries — — Tuna is a highly migratory fish, and discharging nuclear polluted water anywhere in the Pacific Ocean will put this important economic and food resource in danger. "Tunas from Pacific island countries are not only exported to Japan, but also to Europe, so the harm caused by Japan’s nuclear pollution water discharging into the sea will be global."

  Tillman Ruff, co-chairman of the Australian International Doctors Organization for the Prevention of Nuclear War and co-founder of the International Movement for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, said in an interview with the media a few days ago that Japan’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea violated international conventions such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the London Dumping Convention, and there was also evidence that such behavior would cause extensive and sustained harm and would not bring any benefits. "The Japanese government should face up to the concerns of the international community." Luf said that Japan’s nuclear pollution discharged into the sea will also bring social and economic consequences. The decline of income and export of fishery and other related industries, the strengthening of supervision and restrictions on imports by various countries will all have an impact on Japanese fishermen.

  Weng Shijie, Chairman of Malaysian Center for New Asian Strategic Studies, said in an interview with this reporter that Japan’s insistence on promoting the plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea is irresponsible and detrimental to its international reputation. At the same time, the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea will also endanger Japan’s own marine fisheries, and some countries and regions have strictly controlled Japanese seafood.

  Jin Ping, director of the Institute of International Relations of the Royal Cambodian Academy of Sciences, told this reporter that it is a major problem to discharge the nuclear polluted water from Fukushima into the sea. Nuclear polluted water will do harm to marine life, which is not conducive to marine fisheries and poses a threat to human beings. The Japanese government should fully consult with neighboring countries and other stakeholders to effectively dispose of nuclear polluted water in a scientific, safe and transparent manner.

  (Tokyo, Seoul, Canberra, Bangkok, August 9th)

The small plane was chased by the US military plane and eventually crashed. The information on the crew was revealed!

  BEIJING, June 5 (Xinhua)-According to foreign media reports, on the 4th local time, a light plane was suspected to have broken into the sky above Washington, USA, and was chased by American fighter planes at high speed. The light plane eventually crashed in Virginia, and the identity of the owner and crew of the plane attracted attention.

  According to The Washington Post and The New York Times, this plane is a private business plane registered with a company named Encore Motors of Melbourne in Florida, USA.

  Image source: The New York Times report screenshot

  American media contacted the company’s operator, 75-year-old John Roupell, by telephone. He revealed that his daughter, two-year-old granddaughter, nanny and pilot were all on the plane.

  John Roupell said he knew little about the crash. He said in a choked voice that if the plane loses pressure, "they will all fall asleep and never wake up again … … I don’t think they have found the wreckage yet. It drops at a speed of 20,000 feet per minute, and no one can survive in this situation. "

  The Daily Beast, an American news website, noted that Barbara Roupell, the wife of John Roupell, was registered as the president of Encore Motors of Melbourne, but she declined to comment.

  According to the records of the Federal Election Commission obtained by this website, Mr. and Mrs. John Roupell are both well-known business people in Florida. In the past few years, they have donated money to many Republican candidates running for federal office, including hundreds of thousands of dollars to former President Trump and his political organization.

  According to the report, public information shows that Barbara Roupell is also a long-term member of the National Rifle Association (NRA). Since 2002, she has been a member of the NRA Women’s Leadership Committee.

  On the 4th local time, a Cessna light plane was suspected to have broken into the sky above Washington, and the US F-16 jet fighter scrambled for high-speed pursuit, causing a sonic boom over the US capital. During this period, the US military tried to establish contact with the pilots on Cessna plane.

  According to the statement of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Cessna plane took off from Elizabethan, Tennessee on the 4th and was scheduled to fly to Long Island, new york. But inexplicably, the plane turned around over Long Island and plummeted over Washington, D.C.. The plane later crashed in the mountains of southwest Virginia.

  It is not clear why the Cessna plane did not respond to the control of the authorities, and it is not clear why it crashed.

How to grow cherries big and sweet? Here comes the exclusive secret of Liubu’s new "Cherry King"

Another year of cherry red. On May 19th, at the opening ceremony of the 15th China Jinan Nanshan Cherry Picking Festival, after comprehensive evaluation by five authoritative experts in the industry, Qin Fujun, a grower in Majiayu Village, Liubu Street, Jinan City, won the title of "Cherry King" in Liubu Street this year with three indicators of sugar content of 29%, fruit diameter of 3.6 cm and best taste. At the opening ceremony, the simple fruit grower generously shared his exclusive planting secrets with the surrounding growers from the four dimensions of management in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Qin Fujun, a new cherry king in Liubu

In spring management, it is mainly pruning and fertilization. At this time, it is necessary to remove the branches of pests and diseases and cut the tree into "uniaxial extension". This tree-shaped nutrient is concentrated, ventilated and transparent, and almost every fruit can see the sun. In the management of fertilizer and water in spring, there is no need for nitrogen fertilizer, because the nitrogen fertilizer in everyone’s field is enough for big cherries to absorb. Qin Fujun suggested that the majority of fruit farmers should apply more organic fertilizer and potassium fertilizer. There is also a little trick about watering. Most people water after applying fertilizer, but Qin Fujun does the opposite, watering first and then fertilizing. He said that this method is not easy to dilute fertilizer. Because Liubu is sandy loam with strong air permeability, applying fertilizer and watering it will dilute, volatilize and dilute the fertilizer, which will cause waste and is not conducive to fruit absorption.

In summer management, it is mainly to control prosperity. Qin Fujun said: "Let’s remember that if the tree is too prosperous, it will not bear fruit. It will only blossom and bear no fruit. The core of controlling prosperity is: twisting the tip, picking the heart and pulling out the bud. "

In autumn management, be careful not to apply fertilizer after picking, because applying fertilizer after picking is a misunderstanding. According to Qin Fujun’s years of experience, the leaves of big cherry are thick and big, and the nutrients absorbed by photosynthesis alone are enough for flower bud differentiation. If chemical fertilizer is applied during this period, the cherry trees will grow in vain and cannot form flower buds smoothly, and the next year will almost blossom without fruit.

In winter management, Qin Fujun’s experience is "raising grass". His orchard is covered with grass. This grass has many advantages. It can cover the surface of soil in winter and achieve a certain degree of constant temperature. When the cold current comes, it can resist part of it. In other words, with grass, the orchard will not be out of production in extremely cold weather. In addition, the mixture of stone and sulfur should be applied once before winter and once in spring. It can kill insects and sterilize, keep warm, and reduce the harm caused by extreme weather.

After receiving this heavy medal, the new "Cherry King" has mixed feelings: "There are all kinds of flavors in it." Affected by the weather this year, cherry orchard of Qin Fujun’s family is also facing a reduction in production, but the overall situation is much better than that of local fruit farmers, thanks to his planting methods. Talking about why he was so generous in teaching his own planting experience, he smiled and said, "Common prosperity."

Liubu big cherry

Liubu Big Cherry Picking Festival has been held for 15 consecutive years. At the opening ceremony, Shandong Fruit Association, Vegetable Basket Production and Marketing Alliance and Shandong JD.COM Agricultural Trade Development Co., Ltd. signed strategic cooperation agreements with Liubu Sub-district Office respectively. On-site setting and evaluation of outstanding farmers in big cherry management, "Cherry King" evaluation, "Cherry" taste sweet food competition and on-site lottery interaction, etc., citizens and tourists have participated in it.

Cherry has been planted in Liubu street for hundreds of years. In the past, small cherries were mainly planted, which were small in size, poor in taste and not resistant to storage. Since 1995, Wangjiayu Village has taken the lead in clearing hills and preparing soil, returning farmland to fruits and renewing old varieties. It has used three years to develop a planting area of more than 2,000 mu of high-quality big cherries, including more than 20 varieties such as red light, Zaodaguo and Brooks. During this period, with Wangjiayu as the core radiation, the surrounding villages successively developed large cherry planting of 8,000 mu.

Liubu Sub-district Office is the main fruit production base in Jinan and the key ecological function protection zone.

This year, Liubu Street has introduced 11 high-quality new varieties, such as Samit, Luying -5, Santimei, Qizao, Santina, Cordia, LuoYaming and Luying No.3, which are characterized by large fruit, sweetness and storage resistance. Up to now, Liubu Street has more than 10,000 mu of large cherry industrial base, which has become the largest large cherry planting base in Jinan.

(Rural Popular Daily reporter Liu Zhenzhen)

Source: Rural Popular Daily


Expert: High-potassium fruit is a "deadly poison" for patients with kidney disease.

  Wuhan Evening News (correspondent Liu Shan, reporter Yan Yan) The man ate five oranges in one breath, and soon fainted to the ground, and his heart might stop at any time? Don’t doubt, it seems incredible, but it has something to do with the common disease of hypertension.

  Mr. Jiang, a 44-year-old from Houhu, opened a small shop by himself. Because he kept the shop every day, he seldom had any activities. More than ten years ago, he was diagnosed with high blood pressure, but he felt that he was young and strong. He didn’t take medicine at all. He only took it once in a while when he felt unwell. When he was well, he stopped taking medicine and never went to the hospital for a physical examination.

  Some time ago, Mr. Jiang always felt bored, and sometimes his calves were swollen, but he didn’t care too much. Before lunch the day before yesterday, he ate oranges while looking at the shop and ate five at a time. Not long after, Mr. Jiang lost consciousness and fainted on the ground. His family quickly called 120 ambulances to take him to the nearby Houhu Campus in central hospital of wuhan.

  After examination, his creatinine was as high as 1700umol/L, and his blood potassium was as high as 7.2mmol/l, while the normal concentration of blood potassium was 3.5-5.5 mmol/L. The doctor diagnosed it as uremia and hyperkalemia!

  The situation is critical and cardiac arrest may occur at any time. The rescue was carried out against time. After emergency hemodialysis, hypokalemia and other symptomatic treatments, Mr. Jiang finally turned the corner. Xiao Wei, Deputy Chief Physician of Nephrology, inquired about the medical history and found that Mr. Jiang himself suffered from hypertension, but there was no standardized treatment, and the result was uremia. And oranges are the "fuse" of the disease: rich in potassium. For uremia patients, oranges are delicious but deadly poison. Normal people can excrete excess potassium in their bodies through urine, but patients with chronic renal insufficiency have reduced potassium excretion ability because of renal function decline. If you eat a lot of high-potassium food, it may lead to the accumulation of potassium in the body and hyperkalemia, which may lead to cardiac arrest and life-threatening.

  Chen Wenli, director of the Department of Nephrology, said that in recent years, the increasing of hypertension and diabetes is an important reason for the increase of uremia patients. Long-term poor control of hypertension and hyperglycemia will lead to serious damage to renal function and eventually lead to uremia. Therefore, it is suggested that people with high-risk factors should treat and control diseases in a standardized way. In addition to regular monitoring of blood pressure and blood sugar, urine routine and renal function should also be checked regularly.

  As the Spring Festival is approaching, people with renal insufficiency such as uremia must keep their mouths shut and eat less or no foods with high potassium content, such as grapes, bananas, oranges, oranges, pomegranates, kelp, leeks and spinach, so as not to cause hyperkalemia. Potassium intake can be reduced by blanching vegetables. In addition, low sodium salt also contains a large amount of potassium salt, which can not be used for patients with chronic renal insufficiency.