Joint venture challenger, Geely Xingyue L listed for sale at 137,200 yuan.

During this year’s Shanghai Auto Show, Geely Automobile built a new SUV model named Xingyue L based on CMA architecture, and released "SUV Disruptive Action", which opened the curtain to challenge the mainstream joint venture SUV. After waiting for three months, Xingyue L was officially listed in Hangzhou on July 20th.

This time, Xingyue L launched two power combinations, 2.0TD-7DCT EVO and 2.0TD High-Tech -8AT, with a market guidance price of 137,200 yuan to 185,200 yuan. Among them, Xingyue L’s exclusive Cuiyu magic color suit costs 5,000 yuan, including Cuiyu magic color special car paint+Cuiyu double suede interior, double five-spoke pulse exclusive wheels+magic color exclusive car keys.

At the same time, Geely Automobile has also prepared a variety of car purchase benefits for users who purchase the Star Yue L, such as a financial subsidy of up to 10,000 yuan, an increase and replacement subsidy of 7,000 yuan, free basic traffic for life, free maintenance for 4.5 years or 120,000 kilometers, and free warranty for 5 years or 150,000 kilometers.

Challenge the three flagship standards

As the main model of Geely in SUV products in the future, Xingyue L is also challenging the mainstream joint venture SUV models. And it has been comprehensively advanced from three levels: intelligence, security and luxury.

First of all, on the intelligent level, Xingyue L is equipped with the strongest Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, which supports 5G high-speed network and drives multiple screens with one core. At the same time, the new car is first equipped with Geely Galaxy OS system, which can realize the three-screen linkage of IMAX and the four-screen linkage of 25.6-inch AR-HUD–creating a smart cockpit with the largest "screen ratio".

In addition, under the blessing of CMA’s new intelligent and evolvable electronic and electrical architecture, Xingyue L has the intelligent expansion potential in the next 5 to 10 years. In addition, Xingyue L also has the global FOTA capability, which is the first engine power OTA, so that fuel vehicles can achieve multi-dimensional upgrades like pure trams.

Thanks to the 24 sensing elements with the largest number of mass-produced fuel vehicles, Xingyue L has nine large-area security. Among them, the EMA emergency steering assistance system carried by the new car can help the driver to make emergency avoidance when danger comes and minimize the possibility of injury; Elk passed the test with a score of 79km/h, giving users the strongest protection with the ultimate safety experience.

Finally, at the luxury level, Xingyue L is fully aligned with the products of 300,000 yuan. The straight waterfall air intake grille, with the appearance of matrix headlights on both sides, gives people a tall and tough visual experience. With a length, width and height of 4770mm×1895mm×1689mm and a wheelbase of 2845mm, Xingyue L has surpassed the level of joint venture competitors at the same level.

The luxury of Xingyue L is also reflected in the power. The new car is equipped with 2.0T high and low power engines of Volvo Drive-E series, which are matched with 7-speed wet DCT gearbox and 8AT gearbox respectively. The addition of the sixth generation electro-hydraulic four-wheel drive system of Borgwarner, the first in China, further highlights the comprehensive mechanical quality of Xingyue L.

Popularize high-end products

At the listing conference of Xingyue L, Li Shufu, chairman of Geely Holding Group, who has not participated in such activities for a long time, also came to the scene to cheer for Xingyue L platform. In Li Shufu’s view, Xingyue L is of epoch-making significance. It is neither a traditional car nor a new energy car, but it inherits the advantages of traditional cars, absorbs the highlights of new energy cars and creates its own characteristics.

Two years ago, Xingyue, the first model of Geely Automobile CMA architecture, went on the market, which broke the inherent cognition of users’ distrust of the three major parts of China. Last year, the launch of Xingrui, the first car product under CMA framework, broke through the "family car standard" previously formulated by joint venture brands.

With the listing of Xingyue L, Geely Automobile officially released the "High-end Series of Geely Brand CMA"-named "China Star" at the event site. Geely Automobile believes that China Star represents the highest level of automobile brands in China at present, and will challenge the high-end market in the future to provide users with high-value products and realize the popularization of high-end products. And in the global automobile industry, we will fight for "China automobile value" and set a new benchmark of "China automobile value" with three high values.

In Geely Automobile’s view, the first high value of China Star is to lead the era of global architecture. The release of China Star can also be regarded as a brand-new advance of Geely’s architecture. At present, Volvo, Link and Geely CMA architecture products have been recognized by more than 1 million users around the world. By 2024, all products of Geely brand will fully realize the construction of cars!

The second high value is to lead the global hybrid new energy era. In the future, Geely will continue to promote the "Blue Geely Action Plan". In September this year, Geely Automobile will launch a global power brand and build a Geely GHS2.0 intelligent hybrid system, achieving 43.32% of the world’s highest thermal efficiency and more than 40% fuel saving rate. In the future, GHS2.0 dual-engine intelligent hybrid system will be first installed on China Star.

The third high value is to lead the global era of 5G smart travel. Geely has made diversified layouts in the fields of LEO synchronous satellite, V2X vehicle-road coordination and high-level autonomous driving, and has the ability to link smart city traffic. By 2022, we will see Geely automobile with L4 unmanned driving and intelligent digital cockpit in Hangzhou Asian Games.

Gan Jiayue, CEO of Geely Automobile Group, said: "The high value of China Star Three leading the world is one of the’ China Geely’ schemes for China Automobile to go global, become bigger and stronger. As the global leader of China Automobile, Geely will fight for the’ China Automobile Value’, look for the direction, strengthen its belief, and work hard to make China Automobile travel all over the world. "

Write at the end:

First of all, from the product point of view, Xingyue L should have the strength to compete with or even surpass the joint venture products in terms of intelligence, safety and luxury, and the price of 137,200 yuan to 185,200 yuan, while fully surpassing the product strength value of the strong joint venture brand, it can be said that it is full of sincerity without requiring users to spend a penny more.

The release of China Star highlights Geely’s brand dream of "being great because of happiness" forged in 35 years. As Li Shufu said: "For more than a decade, Geely has cooperated with global partners to overcome one difficulty after another and solve one problem after another to achieve today’s product achievements of Xingyue L. What users buy is not an isolated automobile product, but the result of Geely’s systematic service and high-tech ability. I firmly believe that Xingyue L will lead the intelligent transformation of traditional automobiles and make positive contributions to the intelligent development of China automobile industry. "

Original Ren Xianqi’s recent situation in the United States: Dinner with 54-year-old wife in Vietnamese restaurant, 18-year-old straight-A student daughter makes a rare appearance

On August 15, 57-year-old famous singer Ren Xianqi made a rare appearance in the United States. He took advantage of the break in his concert in the mainland to come to the United States with his 54-year-old wife and 18-year-old daughter!

This is where netizens met Ren Xianqi at a Vietnamese affordable restaurant in front of the University of Illinois in the United States. The 57-year-old Ren Xianqi looked like a young man from a distance, with black and straight hair. He wore short sleeves of more than 2,000 yuan, jeans, and high-top black shoes. He looked as cool as Yu Chengqing, really handsome, and still as down-to-earth as ever.

Compared to Jay Chou’s recent personality attire, it is obvious that Ren Xianqi is very peaceful and standardized:

Ren Xianqi stood at the door of the restaurant and saw that it was an ordinary small shop. Some netizens found that Ren Xianqi, his wife and daughter ordered a few simple side dishes, and each person spent about 10 dollars, which is equivalent to more than 70 yuan per capita consumption, which is not much different from the per capita consumption of small cities in the mainland.

Ren Xianqi looked at the menu carefully. His 18-year-old daughter made a rare appearance, wearing a ball head, handsome and delicate features, dressed in white clothes, looking dignified and tall, and her whole body was not carved.

Ren Xianqi’s daughter is a straight-A student. This time, she was admitted to this famous school in the United States to go to college. Ren Xianqi, who is very busy with concerts in the mainland, took the time to send her daughter to school in the United States.

This is a super famous school in the United States, our country’s director Ang Lee, as well as our country’s modern educator Tao Xingzhi, mathematician Hua Luogeng are all studying in this school, this school has produced more than 20 Nobel Prize winners!

His daughter was excellent, and when she was admitted to a famous American school, Ren Xianqi sang even harder. This should be due to the good education of Ren Xianqi and his wife Chen Zeyu. Just like Zhang Yimou’s son and Obama’s daughter went to the same university, Zhang Yimou was also very energetic in making movies!

Ren Xianqi is very peaceful everywhere, without the appearance of a star at all, and if someone takes a photo, he will not look like some celebrities. When he sees people taking pictures, he points at fans, and looks ferocious. He takes the initiative to greet fans. The local temperature is a little lower.

His 54-year-old wife also showed up. She was very reserved and low-key, with prominent eyes. She wore fashionable clothes, orange-red tops, socks, and denim shorts.

In 2002, when the 36-year-old Ren Xianqi was at the height of his career, he married 33-year-old Chen Zeyu, which shocked the entertainment industry. How could such a popular handsome man marry an ordinary woman?

It turned out that Ren Xianqi and his wife had known each other when they were in school. Ren Xianqi took a fancy to his wife’s inner show. They had been married for 21 years, and Ren Xianqi and his wife had been in love for 21 years.

Now Ren Xianqi and his wife have a pair of children, and their 18-year-old daughter has been admitted to a famous school. Ren Xianqi’s concert is very happy, and his wife continues to support her husband and children, and does a good job of helping her, and the family’s life is beautiful and happy. What else do you pursue in life?

Therefore, every time Ren Xianqi goes to a place, he goes to a small town to socialize with ordinary people. This is the scene of Ren Xianqi going to Xi’an Hui Street for dinner. He ordered a double mutton steamed bun and ate it crazily, praising Ren Xianqi repeatedly!

After Ren Xianqi settled his daughter into school in the United States, he returned to prepare for the next concert and continue to earn money.

Do you like Ren Xianqi? Why are the children he nurtures very down-to-earth and excellent?

Responsible editor:

Say love with music **** E live re-screening Jay Chou concert, setting the highest online concert viewing record

  Recently, the panoramic music live performance brand TME live officially announced the launch of the "Miracle Live Replay Plan", allowing those miracle scenes that have caused waves in the long river of time to cross time and return to the public eye. The first "Miracle Live" Jay Chou’s "Strongest Demon Tianlun on the Surface" concert was broadcast on May 20 through Tencent Music Entertainment Group’s (TME) QQ Music, Kugou Music, Kuwo Music, WeSing four major platforms, and TME’s WeChat Channels matrix. In an instant, the whole network formed a screen swiping frenzy. Hundreds of millions of netizens shouted "My youth is back" and created the highest viewing record for an online concert.

  On May 17, TME live officially announced the first "Miracle Live", featuring two miraculous live concerts by the king of Chinese pop music and national singer Jay Chou, "Mo Tianlun" and "The Strongest on the Surface", and chose to re-release them on the evening of May 20 and May 21, so that hundreds of millions of music fans can hear love, feel love, and express love in the songs that accompany youth.

  In order to allow more fans to watch and enjoy the best music experience in this unprecedented "Miracle Live", TME Live has integrated cross-platform broadcast resources, including QQ Music, Kugou Music, Kuwo Music, WeSing, and TME’s WeChat Channels matrix. In addition, under the music promotion ecosystem of Tencent Music, Weibo Music and Sina Music also serve as the promotion partners of this "Miracle Live" to support cross-platform, multi-matrix, and systematic support.

  This unprecedented "miracle scene" has also won the unprecedented love of hundreds of millions of music fans. 12 hours after the official announcement of TME live, the number of reservations on TME’s four platforms exceeded 10 million, and on the night of the "Mo Tianlun" concert re-screening on May 20, it created the highest online concert viewing record; and at the level of social publicity, Tencent Music re-screened Jay Chou’s concert, setting the highest online concert viewing record; the whole concert that night won Weibo’s trending topic list 30 +, and the whole network searched nearly 40 +. The topic of "Jay Chou’s concert re-screening" continued to top the chart Weibo’s trending topic list and entertainment list. Until it detonates.

  "Miracle Live Replay Plan" premieres, featuring Jay Chou’s "Strongest Demon Tianlun on the Surface" concert to express love with music

  No matter how the pop music performance market changes and changes, there are always some stages that are not limited by time and space, emitting a dazzling light for a long time, becoming a "miracle scene" passed down by word of mouth, shaking a generation with its unique charm, and echoing in the long river of time.

Say love with music *** E live re-screening Jay Chou concert, the highest online concert viewing record _fororder_ picture 10

  Adhering to the concept of "good music lasts forever", TME live premiered the ultra-clear restored version of Leslie Cheung’s enthusiastic concert in the world in early April this year, which won the attention and love of many music fans. Therefore, TME live will present more divine music scenes that have touched countless music fans in the form of online replays for music fans, and create the "Miracle Live Replay Plan". The plan will be divided into multiple chapters such as "Looking Back", "Looking Back" and "Return" in the future. The "Looking Back" will reunite the outstanding peak singers, the "Looking Back" pays tribute to the music legends that have never left, and the "Return" reproduces the miracle of Hong Kong music, leading music fans to return to the classics and revisit the track of spring.

  Re-screening is a kind of feeling, reproducing the top of the music of singers and musicians; re-screening is also an attitude, paying tribute to the classics that have never been forgotten in the Chinese music scene. It is the hope of the "Miracle Live Re-screening Project" that allows music fans to gain strength and feel happiness from good.

  For the first performance of the "Miracle Live Replay Project", TME live invited Jay Chou, the king of Chinese pop music and a national singer, to give two concerts of "Mo Tianlun" and "The Strongest on the Surface", and carefully selected on May 20 and May 21, which were full of romance. Not only did the ceremony give music fans a unique holiday gift, but also let music fans once again hear love, feel love, and express love in the songs that accompany youth and growth.

  Create the highest viewing record for online concerts, and online live sets a new paradigm of win-win for users, singers, and brands

  The good content lasts for a long time, and the replay of the "Strongest Demon Tianlun on the Surface" concert is still applauded and well received. In the replay of the "Demon Tianlun" concert on the night of May 20, under the four platforms of QQ Music, Kugou Music, Kuwo Music and WeSing under the WeChat Channels matrix of TME Music, the bullet comments and comment areas of the screen are "My youth is back" "My youth is back" "Tears" "Nice" swipe screen.

  And when TME live put this originally offline concert on the online replay, this already iconic and influential concert released stronger energy, and the number of online viewers of the concert also set an industry record. Before the replay was over, the cumulative number of viewers on all broadcast platforms had exceeded the total number of people on the two tours of "Mo Tianlun" and "Surface Strongest".

  In fact, before the replay, only 12 hours after the official announcement of "The Strongest Demon Tianlun on the Surface", the number of reservations on TME’s four platforms exceeded 10 million, and the number of reservations on the whole network broke 20 million before the broadcast. According to relevant industry sources, the number of appointments has now greatly exceeded the highest reservation record in the entire music industry. It is reported that TME’s QQ music team also worked overtime overnight to increase server capacity for expansion.

  The re-screening of the "Strongest Demon Tianlun on the Surface" concert was not only swiped on WeChat Moments, Weibo Music and Sina Music were the publicity partners of this time. With the help of multi-matrix systematic social publicity, the re-screening of the "Demon Tianlun" concert also won the first place in Weibo’s trending topic list 30 + on the night of May 20, and continued to top the chart Weibo’s trending topic list and entertainment list.

  In addition, as the exclusive title sponsor of this concert replay, Pepsi is equivalent to buying a concert ticket for each viewer, which together created the highest viewing record for an online concert.

  A veteran performance practitioner said: "The re-screening of Jay Chou’s’The Strongest Demon on the Surface ‘concert is a benchmark online concert operation case. The organizer, TME live, brings users the most classic music content, gives singers the most effective platform to reach music fans, and gives commercial customers the widest consumer base and breaking the circle. It has achieved a win-win situation for all parties. It can be said that after two years of operation, TME live has gradually promoted the innovation of the performance industry."

  In fact, in the two years since the establishment of the brand, TME Live has held over 120 online concerts, and in the process, it has rapidly completed the iteration and continuous evolution of the brand and business.

  "Miracle Live" is not the first pioneering move of TME live. As early as two years ago, Liu Xianhua’s special concert used OCTIV technology for the first time to present the industry’s first panoramic virtual performance. After that, he continued to explore the music content ecosystem, using the world’s top XR stage technology, diversified to show Billie Eilish’s powerful music sensory world, and also joined hands with Mayday at the FLY TO 2022 New Year’s Eve concert to open the prelude of the domestic music meta-universe on TMELAND, surpassing the imagination of music fans again and again with strength and action.

  It is reported that in the future, TME live’s "Miracle Live Replay Program" will also use leading technologies such as the highest-definition digital audio and video technology and streaming media transmission to connect the past and the present, and continue to work with powerful global music partners to present timeless classic performances. It is believed that more "Miracle Live" will continue to break the limitations of time and space, allowing more global-level shocking scenes to return to the public eye, bringing the most intimate company and lasting touching to every music fan. (Photo/Chen Dong)

The world premiere of Avita’s flagship sedan 12 will begin deliveries in the Chinese market in the fourth quarter of this year

On September 5, the future smart luxury coupe – Avita 12 made its world debut in Munich, Germany. As one of the brand’s first coupe models and dual flagships, Avita 12’s stunning styling has attracted attention from all walks of life.

"It’s so beautiful, I think it’s a model with a close to full score in appearance," some netizens commented, and this view was echoed by many netizens in the comment area. It is understood that the Avita 12 is positioned as a medium and large new energy coupe, with a body length of 5020mm and a wheelbase of 3020mm. 

According to reports, Avita 12 is designed by the Avita Global Design Center in Munich, Germany, and adheres to a forward-looking, extreme, and pure design philosophy.

The car has a bright three-dimensional curved surface and a high streamline profile, which makes the whole vehicle have a high degree of design recognition. At the same time, Avita 12’s creative lamp design, in addition to the iconic E-shaped LED curvature headlight group, also exclusively created a HALO screen, so that the car does not stop running, but also becomes an emotional intelligent partner for users, bringing unique human-vehicle interaction.

At the same time, Avita 12 has a number of unique designs, such as double zero gravity seats in the front row of the car, smart light-sensitive front windshield, smart light-sensitive panoramic canopy, 35.4-inch 4K panoramic widescreen. At the same time, there are high-definition streaming media inside and outside rearview mirrors, rearless porthole hatchback design, etc., so that this car shows a strong sense of future technology.

In terms of interior design, the cockpit of the car adopts a minimalist design concept. Each door is individually equipped with a clamshell-style hidden storage space to ensure the storage capacity while maintaining the visual consistency and privacy of the cockpit. The center console also adheres to this principle, adaptively lifting and lowering the wireless charging island and cup holder to give users intimate details.

It is understood that Avita 12 is the second product born in the "new generation of intelligent electric vehicle technology platform – CHN", equipped with HarmonyOS 4.0, also equipped with Huawei’s high-end intelligent driving system ADS 2.0, reducing dependence on high-precision maps, to achieve high-speed sections, urban sections and parking links and other full scene coverage driving experience. In the fourth quarter of this year, Avita 12 will be delivered in the Chinese market.

Upstream News, Sangjian

618 Which TVs are cost-effective? The budget is 2000-5000 yuan, and these nine can be "bought with your eyes closed".

Every year on 618, the TV industry’s internal volume is also quite serious, and many TVs will experience price plunge. At this time, a lower price can get a better configuration and a better experience. So, during the 618 period in 2024, the budget is 2000-5000 yuan. What TV to buy is cost-effective and more cost-effective. It doesn’t blow or black. The following models are recommended for everyone. It is recognized that it is cost-effective, and there are almost no bad reviews. You can "buy it with your eyes closed". Everyone is welcome to like and collect.

1. TCL65V8E

Reference price: 2099 yuan

This TV has 4K resolution and supports 120Hz high brush. This TV offers a 2GB + 32GB large memory combination, uses a quad-core A55 classic processor, and uses the TXR image quality enhancement engine as an auxiliary when the price is so affordable. This TV supports AI far-field voice control and supports 6 screen projection methods.

This TV has no boot ads, using a metal full screen design, more exquisite workmanship, this TV supports dual-band WiFi, and has Rheinland low blue light eye protection certification, image quality is good.

2. FFALCON Thunderbird, Crane 6 Pro 24 55S585C Pro

Reference price: 2899 yuan

This is a rare flagship processor TV at the same price. It uses a powerful quad-core A73 architecture high-performance processor with a combination of 4GB + 64GB of large memory, ensuring excellent performance and smooth system experience. The image quality of this TV is also good. It uses Mini-LED backlight technology, and its 55-inch version has 384 light control zones and peak brightness of 1300nit.

This screen also realizes up to 95% DCI-P3 wide color gamut, with troublesome standard colors, it supports MEMC motion compensation function, supports VRR variable refresh rate, and has ALLM low latency mode. It can bring a smooth gaming experience and movie viewing enjoyment. Due to its backing on TCL, this TV also has no boot ads. Supports far-field voice control function, and the price/performance ratio is also very good.

3. Xiaomi TV S65 Mini LED 65 inches

Reference price: 3499 yuan

This TV uses a 65-inch 4K resolution VA panel and a Mini-LED display technology. It is currently the most cost-effective 65-inch HDR TV. It has 392 light control zones and 1200nit peak brightness, which can bring a more realistic picture reality effect and viewing experience. Its screen supports 144Hz high brush and MEMC motion compensation. While maintaining a smooth picture, the details are also richer.

This TV is equipped with a four-core A73 processor, provides a 4GB + 64GB large memory combination, and comes with a surging OS system pre-installed, making the linkage between devices more convenient. It has dual HMDI 2.1 lessons, supports VRR and ALLM technologies, and plays games more smoothly, clearly and naturally. Its screen realizes a 94% P3 wide color gamut, with 16bit color depth, and the experience is also good in all aspects.

4. Xiaomi TV S Pro 65 inches

Reference price: 4499 yuan

This TV uses Huaxing Optoelectronics 4K VA soft screen, and also uses Mini LED backlight technology. Its 65-inch version has 896g light control partition, peak brightness of 2200nit, and supports 144Hz high brush, realizing DLG technology. It is a product recognized as cost-effective at 4000 price points. It uses a four-core A73 architecture high-performance chip with a 4GB + 64GB large memory combination.

Color cover, the screen also realizes a 94% P3 wide color gamut, and supports phosphor technology. This TV also supports VRR, ALLM, and MEMC motion compensation, which is almost a blessing for gamers. It supports WiFi 6 network protocol, built-in ambient light sensor, can intelligently adjust the screen brightness, pre-installed Surging OS system, Xiao Ai can also bring a good experience.

5. TCL 65T7K

Reference price: 4299 yuan

As a chip born in 2024, its price is also relatively close to the people. Compared with the T7H, the configuration upgrade is obvious. It adopts a more advanced Mini LED display technology, with 512 light control partitions, peak brightness of 1600nit, and can achieve 4K 144Hz full channel high brush function. This TV also has MEMC motion compensation function. Playing games can bring a smoother experience.

This TV is equipped with a four-core A73 architecture high-performance chip and uses 2.1-channel HiFi-level professional audio. It provides a combination of 4GB + 64GB large memory and a metal full-screen design, which gives people a more atmospheric feeling. It supports NFC and dual-band WiFi. There are no ads when it is turned on. It supports 7 ways of efficient screen projection. It is worth recommending.

6. TCL 55Q9K 55 inches

Reference price: 4199 yuan

This is an upgraded version of the TCL Q10G Pro. The configuration has been greatly improved, but the price is very close to the people, and the cost performance is very high. It also uses Huaxing Optoelectronics 4K resolution V-ah soft screen and Mini LED backlight technology. It has 720 light control partitions, and the XDR peak brightness has reached 2400nit. In TVs of the same price, the cost performance can be described as explosive.

This TV is also equipped with a four-core A73 architecture flagship chip, with a 4GB + 64GB large memory combination, it supports WiFi 6, also has 144Hz high brush function, has DLG frequency doubling technology, has a wide color gamut of 98% DCI-P3 quantum dots, and the image quality is quite delicate and pleasing. It also supports a variety of efficient screen projection, and the core experience is excellent.

7. Hisense 65E5N PRO

Reference price: 3999 yuan

This is also a popular model launched this year. It is equipped with a 65-inch VA soft screen, the same 4K resolution, and uses Mini LED backlight technology. It has excellent image performance, with 336 light control zones and a peak brightness of 1300nit. It realizes a 93% DCI-P3 wide color gamut, which can better restore colors and bring smart and pleasant color display. Its screen also supports 144Hz high brush, MEMC sports are good, and ARR and ALLM technologies are realized.

This TV also uses a quad-core A73 architecture high-performance chip, with 4GB + 64GB large memory, to ensure a smooth system experience, its screen supports Dolby Vision and IQ, which can bring a visual experience comparable to cinema level. It also uses Hisense Xinxin Ai adjustment algorithm, and the overall image quality performance remains high.

8. Hisense 65E7K

Reference price: 4899 yuan

The current price of this TV has been reduced, and it can be bought for only 4899 yuan. As a member of the high-end TV, it uses a 4K resolution IPS panel with a 120Hz high brush, and uses Mini LED backlight technology, with 336 backlights. The peak brightness is 1200nit, and the display effect is more realistic. It is also equipped with the Xinxin X Master Edition picture quality chip, with a 95% DCI-P3 wide color gamut, which can bring a more transparent and layered picture.

This TV also uses a four-core A73 architecture high-performance chip, with a 4GB + 64GB large memory combination, it supports Dolby Vision, and also has matte film anti-reflective technology for higher viewing angles. This TV is also equipped with an ambient light sensor, which can be combined with the ambient brightness to automatically adjust the screen brightness. The AI camera provided can realize intelligent interaction functions, and the comprehensive cost performance is also good.

9. Skyworth 65A5D Pro

Reference price: 3999 yuan

As a popular TV created by Skyworth in 2024, the Skyworth 65A5D Pro has now also been reduced in price, making it a cost-effective model at the current 4000 price point. It is equipped with a quad-core A73 architecture chip, which has a 1.8GHz main frequency and stronger performance. With a 4GB + 64GB large memory combination, it can bring a smoother picture. Its screen is also backlit with Mini LED, with a peak brightness of 1300nit.

This TV also has 240 light control zones, supports 144Hz high brush, and has three-dimensional dual speakers tuned by HARMAN as an auxiliary, which can also enjoy a movie viewing experience comparable to the cinema at home. This battery also supports AI voice control and supports dual-band WiFi function. All aspects of the experience are also good.

What do you think of the above 9 TVs?

MIIT responded that Steam was blocked: I don’t know the specific reason, there must be illegal activities anyway

  After the Steam store domain name had been added to MIIT’s illegal Internet site blacklist, the reporter asked MIIT staff about the matter, and the other party replied: Although I don’t know the specific reason why Steam was blocked, it is definitely because of the platform’s illegal behavior. As for whether it can be removed from the blacklist after rectification, and whether domestic players can log in normally in the future, the staff said they don’t know.

How long can BYD Han battery last?

How long is the service life of BYD Han battery?

The battery life of BYD Han can reach about eight to ten years, but the specific life will be affected by the driving habits of the owner and many factors. It is recommended to replace the battery after driving about 1 million kilometers. Correct use and maintenance skills are helpful to prolong the service life of batteries. Byd Han is a medium-sized and large-sized car with a body size of 4950mm, 1890mm, 1490mm and a wheelbase of 2940 mm. In terms of configuration, it is equipped with ACC adaptive cruise, electric suction door, head-up display, parallel line assistance, lane keeping assistance and inductive opening of trunk. In terms of power, BYD Han is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system and a 6-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox.

2023 Dragon Bomb 256,800 yuan listed Great Wall Gun Super Pickup lineup stunning appearance at Chongqing Auto Show.

On June 10th, 2023 new product launch conference was launched in Chongqing International Automobile Exhibition in 2023. Two series of new models, guns with guns and bombs, were unveiled at the auto show. Heavyweight modifications were made to create 2023 dragon bombs, 2023 passenger guns of global smart luxury pickup trucks and 2023 commercial guns of global smart luxury commercial pickup trucks, which showed their hard-core strength.

Heavyweight modification to create the ultimate experience of 2023 dragon bullet hard-core off-road

Great Wall Gun insists on taking users as the center and will carry out co-creation to the end. This auto show brought a customized model named Desert King 2023 Dragon Bomb jointly created by Great Wall Gun and Yuanda Shelby, which was another heavyweight modified model created by Great Wall Gun after it hatched a series of bomb products that users loved, such as black bombs, dragon bombs and fire bombs.

The official guide price of the 2023 Dragon Bomb is 256,800 yuan, which can be ordered through the Great Wall Gun APP. The top 200 users of the Dragon Bomb have the right to give away the anti-roll frame, which is the ultimate hard-core off-road.

This performance beast combines the spirit of cross-country racing with the Great Wall Gun, which also contains powerful genes, and is committed to providing the ultimate experience for top pickup players in terms of appearance, performance, power and configuration.

The design is domineering and wild. The front face design of "rattlesnake" has more visual attack power; "Wings of Vultures" competitive wheel eyebrows and sharp-edged shapes are more suitable for the adjusted wheel track of 1738mm; At the same time, there are "Baha ‘i fanatic" competitive front and rear bars, and the approach angle and departure angle of the whole vehicle are increased to 32/23, all of which reflect the dragon bomb’s enthusiastic pursuit of competition.

Off-road performance has been comprehensively improved. The 2023 Dragon Bomb is equipped with 285/70R17 Bailuchi KO2 tires and KMC wheels, which has better passability, smoother turning stability; K-man high-performance shock absorber, 8-stage damping adjustable, based on the user’s various road conditions, to ensure comfort without losing off-road fun.

In addition, the whole vehicle is raised by 1.5 inches, and the chassis of the model has been modified and strengthened to improve off-road capability and cope with multi-environment and complex terrain and road conditions, and it is compatible with the comfort of urban roads, retaining the original excellent design concept and giving players the confidence to go wild if they want to.

The momentum is invincible. The 2023 Dragon Bomb is equipped with 2.0T+8AT part-time 4wd power system, which responds to the outdoor off-road demand at any time, adopts high-power engine, and the maximum net power is increased to 160kW and the maximum net torque is increased to 380N·m, so it can easily cope with the outdoor complex terrain and wading through mountains and rivers.

Luxury technology is within reach. Simple horizontal extension cockpit design, immersive outdoor comfort zone; At the same time, it adopts the brand-new 7-inch instrument +12.3-inch Zhilian large screen double suspension design to provide high-end luxury driving experience for hardcore players.

The arrival of the 2023 Dragon Bullet, a heavyweight modified model, will once again lead the off-road trend of pickup trucks, and together with more hard-core players who love off-road, create the story of ultimate conquest in the vast world!

Brand upgrade in an all-round way Great Wall gun category evolution

As the leader of pickup trucks, Great Wall pickup trucks ranked first in sales for 25 years in a row, with global cumulative sales exceeding 2 million, and its market share exceeding 50% from January to May in 2023. Great Wall Gun has been on the market for more than three years, with a cumulative sales volume of over 10,000 in 33 months, ranking first in the domestic pickup truck market and becoming the first high-end pickup truck brand in China to break through 450,000 units.

Great Wall Gun insists on category innovation to promote market expansion and continuously enhance category value. At present, the brand of Great Wall Gun has been upgraded in an all-round way, and it has evolved into two categories: passenger leisure and fashion business.

The passenger leisure category covers medium-sized, large-sized and full-size pickups in an all-round way, and is committed to meeting the diversified and personalized needs of users, improving the quality of life of users around the world, and empowering pickup trucks to be culturally upward. Fashion business goods focus on building compact and medium-sized pickup trucks, and are committed to building a car of value and people’s livelihood for thousands of industries, helping users to have good business and a better life!

The global champion strength of intelligent luxury pickup truck is upgraded again.

The Great Wall Gun redefines the pickup truck, endows it with riding value, and initiates a new era of riding and globalization of pickup trucks in China. The global smart luxury pickup truck-2023 passenger gun, which was unveiled at this auto show, is a new and upgraded Great Wall gun with advanced strength and smarter! More luxurious! Safer! More comfortable!

The official guide price of 2023 passenger gun gasoline model is 126,800-159,800 yuan, and the official guide price of diesel model is 133,800-166,800 yuan. At the same time, car buyers will also enjoy five major gifts: financial gift, replacement gift, interconnection gift, service gift and recommendation gift. The sincerity of increasing the allocation and not increasing the price is full!

The 2023 passenger gun, built on the world’s leading intelligent professional off-road platform, has been tested in 76 kinds of global roads and extreme environments such as "extremely cold, extremely hot and plateau", with a test mileage of over 6 million kilometers and leading technical performance at the same level. It also continues to evolve in terms of higher intelligence. The driving control is upgraded to L2+ intelligent driving assistance level, equipped with a new generation of vehicle networking, and supports remote vehicle control. It is the first of its kind to be equipped with a fully automatic parking system, freeing hands and getting it done with one button.??

In order to fully meet the needs of users, the 2023 passenger gun strives to create a new luxury technology experience, adopting a brand-new exquisite technology wind interior, with a large-area soft coating, a 7-inch color LCD instrument+a 12.3-inch Zhilian touch screen double suspension design, and a laser carving process luminous decorative board, which is bursting with technology. Large storage boxes are added on the left and right sides of the dashboard to increase storage space, leading the same level.

At the same time, the 2023 passenger gun is also designed with armor-level safety protection, with 6 airbags, 14 radars, high-strength door anti-collision beam, high-strength cage body, etc., to ensure the safety of the owner to the maximum extent; Highly integrated body stability system, with multiple functions such as rollover prevention, up and down slope assistance, dynamic direction stability, etc. Ultra-practical low-speed emergency braking, front and rear collision warning and other functions are all available to protect every step of the trip.

In terms of comfort, the 2023 passenger gun is comparable to the SUV of the same class. Equipped with 2.0T+8AT gold power combination, matching five-bar rear suspension and TOD intelligent four-wheel drive, as well as upgrading four-door one-button lifting & anti-pinch & automatic window closing, 50W wireless fast charging and other intimate equipment, making travel convenient and efficient; Equipped with the first hidden container boarding pedal in China, it is convenient and comfortable to get on and off. In addition, the passenger gun comes with the electronic lock of the container, which is really worry-free and reliable.

The 2023 passenger gun can also realize multi-purpose of one car and expand diverse life. The original factory has its own towing qualification, which can tow RV, Luya boat, motorcycle, etc. A number of refitting interfaces and original car switches are reserved to meet the diverse refitting needs of users.

The arrival of the 2023 passenger gun will once again break through the traditional cognition of Chinese people on pickup trucks, lead the value of pickup trucks in China to jump upward, and let everyone who loves life live a vast and amazing life.

Five strengths of global smart luxury commercial pickup trucks are renewed

Great Wall Gun is the best pickup truck in China, constantly setting a new record for pickup trucks in China! Among them, commercial guns have won the trust of thousands of users by virtue of their superior product strength, ranking first in the sales of single models in the pickup truck market in China.

At present, standing at the starting point of the new era, commercial guns are renewed and upgraded again! Global intelligent luxury pickup truck-2023 commercial gun has become the preferred business partner and intelligent assistant of business elites in the new era with five leading strengths of "super enjoyment of driving, super power, super safety, super load bearing and super ingenuity", which is safer, more comfortable, more worry-free and more efficient!

The official guide price of 2023 commercial gun gasoline models is 99,800 yuan-135,800 yuan, and the official guide price of diesel models is 106,800 yuan-142,800 yuan; In addition, car buyers can also enjoy four gifts: financial gift, replacement gift, service gift and recommendation gift! Great value for money!

Super enjoy driving, smart and comfortable. The front face of the 2023 commercial gun is completely refreshed, with a large area of V-shaped mesh matrix mesh, which is fashionable in atmosphere; The brand-new upgrade of the interior, smart floating screen design, 12.3-inch Zhilian large screen blessing, large-area soft material coating, etc., will surely trigger a comprehensive benchmarking follow-up by friends; There are also high-level intelligent equipment such as keyless entry+one-button start, automatic parking, electric sunroof, automatic headlights, and a new generation of intelligent car networking, which supports AI intelligent voice, vehicle remote control, FOTA wireless upgrade, online map, smart parking and other functions. The technology is convenient. You can also send and receive WeChat, brush Tik Tok, K songs, etc., with rich entertainment functions.

Super power, surging and reliable. Equipped with 2.0T "China Heart" top ten engines, the power of gasoline and diesel reaches 70kW/L and 60kW/L, which is powerful. Together with 6MT/8AT transmission, it forms a golden power combination, which is more powerful, more economical, more environmentally friendly and more reliable. The shift at the same level is the smoothest and the response speed is the fastest. Equipped with Borgwarner electronic control part-time 4wd, it is easy to operate and fearless of all rugged road conditions on the road to wealth creation.

Super safe, guarding all the way. Commercial guns have benchmark-level safety equipment. In terms of active safety, the whole system comes standard with ESP, integrating brake assistance, traction control, uphill assistance, steep slope descent and other functions. At the same time, it is equipped with right front blind spot monitoring, tire pressure monitoring and other configurations, and it is optional to install a 360-view system with megapixels to prevent accidents to the maximum extent. In terms of passive safety, it is equipped with four airbags, and the proportion of high-strength steel in the whole vehicle is as high as 48%. The high-strength cage body, high-strength door anti-collision beam, automatic collision unlocking and automatic fuel cut-off ensure the safety of users in all directions.

Super bearing capacity, high efficiency and convenience. Great Wall is the first enterprise to apply the passenger car standard to pickup trucks. No matter the design, manufacture and production are made according to the passenger car standard, the body is made of galvanized sheet, and the salt spray test lasts for more than 1000 hours. The chassis is made of high-strength trapezoidal frame and leaf spring, which leads the same level in bearing capacity. Only by loading more can you earn more! Standard metal anti-roll frame, effectively protecting vehicle safety, adding external rope hook, making it more convenient to fix items; Equipped with metal chassis guard, it is easy to deal with all kinds of bumpy roads on the road to wealth creation. The original factory has its own traction qualification to expand diverse lives.

Excellent ingenuity and convenient service. Great Wall Gun is not only a leading product, but also a benchmark in the industry. Great Wall pickup truck has the most complete sales and service system of pickup truck brand, with 2000+ sales and service outlets nationwide, which is more convenient for sales and service, and provides 24-hour rescue service, which is trusted by millions of users.

The arrival of the 2023 commercial gun will empower the pickup truck to make a breakthrough in commercial value, and create a better future together with thousands of new era strugglers in Qian Qian!

Great Wall Gun continues to make great efforts in category innovation, and constantly meets the diversified car demand of users with a more excellent product experience. In the future, the Great Wall Gun will continue to fully evolve into two categories: passenger leisure and fashion business. The global product layout of the Great Wall Gun will achieve full lineup, full scene and full price coverage.

The king of pickup trucks has a worldwide reputation. The Great Wall Gun will continue to lead the pickup truck culture in China to upgrade and make pickup trucks really popular.

Luo Xiang, a professor of law, spoke for Volvo to see how Volvo XC60 came out of the circle.

A series of seemingly jokes, such as "Can I fight back after being chased by a panda", are serious legal issues. The impression that the UP owner left on the Internet was "indecent", but in fact, we learned a lot of serious legal knowledge in this "indecent".

This big shot was born in China University of Political Science and Law, and he was an inaugural professor. He was also a well-known lecturer in the criminal law of Houda Law Examination in academic circles at that time, and he was famous in the legal field. Previously, this time, the professor was serious, speaking for Volvo cars and telling everyone about Amway cars. So what strength does Volvo have to make this "not serious" professor suddenly serious? Pass next.
get away
) and
To illustrate the contrast.

Both cars are the best among medium-sized luxury brand SUVs. As a typical representative of Nordic luxury, Volvo has a large audience in the domestic market. Volvo XC60 has a lot of powder for its super-high face value, super-high safety and power.

First of all, at the design level, the unique air intake grille on the front face of the new Volvo XC60 is integrated into the new bumper design, making the whole face more impactful. Straight waterfall chrome plating, LED
The design of headlights and Viking axe taillights endows them with solid and delicate workmanship. The front of Audi Q5L adopts the traditional family design, and the front face style has entered the aesthetic fatigue period. On the whole, Volvo XC60 wins in novelty and visual impact.

Secondly, in terms of performance, both Volvo XC60 and Audi Q5L are equipped with 2.0T engines, but after entering the electrification era, the power system has also been adjusted accordingly. Volvo XC60 adds a 48V hybrid system on the basis of 2.0T, which has faster dynamic response and no sense of frustration at the beginning. And according to the book data given by official website, Volvo XC60 is also better than

Finally, on the safety level, Volvo’s safety performance can be said to be engraved in the brand gene. Since the car was built, Volvo has always put safety first. I saw a video of a Volvo XC60 stacked car before. In the video, seven cars were vertically stacked on each other, and the Volvo XC60 at the bottom of the car took on all the weight. The scene looked spectacular, and the strong safety was perfectly reflected in the Volvo XC60! At this point, Audi Q5L may only be discouraged in front of Volvo.

In the highly competitive automobile market, the strong are like a cloud, and if they don’t advance, they will retreat. Perhaps it is because of its extraordinary strength and determination to forge ahead with the enterprise that law professors can take a fancy to Volvo!

Sudden attention! 6 boards, big cows, hot spots?

K diagram 002988_0

  Recently, A-share board stocks have emerged in an endless stream, like 14 boards.11-plate10-plateWait, now it’s your turn.. The stock has been trading for six consecutive days since the daily limit of the word board began on November 7, becoming the "king of the board" of the current A shares. At the close of trading on Tuesday, it still had 33,000 orders to seal the daily limit, which was about 120 million yuan according to the latest price of 37.77 yuan.

  The data shows that there are currently 15 A shares (including) recorded 2 or more consecutive daily limit, andTied for the first place with 6 boards.andTied behind with 4 boards., Sampton,It is 3 connecting plates.


Going to Huawei to ask the world?

  According to public information, it is a large aluminum profile manufacturer integrating professional research and development, manufacturing and sales. And its recent surge in share prices, a high probability and the company’s recent multiple games.At the event, it was mentioned that Huawei asked about the community.

  Haomei New Materials first mentioned in the record of investor relations activities disclosed on October 30 that the company has obtained a total of 280 fixed-point projects in the first half of the year, and its customers cover joint venture models such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Honda and Toyota, and Guangzhou Automobile Ai’ an.Domestic brands such as Huawei Wenjie and Changan. This business (referring to automobile lightweight business) is throughEnterprises indirectly supply all kinds of aluminum extrusion materials and components to vehicle manufacturers, and indirectly supply them to Wenjie series vehicles.Pallet products. On October 31st, Haomei New Materials rose by 7.6%.

  Then, on November 3rd, the record of investor relations activities disclosed by Haomei New Materials once again stated that the company had made a fixed point for the series of models of Wenjie, mainly providing pallet products, but the previous quantity was always small, and after mass production of Wenjie M7, it brought a certain order increment to the company. On November 6, Haomei New Materials rose by 4.1%. Then there is a wave of 6 boards.

  In the last two stock transactions, it fluctuated abnormally.In China, Haomei New Materials kept silent about the world, only saying that most of the lightweight materials and components provided by the company need to be processed and assembled by enterprises and then supplied to the automobile factory.


Receive a letter of concern from the exchange

  On Tuesday, Haomei New Materials received a letter of concern from Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange asked Haomei New Materials to explain whether the company’s disclosure on automobile lightweight business was true, accurate and complete in the recent record of investor relations activities and the two announcements of abnormal fluctuations in stock trading on November 9 and November 13, and whether there was speculation and hot spots.

  In addition, Haomei New Materials is also required to check whether the directors, supervisors, senior managers and their immediate family members have bought or sold the company’s shares and whether there is any suspected insider trading.


great momentum

  Recently, the concept is really strong. On Tuesday, the sector index rose by 1.19%, with a cumulative increase of 12.91% since October 24, and a cumulative increase of 36.45% since it bottomed out on April 27 this year.

  If you only look at Tuesday, among the concept stocks, in addition to the daily limit of Haomei New Materials,It is also the daily limit closing;Up more than 7%;Up over 6%;Up more than 5% and so on.


The new car in the world is on fire

  The strength of the concept plate should be said to have something to do with the hot sales in the field of inquiry. The data shows that 12,700 vehicles were delivered in October, up 78% from 7,125 vehicles delivered in September.

  In addition, the new M7 has continued to be popular since it was officially listed on September 12th. In the first month of listing, it has exceeded 60,000 vehicles, 70,000 vehicles after 45 days of listing, and 80,000 vehicles after 50 days of listing, with the latest breakthrough of 86,000 vehicles. There is also the unlisted M9, and the number of blind orders has exceeded 25,000.

  beforeIt is estimated that in 2023.Automobile sales reached 85,000 vehicles, up 6% year-on-year, of which M5 and M7 models sold 45,000 and 40,000 vehicles. In 2024, the automobile sales reached 255,000 vehicles, up by 200% year-on-year, among which the sales of M5, M7 and M9 vehicles were 7.5, 11 and 70,000 vehicles.

  It is pointed out that the M9 represents a new round of cooperation between Huawei and Intelligent Car Selection, and it is the first vehicle platform in China to participate deeply, including intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving. M9, which will be listed soon, is expected to continue to enhance the brand power of AITO.


The car is still booming.

  Judging from the whole car market, the car is still in a hot trend. Previously, the Federation estimated that the wholesale sales volume of new energy passenger car manufacturers in October was 890,000, a year-on-year increase of 32% and a quarter-on-quarter increase of 7%.

  Look at the part againBrand, sold 301,800 vehicles in October, up 38.57% year-on-year. In the first 10 months, the cumulative sales volume was 2,381,500 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 70.36%.

  Delivery reached a record high, exceeding 40,000 vehicles, reaching 40,400 vehicles, up 302.1% year-on-year and 12.09% quarter-on-quarter. As of October 31, 2023, a total of 284,600 vehicles were delivered throughout the year.It also achieved a breakthrough in October, with the monthly delivery reaching 20,000 vehicles for the first time;The number of cars delivered in October was 16,100, a year-on-year increase of 59.8%.

  It is believed that it is expected to usher in the inflection point of the second increase of permeability. The reason is that the vehicle supply is further enriched, the intelligent+fast charge+long battery life experience is improved, and the cost compression drives the price down, sinking into a more competitive price range.

  DongguanIt is said that the achievements of the "100-city Linkage" Automobile Festival and the "Thousands of Counties and Towns" new energy going to the countryside activities by the Ministry of Commerce have appeared, and superimposed car companies have started a new round of promotional activities, and the demand for car purchases has continued to be released. Looking forward to the follow-up, the orders of the new car companies led by Huawei Auto have achieved rapid growth during the National Day holiday, and the market fever is expected to continue, which may drive the automobile consumption at the end of the year to consolidate the realization of the steady growth goal of the automobile industry throughout the year.

  Besides,It is believed that many car companies have launched sub-brands to enrich their product matrix, and their high-end brands and personalized brands will gradually go public, which will promote the demand growth in the fourth quarter.

It is for investors’ reference only and does not constitute investment advice.