When he was an official in Hainan, he asked his boss to buy a house and went to Guizhou for his son’s liquor business. He was accused of collecting more than 450 million yuan! My younger brother once

"I don’t know what I want money for. I don’t worry about eating and drinking. What do you need money for? Bury you! I now know that my crazy greed is at its peak, but I don’t know why I want money. "

On the 16th, the anti-corruption TV feature film "Zero Tolerance" aired the second episode "Beating tigers and catching flies", and Wang Fuyu, the former party secretary and chairman of Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference, who was accused of collecting more than 450 million yuan, repented in front of the camera.

Source: "Zero Tolerance" video screenshot

Wang Fuyu, who will turn 70 this year, was dismissed in February last year, when he retired as the chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference for more than three years.

Wang Fuyu was born in Tanghe, Henan Province, and his official career involved Hebei, Hainan and Guizhou. In February 1998, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of Hainan Provincial Party Committee and secretary of Sanya Municipal Party Committee, and became a deputy provincial cadre. Later, he was appointed as Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of Haikou Municipal Party Committee. In December 2004, Wang Fuyu was transferred to Guizhou as deputy secretary of the provincial party committee; in January 2012, he was elected as vice chairman of the CPPCC; in the following year, he was elected as chairman of the CPPCC; and he retired in January 2018.

In February 2021, Wang Fuyu was investigated and expelled from the Party in August. According to the report,This man is duplicitous, double-dealing, double-dealing, morally bankrupt, and has a bad family style. Until he retires, he still collects money and collects wealth.

On November 30, 2021, Tianjin No.1 Intermediate People’s Court held a public hearing in the first instance to hear the Wang Fuyu case. The prosecution accused him of corruption as early as 1995 until he was investigated in 2021. It uses the convenience of its position and the convenient conditions for the formation of its authority and status to seek benefits for relevant units and individuals in matters such as enterprise management, planning approval, and job adjustment.Accumulated more than 434 million yuan.In addition, from 2019 to 2020, after leaving office, Wang Fuyu also used his influence to accept property given by others.A total of 17.35 million yuan.

Image source: CCTV video screenshot

The feature film broadcast on 16th revealed that Wang Fuyu’s violation of discipline and law and collection of money began in 1990s, and he was still collecting money from private entrepreneurs until a few days before he was detained, which lasted for a long time and was deeply hidden.

The feature film revealed that Wang Fuyu’s long-term use of a luxury villa in Guiyang was decorated with high-grade funds from his close boss, with a movie hall and a gym, and all the details were exquisite.

Interestingly,The words hanging on the wall in the living room of the villa are all advertising that they care about the people and are indifferent to fame and fortune.Hanging in the middle is the famous saying of a magistrate of a county during the reign of Kangxi: "It is not honorable to get an official, but it is not shameful to lose an official. Don’t say that an official is useless, and the place depends on one official; Eat the food of the people and wear the clothes of the people. Don’t say that the people can be bullied, and they are also people. "

Image source: CCTV video screenshot

Hanging on both sides is a pair of couplets given to Wang Fuyu by a boss: "Be kind and pure as jade, and be rich in spirit for the people", and painstakingly hide the word "rich jade" in the couplets, flattering and flattering Wang Fuyu.

Wang Heng, deputy director of the Tenth Supervision and Inspection Office of the State Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, said that Wang Fuyu ostensibly packaged himself as clean and honest, but in fact, the problem of pursuing pleasure and luxury life was very prominent in Wang Fuyu.He even wanted to live in Sanya in winter, Guiyang in summer and Shenzhen in spring and autumn, so he arranged for his boss to buy him a house in Sanya, Shenzhen and Guiyang before decorating.

In addition, in the 1990s, Wang Fuyu began to get in touch with golf, and he was obsessed with it, playing from Hainan to Guizhou, from working to retirement.Even asked private entrepreneurs to arrange for him to play golf all over the country by private jet.

Wang Fuyu served as mayor and secretary of municipal party committee in Haikou, Sanya, Qiongshan and other cities in Hainan. Hainan developed tourism and holiday industry, and golf courses gradually emerged. At that time, Wang Fuyu became fascinated with playing golf, and it was on the golf course that he gradually became close with many bosses.

"I also played a lot of golf problems, what’s wrong with it? One is to buy a house and decide on the court, and the money is decided on the court. Isn’t this all corruption and has become a corrupt trading place? " Wang Fuyu said.

When working in Hainan, Wang Fuyu began to accept a large amount of bribes, and from the very beginning, he had the idea of staying behind abroad. In 1995, he went through immigration procedures for himself, his wife and daughter in violation of regulations.It was not until 2009 that he was worried about affecting his future.

1994From 1998 to 1998, when Wang Fuyu was in Qiongshan City, Hainan, the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor shouldered the burden, he first tasted the taste of "number one".I relaxed myself ideologically and let my boss take money to buy a house.

In exchange, the owner of the house was able to contract part of the Hairui Bridge, a key project in Qiongshan at that time.

Wang Fuyu said, "Harry is a native of Qiongshan and an ancestor in the history of anti-corruption in China. I named a bridge after him, but I took advantage of others. "

Since then, Wang Fuyu has successively arranged for a number of private entrepreneurs to purchase a number of properties in many places and put them under the names of relatives; The large amount of money received is also kept by his younger brother Wang Fu.

Wang Fuyu also arranged for Wang Fu to apply for a false identity card in Henan under the pseudonym "Chen Xin", while he applied for a false identity card in Hebei under the pseudonym "Chen Kexiao", and opened a number of bank accounts with false identity cards, accumulating hundreds of millions of yuan.

Wang Fuyu repented in the feature film:I took money from others in Qiongshan, bought a house, and joined the Standing Committee of the (Hainan) Provincial Party Committee, so I lost my awe. I took discipline and the law seriously, which is the root cause of my problems.

2012Since 1996, Wang Fuyu has served as vice chairman and chairman of Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference. He feels that this is the last stop before retirement, and the behavior of collecting money is even crazier. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China vigorously fought corruption, and provincial and ministerial officials were constantly dismissed everywhere. Even Wang Fuyu’s younger brother advised him to consider quitting, but he was still bold.

Wang Fu (Wang Fuyu’s younger brother) said, "I said, don’t take other people’s money. Just live in peace in your old age. How much is this thing enough?" I said that now that the central authorities have made such a fierce investigation, we should not take it lightly. After the chat, he didn’t say anything at the time. Later, I saw that he still didn’t stop. "

Moutai is a unique scarce resource in Guizhou, and Wang Fuyu will not miss the opportunity to make use of this resource.He used his power to obtain the qualification of Maotai store for his son Wang Bin, and illegally obtained a large number of Maotai fine wine indicators to earn huge profits.. In 2014, Maotai Group invested in the development of a resort hotel in Sanya. Businessman Shen asked Wang Fuyu to help with the project construction, and Wang Fuyu arranged for his younger brother Wang Fu to come forward to work with Shen in the name of "cooperation" and operate behind the scenes.

According to Wang Fuyu’s instructions, Wang Fu went to Hainan, accompanied Shen to invite the project leader of Maotai Group to have a meal, and called Wang Fuyu during the dinner.

Gao Shou Hong (former Party Committee member and deputy general manager of Maotai Group):Call me when you get through, "Gao Gao Gao, you answer the phone." I heard the leader’s voice when I answered the phone. "Ok, Xiao Gao, I wish you all the best in your work. My brother will also take care of you there. If there is anything, just say, don’t mention it." I said "thank the leaders for their concern", and that’s all. Later, as soon as the phone dropped, I understood what was going on. My younger brother told me directly, which is what my older brother meant. Please take care of General Gao. When I say no problem, I mean the boss, and I will carry out the instructions.

Image source: screenshot of Zero Tolerance video

Subsequently, Shen won the bid successfully, and Wang Fu took 45% of the profit share in the name of "partner". Between 2015 and 2020, Shen successively transferred the money to Wang Fu according to the agreement.

Wang Fu (Wang Fuyu’s younger brother): Overall, there should be more than 60 million yuan. There is nothing he can do with this large sum of money. He said to leave it with you and keep it first.

Source: national business daily Comprehensive Central Commission for Discipline Inspection website of the State Supervision Commission, Zero Tolerance.

national business daily
