China women’s rugby team won the world rugby sevens challenger championship.

A few days ago, the World Rugby Sevens Challenge 2024 came to an end in Dubai. In the final, China women’s rugby team beat its old rival Kenyan team by 19-5, and won the event again after five years.

In the group stage, China adjusted its state in time after losing the first game to its rival Kenyan team, and then won the Mexican team 64-0, and then defeated the Czech team, the strongest opponent in the group stage, and successfully qualified. In the knockout round, China played against Poland and won 34-10. In the semi-final, in the face of the Ugandan team that had never played before, the young players of the China team played well, beat their opponents by a big score and got tickets for the final.

In the final, China once again welcomed its bitter Kenyan team. Less than 30 seconds into the game, China scored a touchdown and got off to a good start. Subsequently, the Kenyan team used the pre-kicking tactics several times, which were all resolved by the China team. In the end, China defeated its opponent with a score of 19-5 and won the championship.

This is the second time that China won the World Rugby Sevens Challenge after five years. Previously, in 2022 and 2023, the China team regretted winning the bronze medal. It is worth mentioning that the opponents defeated by China women’s football team in this competition are all opponents who will compete in the same competition in the losing match of the Paris Olympic Games in June this year.

Liquor giants are frequently expanding their production! Maotai invested 4.1 billion yuan, Wuliangye invested 2.75 billion yuan, and LU ZHOU LAO JIAO CO.,LTD invested 570 million yuan … for every re

Opening words:

New Year’s Eve is a day of family reunion. Behind the lights, there are always some people who choose to stick to their posts and contribute their strength to others’ Spring Festival.

When they are homesick, they can only "reunite" with their families online, make a phone call, make a video, report their peace to their families and send them lovesickness.

On this New Year’s Eve, upstream journalists visited ordinary people from different positions and recorded their online New Year’s Eve.

Thank them for their dedication, responsibility and responsibility.

Pay tribute to everyone who has spent New Year’s Eve online.

▲ At Jiangbei International Airport, Xiong Mengxiang, the ground flight attendant of Chongqing Airlines, is checking in passengers.

Xiong Mengxiang, a 32-year-old ground crew member of Chongqing Airlines, has only been back to his hometown in Hubei twice for New Year’s Eve since he worked for 10 years. This year’s Spring Festival, she still sticks to her post to ensure that thousands of tourists go home for reunion.

Video call with family during lunch time

"Mom, is the dinner ready for the New Year’s Eve?" On January 31st, New Year’s Eve, the day of family reunion, Xiong Mengxiang made a video call to his mother during the short lunch time.

"What do you eat today? Dad cooked a lot of delicious dishes, but it’s a pity that you can’t come back. " Mother’s words are full of regret and concern.

"You eat more, eat my share, I’m all right here, eat well, don’t worry …" Xiong Mengxiang in the video always keeps smiling. A few minutes later, after hanging up the phone, she quietly turned her head and gently wiped her tears. Immediately, she began to tidy up her appearance, then put on a smile again and returned to her post to continue her work.

▲ Xiong Mengxiang wears protective equipment and is ready to work.

"Hello, madam, do you have any luggage to check?" Xiong Mengxiang, who returned to his post, smiled and served every passenger who came to check in.

Work for 10 years, only go home on New Year’s Eve and spend the New Year’s Eve twice.

Xiong Mengxiang has been doing this job for 10 years. Because of the particularity of her job, on New Year’s Eve in the past 10 years, she stuck to her job for eight years and only went back to her hometown in Hubei twice. On New Year’s Eve this year, Xiong Mengxiang is still on duty.

Xiong Mengxiang’s current job is a 24-hour shift system, starting at 9 am and getting off work at 9 am the next day. The main job is to handle check-in, ticket sales, change of visa, inquiry and other services for passengers. In the morning, they have to greet the passengers on the first flight, and in the evening, they have to send the passengers on the last flight away before they can get off work.

▲ Xiong Mengxiang handles check-in procedures for passengers.

Check-in, communication and coordination, formalities … These actions are repeated hundreds of times every day. After the COVID-19 epidemic, they also need to check the "double code" and nucleic acid certificate, which makes her work more complicated.

During her stay in Spring Festival travel rush, she received an average of more than 200 passengers every day, and the reception volume may double during the peak period. In the face of passengers’ inquiries, they always smile and serve, and do every detail well. At the check-in counter, they should check in a passenger within 3 minutes, and at the sales counter, they are required to issue tickets within 1 minute and change their tickets within 5 minutes. Standing for a long time caused varicose veins in her calf.

"Although I will be absent from the family reunion dinner this year, I am very pleased to be able to guarantee thousands of tourists to go home for reunion." Xiong Mengxiang said.

Upstream journalist Gan Xiayi Li Jing

[Disclaimer] Manuscripts not marked with "Source: Upstream News" or "Upstream News LOGO, Watermark Text, Pictures, Audio and Video" on the upstream news client are all reposted. If the reposted manuscript involves copyright issues, pleaseContact upstream.

The book of common sense of ski resort is coming ~ Now we are asking for prizes from skiers all over the network.

Many people are fascinated by the feeling of going downhill quickly on the snowy road, and more and more people are fascinated by skiing. However, while enjoying the excitement and passion of skiing, whether you are an old skier, a novice or a torpedo, or any role on the snowy road, for the safety of all skiers, please keep in mind the common sense of skiing safety and skiing etiquette. Safe skiing is what each of us needs to do!

The level of small series is limited, so I urge tourists and snow friends to make valuable comments ~

Matters needing attention in ski resort


When skiing on the snowy road

(1) Sliding in the road

* When taxiing, pay attention to the situation in front and on both sides, and keep a safe distance from the surrounding skiers to prevent the collision between them from being dangerous.

* If more than one skier is skiing in the same area, avoid cross-skiing, and do not cross-ski all the way.

* Please don’t stop to rest, take photos or chat in the middle of the snowy road.

* Do not ski in closed areas, do not ski over or damage the protective net, and abide by the border management regulations.

* If more than one skier is skiing in the same area, avoid cross-skiing, and do not cross-ski all the way.

* Fall down during taxiing, and move to both sides of the snowy road without injury. If the skier who falls down is injured, he should provide help in time, call the rescue number of the snow field and make way for the rescuers and snowmobiles.

* When taxiing, choose a route that does not endanger the skiers in front (the skiers in front have the priority to use the snow trail). It is forbidden to slide on the snow track that is not closed and cleared by downhill. Skiers, especially snowboarders, should ensure that they will not endanger the safety of skiers in the rear when they go back to the mountains and ski in the giant slalom.

(2) Park taxiing

* In the park, it is necessary to avoid stopping or blocking in the platform or other areas.

* If the former falls while playing with props (platform jumping), he must wait for the fallen Xueyou to leave before starting.

* You need to take photos next to the props without affecting other people’s sliding, and leave quickly after shooting.

* When staff maintain the park, they need to choose props or terrain that have not been maintained.

(3) Snow skiing

* Wild snow skiers should slide according to the designated guide route, slide the rolling line when sliding, reduce cross cutting, and stick to the previous skier’s sliding trajectory as much as possible. Wild snow needs to slide in groups, and 5 -8 people must slide in groups. Please do not enter the wild snow area alone or in pairs. You need to bring communication equipment with enough electricity, certain warm-keeping equipment and energy supply. .

* Skiers should control the speed of skiing according to their own abilities, topography, snow conditions and weather, so that skiing is in a controllable state, and they should not go to areas beyond their abilities, abide by the border management regulations, and must not cross the border protection net and other facilities, and be responsible for their own life safety.

* When a snowmobile meets a slope while driving, it should cooperate with the rider to bend.

* When skiing in wild snow, if you need to take a break, you must ensure that your position will not endanger the safety of yourself and others; Avoid staying in animal caves, narrow snow trails and places with poor vision. If you accidentally fall nearby, you should leave as soon as possible.

* When the wild snow slides, we should pay enough attention to stones, branches, black objects and protruding objects in the snow.

* Before skiing in the wild snow, you should carefully study and master the correct usage of the avalanche three-piece set. In case of an accident, every skier has the obligation to help the rescue when he is sure of his own safety.

* It is recommended that skiers who ski wild snow carry whistles, which can be used to call for help when they slip away.

(4) When skiing

* Patients suffering from heart disease, hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and diseases that doctors tell are not suitable for strenuous exercise are not allowed to ski.

* Understand and master the ski map and the level of ski trails, and choose the suitable ski trails according to your own skills and abilities.

* Pay attention to keep the snow card, receipt and locker key.

* to understand the local climate and recent weather changes, in case of sudden weather changes.

* Don’t drink alcohol during skiing and during skiing, don’t slide while drunk, and respect the life and property safety of others.


When riding a magic carpet or cable car

(a) ride the magic carpet

* Please ride in an orderly manner according to the staff’s arrangement, and don’t rush, climb over the guardrail of the gate or damage the gate. Elderly people, venerable persons and children should be given priority.

* During the ride, you must not wear long clothes, the ends of the scarf must not stay outside the clothes, and the shoelaces of single shoes must not be exposed to prevent you from being involved in the conveyor belt when you fall; Keep a distance of about 2 meters from the former. Don’t walk or play on the magic carpet. Don’t sit on the magic carpet. Don’t get off the magic carpet halfway.

* If you fall halfway, please leave the magic carpet as soon as possible, and don’t try to go back to the magic carpet, so as not to affect others or the operation of the equipment.

* Don’t take photos or stay in the magic carpet ride area, so as not to hinder other snow friends.

(2) Take the box cable car.

* Line up in an orderly way, get off first, then get on, all ages ride in an orderly way, and the elderly, honored persons and children ride inside the cable car.

* Take a civilized ride, keep a balance, don’t talk loudly, don’t smoke, don’t put your feet on the seat, don’t litter, don’t put the stereo or mobile phone sound outside, and don’t eat food with irritating smell, so as not to affect others’ experience.

* Fighting in the car will endanger the safe operation of the ropeway. Visitors who quarrel should remember to be calm and restrained.

* Respect elders and ladies, avoid excessive approach or collision, and assist elders, venerable persons and children to get on and off the car.

* It is forbidden to have indecent and vulgar behavior in the car.

(3) Take the hanging chair

* Children under 1.2 meters in height need to be accompanied by a guardian.

* Line up in an orderly manner, and let the elders, venerable persons and children ride on the right side of the hanging chair. Young and middle-aged peers and men should take the initiative to take charge of putting away the hanging chair guardrail.

* Double-board skiers should ride without taking off their skis, and the tip of the poles should face the direction of the cable car to prevent the poles from hurting tourists nearby. Snowboarders can ride on a snowboard with one foot, or the fixer can be buckled on the backrest of the hanging chair to prevent the snowboard from falling and hurting the snowboarders below.

* You need to put down the guardrail and step on the fence when riding in the hanging chair. When leaving the hanging chair, please slowly lift the guardrail and pay attention to safety.

* Keep a balance, don’t talk loudly, don’t smoke, don’t litter, take good care of your belongings, and prevent them from slipping and hurting your friends under the hanging chair.

* When queuing to take the hanging chair, if you need to ride together, you should give the scattered positions that are currently vacant to the snow friends behind you.


Safety and rescue

* Emergency: Xueyou should know the steps to deal with emergency, including how to call the police, provide assistance and initial first aid.

* Help each other: Snow friends should help each other when needed, especially in emergencies, such as helping the injured and asking for help.

* In case of taxiing collision, Xueyou will encourage and help injured Xueyou to set up warning signs and call for help in time on the premise of technical conditions and own safety.

* Skiers must pay attention to all warning and reminder signs in ski resorts and ski trails, as well as the guidance of ski patrol members.

* Pay attention to the announcement broadcast in the ski resort and on the cable car.

* Snow friends should always wear helmets, protective gear, goggles and other safety equipment to minimize the risk of injury.


Seasonal events

* Pay attention to protect the skin. The winter in northern China is cold and dry, and the skin loses a lot of water under this climatic condition. In addition, the skin is stimulated by the relatively fast cold wind formed during skiing and burned by strong ultraviolet rays on the snow surface, which is the main cause of skin damage. You can choose some oily skin care products with the function of preventing water loss, and then apply sunscreen with good anti-ultraviolet effect and water resistance to your skin.

* To prevent frostbite, frostbite mainly occurs in the hands, feet, ears and other parts of the human body, so cashmere products or chemical fiber products with good thermal insulation effect should be selected to keep the above parts warm.

* Pay attention to the temperature difference between day and night in the ski resort, bring relevant replacement clothes, and be careful to catch a cold.


Environmental protection and sustainability

* Take good care of the vegetation and wild animals on the snow field, and do not litter the public areas and snow trails at will to damage the environment.

* Pay attention to saving water and energy to reduce the impact on the natural environment.


When leaving the snow field

* Personal belongings, skis, snowshoes and other snow gear should be taken away from the snow field or stored in the snow gear cabinet, and should not be placed in the public area of the snow field at will.

* If you use the equipment or facilities of the ski resort, you need to return them in time and go through the relevant formalities. If you need to rent or buy equipment, you also need to contact the staff of the ski resort and understand the relevant regulations and procedures.

* When leaving the ski resort, you need to abide by the rules and requirements of the ski resort, such as returning the ski gear and paying the fees, so as to avoid unnecessary disputes and troubles.

* When leaving the ski resort, you need to say goodbye to the staff and other skiers politely, express your gratitude and goodbye, and maintain good social etiquette and image.

Ski area etiquette articles


Mutual respect

* Respect the staff of the ski resort and the snow friends.

* Please apologize sincerely if you accidentally hit someone.

* Don’t make a face of snow just to be handsome.

* When taking photos on the snowy road, you need to respect the privacy and copyright of others and avoid disturbing others or making impolite behaviors.

* Closed public space, it is recommended not to eat food with pungent smell, and smoking and spitting are prohibited.

* Don’t casually wear other people’s snowshoes and take other people’s skis. Pay attention to identification when taking them to avoid taking the wrong skis.

* Borrow other people’s ski gear, please cherish it, even if the board resists falling, the owner will feel distressed.

* Don’t stand on your shoulders when walking with skis and poles, it’s easy to hit others.

* Skiing WeChat group never talks about skiing-related topics. Please consciously quit the group and don’t bother the group owner.


Public parking space

* Private vehicles are parked in the parking lot specified in the snow field.

* Ensure that the front of the car is in line with the arrow, and it is not allowed to park reversely or horizontally, and it is not allowed to occupy the special parking spaces for car ferry and employees.

* A car shall not occupy two parking spaces. It is necessary to maintain a good appearance of the car, park in a civilized and standardized manner, and bid farewell to the bad habits of parking and leaving the car in disorder with practical actions.

Welcome everyone to leave a message in the comment area.

The deadline is November 18th.

We will select the suggestions with the highest praise from the comment area.

Send out Cocoto Sea International Ski Resort.

23/24 snow season

The whole mountain brings its own snowboard ticket (on weekdays and weekends)

Come and join us!

Original title: "The Ski Resort Common Sense Collection is Coming ~ Now we are collecting prizes from skiers all over the network"

Custom calendar for one week in morning weather | Warm up, warm up, warm up! The highest temperature in Shanghai is 29℃ on Friday, and the cold air "kills" on weekends.


It’s the end of October. Why is it so "hot"?

Recently, the weather in Shencheng is really good. The blue sky is lined with dazzling eyes during the day. In the afternoon, the body feels even warmer than the category of "crisp autumn", and many pedestrians wear short-sleeved skirts.

Close to beginning of winter, as warm as long summer?

Many netizens in Shanghai shouted "hot".

Shencheng continues to heat up today. With the help of warm autumn sun, the highest temperature in most parts of the city generally reaches around 25℃, including 24.9℃ at Xujiahui Station in the urban area and 26.9℃ at Qingpu Station.

Looking at the whole country, due to the weak cold air that has affected our country recently, this warming wave has a large scope.

According to China Weather Network, since October this year, the temperature in most parts of China has been on the high side, with many places 2 to 4℃ higher than normal, and many places in North China have successively exceeded 30℃.

In the early part of this week, China’s central and eastern regions still maintained a warmer pattern.

Why is there such a rare warm and hot weather?

Li Liang, a meteorologist of China Weather Network, analyzed that since October this year, the polar vortex that accumulated cold air has been located in the north, and the cold air affecting China is significantly weaker than normal, and the temperature in most parts of China has been on the high side. In the next three days, the cold air affecting China will be located in the north and weak, coupled with the blessing of sunny days, which is very conducive to the temperature rise in North China and its south.

For Shanghai, the temperature will continue to rise in the daytime tomorrow. It should be noted that the temperature difference between day and night is large, with the temperature difference in the central city exceeding 8℃ and that in the suburbs above 10℃. Pay attention to dressing flexibly.

Specific forecast for tomorrow:

Sunny to cloudy with southerly winds of 3-4. The highest temperature is 26℃ and the lowest temperature is 18℃. The relative humidity is 90%-45%. Fire risk rating Meteorological index: Grade 4, flammable.

In a week, the temperature rises first and then falls this week, and will reach the peak of this round of warming on Friday, with the highest temperature reaching 29℃.

Cold air finally arrived on weekends, and the temperature dropped all the way, accompanied by a light rain weather process.

The highest temperature will fall back to "prefix 1" next Monday.

According to the meteorological department, this week’s sunny or cloudy weather plays the leading role, and the weather is generally dry, so it is necessary to pay attention to the safety of replenishing water and using fire and electricity.


Most of the country will keep sunny and dry, and the temperature will gradually rise to a high state in the same period of the year.

  China Weather Network News In the next three days (November 18-20), most of the country will maintain a sunny and dry weather pattern, and the temperature will gradually rise. The maximum temperature of 20℃ will obviously rise northward. After the temperature rise, the temperature in many places will be 6-10℃ higher than normal, but the temperature difference between day and night will widen, so the public needs to increase or decrease clothes in time.

  Snowfall in Northeast China and other places has obviously weakened, and most of the country has started a sunny and dry mode.

  Yesterday, a large range of rain and snow continued in the northeast, and the intensity of local snowfall was high. The monitoring shows that moderate to heavy snow or sleet appears in parts of eastern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin and Shandong Peninsula, and there are local blizzards in Mudanjiang, Shuangyashan, Jiamusi and Hegang in Heilongjiang, and local blizzards in Shuangyashan and Hegang.

  Today, the snowfall in Northeast China and other places will be obviously weakened, and there will be rain and snow weather in southern Sichuan and Yunnan under the confrontation of cold and warm air. The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, eastern and northern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, eastern Tibet and central and southern Sichuan Plateau. There are small to moderate rains in parts of southeastern Tibet, eastern and southern Sichuan, southern Chongqing, central and western Guizhou, and most of Yunnan. Among them, there is heavy rain in western Yunnan.


  From tomorrow on, most of the country will have little rain and snow, and precipitation will only appear in Xinjiang and other places. It is estimated that there will be light snow or sleet in parts of eastern and southern Heilongjiang, eastern and northern Jilin, northern Xinjiang, areas along Tianshan Mountain and southeastern Tibet. There is light rain in parts of Junggar Basin and Ili Valley in Xinjiang, southeastern Tibet, southern Sichuan and western Yunnan.


  The day after tomorrow, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of Xinjiang along Tianshan Mountain and Ili River Valley, and eastern Tibet. Among them, there will be moderate to heavy snow in parts of Xinjiang along Tianshan Mountain and Ili River Valley, and there will be heavy snow locally.


  In the next three days, most of the country will be short of rain and snow. Under the control of dry, cold and northerly winds, the minimum relative humidity in the northwest to Jiangnan and South China is generally only about 30%. The weather is dry, so the public should pay attention to hydrating and moisturizing. From the 21st, due to the influence of cold air, the northeast of Inner Mongolia, the northeast, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and other places will once again usher in the process of precipitation weather. At present, the forecasting time is far away, so we need to pay attention to it.

  Most of the country has stepped into the temperature rising channel and will reach a recent high on the 19th to 22nd.

  In terms of temperature, the impact of cold air on China came to an end yesterday, and some areas in Northeast China and North China experienced 4~8℃ cooling.

  Starting from this weekend, most of the country will start the warming mode, and it will reach the recent high temperature from 19th to 22nd, and the maximum temperature of 20℃ will be pushed northward to central Henan and northern Anhui. After warming up, the temperature in many places may be 6~10℃ higher than normal. For example, the highest temperature in Shenyang yesterday was still below freezing point, and then the temperature went up all the way, and it will rise to 12 C on the 21st. The highest temperature in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is as high as 22~23℃ from 21st to 22nd, showing obvious warmth.

  However, compared with the rapid warming during the day, the warming process of the minimum temperature is slower. In the next few days, the temperature difference between day and night in most parts of the country is generally above 10℃, and it can even reach about 20℃ in the northern part of the country. It is recommended that the public increase or decrease clothes in time according to the temperature change to guard against catching a cold.




    News from (broadcast through Hongkong on May 29th):   > > > > Click to watch the video. ….

    In the face of the fierce financial turmoil, the Hong Kong SAR Government used its magic weapon. What thrilling dispute stories happened in several confrontations with Soros? Why did the then Financial Secretary Donald Tsang secretly cry? What are the mysteries hidden in the final Armageddon? "Through to Hong Kong" today broadcasts a special program "Ten Years of Memories of Financial Defence (Part II)".

That financial storm was threatening in those days.

How does the Hong Kong authorities resolve the financial crisis?

Why did Donald Tsang secretly shed tears during the financial turmoil?

    The financial storm that started to make waves in July 1997 swept across Asia like a volcanic eruption, and then stirred the whole world. Those countries that fell in the storm were mired in the quagmire of economic collapse and could only be slaughtered by others. However, Hong Kong, which is still standing in the storm, has already suffered from black and blue wounds in its financial market. At this time, the SAR Government has realized that although the impact of international speculators has been defused several times, a more violent storm has not yet arrived, and the SAR Government must meet the challenge with tougher measures and a more active attitude. It is also at this time that Soros, who has been waiting for the best opportunity, is constantly accumulating energy and preparing to launch a final blow to Hong Kong. The decisive battle of Hong Kong’s financial defense finally kicked off in August 1998.     


    Welcome to the special program on the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China, which was produced by "Through Hong Kong".

      The financial storm that started to make waves in July 1997 quickly swept through Asia like a volcanic eruption and then stirred the whole world. Those countries that fell in the storm were trapped in the quagmire of economic collapse and could only be slaughtered. However, Hong Kong, which is still standing in the storm, has also suffered from black and blue financial markets. At this time, the SAR Government has realized that although the impact of international speculators has been defused several times, a more violent storm has not yet arrived, and the SAR Government must meet the challenge with tougher measures and a more active attitude. It is also at this time that Soros, who has been waiting for the best opportunity, is constantly accumulating energy and preparing to launch a final blow to Hong Kong. The Armageddon of Hong Kong’s financial defense finally kicked off in August 1998.

      On August 5, 1998, international speculators sold more than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars in one day. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority changed its passive approach in the past, and absorbed all of Hong Kong’s fiscal reserves to stabilize the foreign exchange market at the level of HK$ 7.75 to US$ 1, and the interbank market borrowing interest only increased slightly.

      On August 6th, speculators sold more than HK$ 20 billion, and the Monetary Authority made a new move, not only accepting all the Hong Kong dollars according to the order, but also depositing them into the Hong Kong banking system, which played a role in stabilizing interbank lending interest and prevented the stock market from falling due to the increase in interest rate.

      On August 7th, the Hang Seng Index fell by 212 points, or 3%, due to the poor performance of some blue-chip stocks that have announced interim results. In the following trading days, from 7th to 13th, the Hong Kong government continued to adopt the method of absorbing Hong Kong dollars to stabilize the interbank interest rate and thus achieve the goal of stabilizing the stock market. However, due to speculators’ short selling in the stock market, the Hang Seng Index finally fell to a low around 6,600 points, almost 10,000 points lower than a year ago, and the total market value evaporated by HK$ 2 trillion in one year. .

      On August 13th, after the Hang Seng Index was suppressed to 6,660 points, the Hong Kong government organized Hong Kong capital and mainland capital to enter the market, and launched a battle with rivals for the August stock index futures contract. Speculators want to suppress the index, while the Hong Kong Government wants to hold the index, forcing speculators to fail to cash out their contracts in full before the end of August. After entering the market, the Hong Kong Government bought a large number of August stock index futures contracts shorted by international speculators, pushing the futures index up from 6,610 points before entering the market to 7,820 points on the 24th, which was higher than the average opening price of 7,500 points by investment speculators, and achieved initial victory. After the market closed that day, the Hong Kong Government announced that it had used the Exchange Fund to intervene in the stock market and futures market.

      On August 14th, the Hong Kong government officially participated in the stock market and futures market transactions. In order to safeguard the Hong Kong dollar, the Hong Kong Government brought huge amounts of exchange funds into the stock market and futures market to directly confront speculators. The Hong Kong Government issued instructions to a number of securities firms in Hong Kong, such as Bank of China, Dodoli and Hesheng, to absorb a large number of blue-chip stocks in the Hang Seng Index, saying that it must raise the stock index in August by 600 points at all costs. The Hong Kong government’s reversal of the previous policy of "positive non-intervention" has dealt an unexpected heavy blow to speculators.

      On August 24th, in order to break the speculators’ arbitrage plan, the Hong Kong Government took the initiative again and intervened in the market with HK$ 5 billion. On that day, the Hang Seng Index fluctuated violently, with a short-term plunge of 300 points, and then it was quickly pulled back. At the close, the Hang Seng Index rose by 318 points.

      For the snipers and defenders of Hong Kong’s financial market, this is definitely a thrilling August. The curtain of the decisive battle has been opened, and the last moment of the decisive battle is coming. August 28th, 1998 is the settlement date of August contract of Hong Kong Hang Seng Index Futures. International speculators have a large number of futures orders that must be sold when they expire. If the stock market and foreign exchange market can stabilize at a high level or continue to break through, speculators will lose hundreds of millions or even more than one billion dollars. On the contrary, the tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars invested by the Hong Kong Government before will be thrown into the sea. Two rivals who have been fighting in the financial market for a whole year have finally waited for the final battle to decide life and death.

      On August 27th, 1998, bad news kept coming from the global financial field. The US Dow Jones stock index fell by 217 points, and the European and Latin American stock markets fell by 3% ~ 8%. The Hong Kong stock market is facing a severe test. Under the command of Donald Tsang, the then Financial Secretary of the SAR, the Hong Kong Government injected about HK$ 20 billion a day, which steadily boosted the Hang Seng Index by 88 points, laying the foundation for the final decisive battle. On the same day, Soros’s Quantum Fund publicly declared that the Hong Kong Government would fail. This kind of public challenge to a government in the name of a company or individual, threatening to defeat a government, is unprecedented. Of course, there is intimidation in this, but it also shows Soros’s ambition and confidence. For this decisive battle, both sides are prepared, and no one can afford to lose.

      August 28th may be the longest day in Hong Kong since there was a stock market.

      At 10 o’clock in the morning, the transaction officially began. Only five minutes after the market opened, the turnover of the stock market exceeded HK$ 3.9 billion. Half an hour later, the turnover exceeded HK$ 10 billion, and by the close of the morning, the turnover had reached HK$ 40 billion, which was close to the record of HK$ 46 billion daily turnover set on August 29, 1997.

      After the market opened in the afternoon, the selling continued unabated, and the Hong Kong government accepted all the orders, and the turnover climbed all the way, while the Hang Seng Index and the Futures Index remained above 7,800 points. As the bell rang at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, the constantly beating Hang Seng Index, Futures Index and transaction amount on the display screen were finally locked at 7829, 7851 and 79 billion respectively.

      The Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region immediately announced that the Hong Kong Government had won the battle against international speculators and defending the Hong Kong stock market and the Hong Kong dollar.

      If we leave aside the tragic war on this day, then the closing point of the Hang Seng Index in Hong Kong on the 28th is really a very dull number, which is even 93 points lower than that of the previous day. However, the significance of this figure to Hong Kong’s financial market is immeasurable. It has made Hong Kong’s stock market stand firm, leaving international speculators with no room for profit, and because their contracts have expired, they will inevitably suffer huge losses. This enter the dragon was later written into the financial textbooks of many countries all over the world, and it also became an important plot in many film and television dramas. However, no matter how it was deduced in actual combat in class or how it was performed in movies, it was not as wonderful as that day.

      August 28th, 1998 is a heartbreaking day for many speculators. They came with the results of sweeping Southeast Asia and the ambition of sweeping Hong Kong, and their battle plan was not careless. Perhaps their only failure was to underestimate the determination of the Hong Kong SAR government. The Hong Kong government, which has always pursued a zero-intervention economic policy, actually carried 98 billion US dollars of foreign exchange reserves and entered the stock market and the foreign exchange market for a large-scale defense.

      On the 28th, international speculative funds almost rushed out in an attempt to completely suppress the stock index, while the Hong Kong government took all the sales orders and held them to the stock market. The transaction amount on this day reached HK$ 79 billion, setting a record for a single day in the Hong Kong market.

      After the decisive battle on the 28th, international speculators also made a fight against the trapped animals. They believe that neither financial pressure nor public opinion pressure can sustain the SAR Government for a long time, so they decided to transfer the contract from August to September, hoping to fight a protracted war with the Hong Kong Government. The SAR government immediately made a decision to continue to push up the price of stock index futures, forcing speculative capital losses to leave. On September 7, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority promulgated new regulations on foreign exchange, securities trading and settlement, which greatly restricted speculators’ speculation. On that day, the Hang Seng Index soared 588 points and stood at the 8,000-point mark. The losses of international speculators further intensified and eventually they had to retreat from Hong Kong.

      It is estimated by Hong Kong market participants that the Hong Kong government invested more than HK$ 100 billion in the two-week stock market support operation, and concentrated on acquiring the shares of several major blue-chip companies in Hong Kong, becoming the major shareholders of several blue-chip companies in Hong Kong. After that, everyone knows the story. The Hong Kong market gradually recovered its vitality. In 1999, the Hang Seng Index returned to more than 10,000 points, and the Hong Kong government completely withdrew from the stock market, earning billions of dollars.

      At that time, there were loud voices for and against the government’s abandonment of the "zero intervention policy" and the use of foreign exchange reserves to intervene in the stock market and futures market. Today, conservative economists still believe that this move has damaged the international image of Hong Kong as a free economy. Soros even launched world public opinion and attacked the Hong Kong government for "administrative intervention in the market", which violated the rules of the market economy. However, supporters believe that the economy manipulated by speculative capital is not a free economy, and the Hong Kong government entered the market precisely to break this manipulation. Donald Tsang, the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong who personally directed the market entry operation at that time, was even more deeply impressed.

      Tsang Pau Siu-Mei, the wife of Donald Tsang, never asked about her husband’s official business. Even if Donald Tsang attacked an "international financial tycoon" in the financial turmoil, she knew nothing beforehand.

      "That summer (1998), I went to Jiuzhaigou with him (Donald Tsang). At that time, he had been calling back to Hong Kong. When he and I went to Istanbul later, I only felt that he had been preparing something urgent. Halfway through the trip, he suddenly said that something important had come back to Hong Kong, leaving me alone in Istanbul, having no idea what had happened. After returning to Hong Kong, I realized that he had made a decision to enter the market. "

      In a letter to his younger brother, Donald Tsang explained why he was in favor of entering the market.

      "Why should I make this intervention decision? ….. If the government does not take action again, the stock market will fall to an unreasonable level because of manipulation, interest will continue to be high, the Link will continue to be under pressure, and economic recovery will only be in the foreseeable future. "

      "You may ask, why doesn’t the government just announce the abandonment of the linked exchange rate? ….. Decoupling at this time will only make Hong Kong people lose their confidence in the Hong Kong dollar overnight. Hong Kong is an economy that relies heavily on exports. Once the linked exchange rate is lost, the stability of Hong Kong’s foreign trade will be immediately reduced, and the stock market and property market will plunge again, interest rates will soar, and the economic environment will further deteriorate. Even in the long run, it may not be the blessing of Hong Kong people. "

      Donald Tsang later said that he shed tears the night before the government decided to intervene in the market. But as he said in his letter: government participation in the market is a dilemma. Now that I have made this decision, I must stick to my principles and accept criticism. ….. I will never take it lightly, and I will redouble my efforts to account to the people of Hong Kong. ….. Our life is very difficult. But I don’t believe that we Hong Kong people will lose.

      At that time, Soros, who sang against Donald Tsang, gave people the impression that he was a very mysterious figure. Even the specific figure of his losses in Hong Kong has never been known, so there will always be some deductive elements when talking about him. At that time, there was a widely circulated saying that some people even mentioned in the article that in 1998, when Soros directed speculative funds to attack Hong Kong in turn, an incident that happened in the mainland of China surprised him.

      In March 1998, Zhu, who just became the Prime Minister of the State Council, China? Ji held his first press conference in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

      "If Hong Kong needs it, the central government will defend Hong Kong at all costs!"

      This is the sentence that surprised Soros. It is said that Soros was drinking tea at that time, and when he heard this sentence, the cup in his hand fell to the ground. Although the truth of this statement cannot be verified, the firm support of the China government is a great encouragement to Hong Kong compatriots and a shock to international speculators.

      In fact, in 1998, China’s economy also encountered many difficulties, such as declining export growth rate, sluggish domestic demand, and catastrophic floods. At that time, the whole world almost unanimously declared that China’s economy would struggle if the RMB did not depreciate. However, in a highly responsible attitude, the China government has made a solemn commitment not to devalue the RMB from the overall situation of maintaining stability and development in the region. To show sincerity, the China government also narrowed the floating range of the RMB against the US dollar.

      While insisting that the RMB will not depreciate, the China government has adopted the policy of expanding domestic demand and stimulating economic growth, which has maintained the healthy and stable growth of the domestic economy and played an important role in easing the economic tension in Asia and promoting the economic recovery in Asia.

      The financial defense war in Hong Kong, which happened at the end of last century, is still talked about by people, although there is no sword and shadow, and there is no smoke. When many economies collapsed in the face of the storm, the young Hong Kong Special Administrative Region withstood Soros’s indiscriminate bombing and kept the development achievements of Hong Kong for decades. If one day, we can read Soros’s autobiography, I wonder how he will describe the Waterloo in Hong Kong.

    Editor: Liu Di

    Strong cold air today "crosses" the Yangtze River, and the temperature in most parts of the country has hit record lows.

      China Weather Network News The cold wave is coming! On December 12th, a strong cold air began to affect our country. Today, it will affect along the Yangtze River, and tomorrow it will reach Jiangnan and South China. Affected by this, the temperature in most parts of the country will hit a new low one after another until December 15th. Not only that, the large-scale rain and snow weather in the south will also be carried out on this "strong cold air train", and many cities may usher in snow at the beginning of this winter.

      Strong winds and cooling will appear one after another, and the temperature in various places will be as low as "March 9" in a large area.

      Yesterday, this strong cold air has begun to affect China, but it is still in the "starting" stage. The affected area is only in the plateau area, and most other areas are still in a relatively stable state, such as North China, Huanghuai, Jianghan and other places. Fog and haze still appeared in the morning, but at night, with the cold air killing, the visibility improved, and the gale cooling also officially appeared one after another.

      This morning, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a blue warning of cold wave. It is predicted that from 08: 00 on December 13th to 08: 00 on December 15th, the temperature will drop by 6 ~ 8℃ in the eastern part of Northeast China, southeastern part of Northwest China, most of North China, most of Huanghuai, most of Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan, eastern part of Southwest China and most of South China. Among them, the temperature will drop by 10℃ in some areas such as southwest Hunan, southeast Guizhou and central and northern Guangxi. After cooling, the minimum temperature line of 0℃ will be pressed south to the line from southern Guizhou to northwestern Zhejiang. There are 4 ~ 6 northerly winds with gusts of 7 ~ 8 in the north, 4 ~ 5 northerly winds in the south, 6 ~ 7 gusts in rivers and lakes, 6 ~ 8 northerly winds with gusts of 9 in offshore waters.

    Strong cold air crossed the Yangtze River today, and the temperature in the whole country hit new lows one after another.

      This cold air moves faster. It has arrived along the Yangtze River today and will "cross" the Yangtze River. Tomorrow, it will mainly affect Jiangnan and South China. Affected by this, the early high temperature pattern in all parts of the country will be completely broken and turned to be obviously low. Since it is a cold wave, the power of this strong cold air is not only that, of course. It will also cause the temperature in most parts of the country to hit a new low since beginning of winter, and let many areas experience the "March 9th" and "April 9th" cold in advance.

      According to the forecast, the temperature in the northern region will hit a new low on the 13th to 14th. For example, in the northeast region, the highest temperature will generally drop to around -10℃, and the lowest temperature will drop all the way below -20℃. The highest temperature in the eastern part of northwest China, North China, Huanghuai and other places will drop to about 0℃, and the lowest temperature will only be around -10℃. In the southern region, the temperature will generally hit a new low on the 14th to 15th. In many places in Jianghuai, Jianghan and Jiangnan, it is only about 5℃ during the day, which can be called winter.

      It is worth noting that after the end of this cold wave process, there will be another cold air impact from December 16 to 18. It is expected that the intensity will be weaker than the current one, but it will also make the temperature in most places continue to be low. In a word, the recent cold air is the rhythm of one after another. Everyone needs to pay attention to the approaching forecast, and it is the key to do a good job of cold protection and warmth.

      There is little and weak snowfall in the north, and the rain and snow in the south are frozen on the line.

      In terms of precipitation, the rain and snow brought by this strong cold air to the north is generally weak, mainly because there will be some rain and snow processes in the central and eastern regions; In the south, on the contrary, riding the "strong cold air train", rain and snow will spread out on a large scale. It is estimated that today, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of the eastern part of the northwest, Jianghan, Jianghuai, western and northern Jiangnan, and eastern Guizhou, among which there will be heavy snow in southern Anhui and northwestern Hubei. There are small to moderate rains in parts of Sichuan Basin, most of Chongqing, western Guizhou, eastern Yunnan, southern Jiangnan, most of southern China and Taiwan Province Island, among which there is local heavy rain in southern Guangxi.

    Strong cold air crossed the Yangtze River today, and the temperature in the whole country hit new lows one after another.

      Tomorrow, the freezing situation of rain and snow in the southern region should not be underestimated. It is expected that there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of southwestern Xinjiang, eastern Tibet, southwestern Shaanxi, southern Hubei, western and northern Jiangnan, and northern and eastern Guizhou. There are small to moderate rains in parts of southeastern Tibet, eastern Southwest China, central and southern Jiangnan, and most of southern China, among which there is heavy rain in the northeast of Taiwan Province Island.

    Strong cold air crossed the Yangtze River today, and the temperature in the whole country hit new lows one after another.

      It is understood that the southernmost snow line of this precipitation process can reach the first line of southern Guizhou-southern Hunan-northwestern Jiangxi-northwestern Zhejiang. Many places including Wuhan and Changsha will begin to experience the process of rain-to-snow at night, such as Wuhan. It is possible to usher in snowfall this evening, but due to the high ground temperature, the snow will not be obvious. In addition, in Guizhou and the western part of Hunan, freezing rain may start from tonight and will continue until tomorrow. The wet and icy roads may greatly affect the morning peak next Monday.

      Generally speaking, rain, snow and freezing at low temperature in Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and other places will lead to slippery roads, snow or icy roads. Public travel in these areas needs to pay attention to safety and arrange travel time reasonably.

    The voice of the "top leaders" of the central bank, the General Administration of Financial Supervision and the China Securities Regulatory Commission is an important signal.

      BEIJING, Dec. 5 (Reporter Li Jinlei) Recently, Pan Gongsheng, Party Secretary and President of the People’s Bank of China, Li Yunze, Party Secretary and Director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, and Yi Huiman, Party Secretary and Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, were interviewed by the media, publicly speaking, responding to hot issues in financial work and releasing important signals.

      On serving the real economy

      Promote the financing cost of the real economy to decrease steadily.

      Serving the real economy is the bounden duty and fundamental purpose of finance. The Central Financial Work Conference clearly requires that "finance should provide high-quality services for economic and social development".

      How to serve the real economy?

      Pan Gongsheng said: First, pay more attention to cross-cyclical and counter-cyclical adjustment, and maintain a reasonable growth in the total amount of money and credit and the scale of social financing. Second, strengthen coordination and cooperation with fiscal and regulatory policies, and continuously increase support for major strategies, key areas and weak links. The third is to reasonably grasp the interest rate level and promote the steady decline of financing costs in the real economy. The fourth is to coordinate the internal and external balance and maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level.

      Yi Huiman said that the capital market is not large in the whole financial market, but it has unique advantages in serving the real economy. In the next step, we will adhere to the problem orientation, be honest and innovative, and launch more pragmatic measures around improving the function of the capital market. First, promote the stock issuance registration system to go deep and practical. Second, improve the multi-level capital market system. Third, vigorously improve the quality of listed companies. Fourth, promote the high-level institutional opening of the capital market.

      On financial supervision

      Resolutely achieve "long teeth with thorns"

      The Central Financial Work Conference requires that financial supervision should be comprehensively strengthened to effectively prevent and resolve financial risks. Effectively improve the effectiveness of financial supervision, bring all financial activities under supervision according to law, comprehensively strengthen institutional supervision, behavioral supervision, functional supervision, penetrating supervision and continuous supervision, eliminate regulatory gaps and blind spots, strictly enforce the law, dare to show their swords, and severely crack down on illegal financial activities.

      How to effectively improve the effectiveness of financial supervision?

      Li Yunze said that in the next step, we will focus on strong supervision and strict supervision, resolutely achieve "long teeth with thorns" and continuously improve the forward-looking, accurate, effective and synergistic supervision. First, comprehensively strengthen the "five major supervision". The second is to strictly enforce the law and dare to show the sword. The third is to strengthen supervision and protection.

      He pointed out that the chaos in the financial market should be thoroughly rectified, so as to adhere to principles, dare to face difficulties, treat people equally, and be fair and just. Focus on the "key things" that affect financial stability, "key people" that cause major financial risks, and "key behaviors" that undermine market order, and really hit the board accurately and hurt.

      Yi Huiman said that in the next step, we will focus on improving the adaptability and pertinence of supervision and create a more favorable environment for the reform and development of the capital market. First, make every effort to maintain the stable operation of the capital market. The second is to implement the main responsibility of supervision. The third is to resolutely eliminate the regulatory vacuum. The fourth is to strengthen supervision capacity building.

      Lian Ping, chairman of China Chief Economist Forum and vice president of Shanghai Economic Association, believes that in the next few years, comprehensively strengthening financial supervision will become the top priority of China’s financial work, which will help accelerate the construction of a modern financial system with China characteristics and provide a healthy and stable financial environment for the high-quality development of China’s economy.

      Dong Ximiao, the chief researcher of Zhaolian and a part-time researcher at the Institute of Finance of Fudan University, believes that this will help reduce the regulatory gap, bring all financial activities into supervision, and ensure that financial supervision has no dead ends, no blind spots and no exceptions.

      On preventing and resolving financial risks

      Accelerate the reform of small and medium-sized financial institutions.

      The central financial work conference pointed out that "there are still many hidden dangers in economic and financial risks" and demanded that "the risks of small and medium-sized financial institutions should be handled in time".

      Pan Gongsheng pointed out that the People’s Bank of China will cooperate with relevant departments and a few provinces where high-risk institutions are relatively concentrated to formulate and implement the reform plan for small and medium-sized banks, further reduce the number and risk level of high-risk institutions, handle financial risks according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and protect the interests of the largest number of depositors, small and medium-sized investors and the insured according to law.

      Li Yunze said that in the next step, we will adhere to goal orientation and problem orientation, resolutely fight tough battles and protracted wars, with the focus on accelerating the reform of small and medium-sized financial institutions. First, adhere to a safe and orderly manner. The second is the precise policy of classification. The third is to deepen both the symptoms and the root causes.

      Dong Ximiao analyzed that both Pan Gongsheng and Li Yunze mentioned the reform and risk reduction of small and medium-sized financial institutions. Under the complicated internal and external environment, the central financial work conference should be held as an opportunity to further promote and deepen the reform and risk reduction of small and medium-sized banks, and at the same time build high-quality small and medium-sized banks into "specialized and innovative" banks. (End)

    Dazu Gulong non-legacy tea won two gold medals, and "Little Leaves" wrote "Great Articles".

    Towering Bayue Mountain, long cologne tea. On January 8th, Chongqing Daily reporter learned that the winners list of the 8th China Chengdu International Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival Non-legacy Tea Fighting Competition was recently released, and Chongqing Dazu Gulong Tea Co., Ltd. won two gold medals in the green tea group and the black tea group of the Non-legacy Tea Fighting Competition.
    ▲ Gulong Ecological Tea Garden. Photo courtesy of respondents
    One mountain, one water, one person, one leaf, one tree and one inheritance. Yibayue Mountain Range, Gulong Town, Yuxiu Dazu District, Zhong Ling, has dense forests, tinkling springs and rich humanities. Not only that, the history of Zen tea, which extends for thousands of years, is an important part of Dazu culture inheritance. As early as the Northern Song Dynasty, Bayue Mountain produced famous tea, so it was named "Shuinan Tea" because it was located in the south of Fujiang River. Bayue "Shuinan Tea" and Guanghan "Zhaopo", Emei "Baiya" and Ya ‘an "Mengding" are also called the four treasures of Shu tea, and they are fragrant in all directions.
    The hand-made technique of Dazu Gulong Longya green tea originated from Chen Chunyu, a tea artist in Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty, and has been passed down from generation to generation. In September, 2020, the hand-made skills of Dazu Gulong Longya green tea were listed in the seventh batch of representative projects of district-level intangible cultural heritage in Dazu District. "We are very confident in the quality of Gulong tea, so we went to Chengdu to participate in the Tea Fighting Competition, and we look forward to helping the construction of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing with practical actions." Chen Wenjing, the inheritor of Dazu Gulong Longya green tea handcrafting skill, introduced that the judges comprehensively evaluated and scored the tea samples submitted for the competition in terms of shape, soup color, taste, aroma and leaf bottom. "Gulong tea stands out from the participating tea samples, which will greatly enhance the brand reputation and greatly help the non-genetic inheritance."
    ▲ Gulong Ecological Tea Garden. Photo courtesy of respondents
    According to reports, Gulong Town is committed to doing two articles on "tea" and "mine", making full use of its own unique resources, focusing on the development idea of integrating agriculture, literature and tourism, deepening the cultural connotation, improving tourism facilities, accelerating the formation of a "tea sea fragrance, Zen life" resort, and striving to create a new Gulong that is small and special, small and refined, small and beautiful, small and strong, and small and rich. This makes Chen Wenjing see the hope that the non-legacy tea will glow with new vitality.
    At present, Dazu Gulong Tea Co., Ltd. has more than 1,000 mu of ecological tea garden and more than 800 mu of wilderness tea garden, with rich varieties of tea, mainly producing black tea and green tea, which has driven the employment and income of local residents with "one leaf". "We are reviving the abandoned tea garden and driving farmers around the tea garden to take the road of integrated development of tea tourism and build a beautiful village together." Chen Wenjing said that non-genetic inheritors also went to schools such as Gulong Town Central Primary School to lead students to understand the tea culture in their hometown and sow the seeds of loving their hometown in their young hearts.
    "In the early morning, the fog in the mountains hangs over this tea garden …" Chen Wenjing, born after 1980s, often incarnates as an anchor, promoting the Gulong tea and Dazu beauty in the form of short videos. She said that Dazu stone carvings are world-famous and Dazu tourism is booming. I hope that tourists can not only appreciate the stone carving culture in Dazu, but also stop and walk into the tea garden to taste the sweetness and sweetness of Gulong tea and feel the tranquility and peace from the heart.

    Being ridiculed by the southern urban agglomeration, there is no nightlife. Beijing night economy: I am too difficult.

    Night Economy in Beijing: Counter-attack of First-tier Cities
    China News Weekly reporter/Yang Zhijie
    September 16, 2019 China Newsweek, No.916.
    23:20, it’s late at night. The city quieted down in the dark, like a tired lion, and temporarily converged sharply.
    The night bus No.27 starts from Wuyi Garden Station on the East Sixth Ring Road in Beijing on time, all the way to the west, and the destination is Guomao on the East Third Ring Road. A group of special passengers got on the bus. They all hung work tags and each carried a folding scooter. Many people are frequent visitors and know each other well. This is a famous "special drive line" in Beijing, and the night bus to the city center at night is the beginning of their hope every day.
    There are 36 night shift lines in Beijing, which start at 23: 20 and close at 4:50 in the morning, with an average daily departure of 792 times, carrying more than 10,000 urban night returnees every day. According to the China Smart Travel Big Data Report released by Didi, Beijing is one of the cities with the worst overtime in China, and the proportion of white-collar workers leaving work before 19: 00 is less than 40%. At the headquarters of the Internet company in Houchang Village, the lights are always on until after midnight, and the boss who lives with the rhythm of 996 and the "overtime dog" keep Beijing awake at night.
    Beijing, which never sleeps in the middle of the night, cannot be directly equated with the prosperous night economy. Day and night are the AB side of the city. The A side of Beijing is an orderly international metropolis in high-speed operation, and it is a place of dreams and ambitions supported by more than 21 million people. Beijing, on the other hand, has always been ridiculed by the southern urban agglomeration as "no nightlife", because the night economy does not mean overtime at night, and it is not a simple continuation of the daytime economy.
    The lack of presence in the night economy does not match Beijing’s economic strength. The data shows that in 2018, Beijing’s per capita GDP reached 21,200 US dollars, which is at the level of developed countries, ranking first in the country. Internationally, the prosperity of "night economy" is an important symbol of a city’s economic openness and activity. Therefore, at the two sessions in Beijing this year, the prosperous night economy was written into the government work report. On July 12th, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce launched "13 Articles on Night Economy".
    Beijing is trying to make up the lesson of "night economy".
    There is no nightlife in Beijing?
    Jia Jingnan lives in Haidian District, Beijing, where there are many colleges and universities, a strong educational atmosphere and many Internet companies, most of which are "code farmers" living the "996" rhythm.
    "We Haidian people don’t pay attention to nightlife." At the age of 29, there is no business atmosphere in Haidian District. The nearest to his home is Wukesong, and now the Huaxi LIVE commercial district has been built, which is the most prominent night economic hot spot in western Beijing. But three years ago, there were only Wukesong Stadium and outdoor basketball court, and it was not popular at night.
    Jia Jingnan’s main nightlife is in Chaoyang District and Dongcheng District. "Haidian boy’s nightlife is that he doesn’t have a girlfriend to play in Wukesong, but he has a girlfriend to go shopping in the east." In his impression, Nancheng has no sense of existence. He will drive to niujie with his family and friends at night to eat hotpot, but he will go home early after eating. In his view, Nancheng belongs to old Beijing, and the residents are older as a whole. There are no large office buildings and enterprises around, and it is "deserted after 10 pm".
    For most Beijingers, nightlife is dispensable. Southerners in the circle of friends are always "poisoning in the middle of the night": Guangzhou people go out at 12 o’clock in the evening to meet for supper, Changsha people are partying at Jiefang West Road at 2 o’clock in the middle of the night, and Chengdu people are still waiting in line at the hot pot restaurant at 3 o’clock in the morning.
    By southern standards, there is no nightlife in Beijing. Many big data can support this impression. According to the hungry 2017 take-away supper order quantity ranking, Beijing supper order quantity only ranks sixth. According to Didi Chuxing’s 2017 Urban Traffic Travel Report, among the top ten business districts with the richest nightlife index in China, Beijing’s Houhai and Sanlitun are only ranked 8 th and 9 th.
    In fact, there is no shortage of landmark night economic areas in Beijing. Workers’ sports, Sanlitun, Houhai and Guijie have propped up half of Beijing’s night economy. Sanlitun business circle is the weather vane of nightlife in Beijing at present. In this small area of 2.2 square kilometers of East Third Ring Road, there are more than 57,000 permanent residents, a considerable number of whom are foreigners.
    Sanlitun has become an economic highland at night, which is closely related to the strong international atmosphere around it. Near Sanlitun, there are 93 embassies in China, 15 United Nations agencies in China, and China headquarters of many multinational companies. In 1995, the first bar opened in Sanlitun, originally serving foreigners around, but imported products quickly took root and became the most fashionable lifestyle of young people in Beijing at night. At the peak, more than 200 bars gathered around Sanlitun.
    As the location of Beijing CBD, Chaoyang District, where Sanlitun is located, is also the most active area in Beijing at night. The staff of Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce told China Newsweek that the night economy in Chaoyang District shows a multi-point flowering distribution, and Sanlitun, Hujialou, Chaoyangmen, Jianguomen, Shuangjing and Jinsong are the most active areas in the city. The data shows that in 2018, Chaoyang District accounted for 33.1% of online consumption at night in Beijing. Beijing Unicom’s mobile phone signaling data (telecom terminology) shows that after 22 pm, the active population in Chaoyang District accounts for 1/5 of the city, which is more active than other areas in Beijing.
    The nightlife of "Chaoyang people" is rich, but it can’t cover up the overall lack of night economy in Beijing. There are some bright spots locally, but the whole is not active, which is also a common problem in northern cities.
    Night-to-store consumption shows an obvious trend of "strong in the south and weak in the north", which is the conclusion drawn in the "Night Economy" Report released by Alibaba in July. Among the 10 cities with the most active night consumption in China, the southern cities account for 9 seats, and the northern cities are only listed in Beijing. In the "nightlife index" published by the New First-tier Cities Research Institute, eight of the top 20 nightlife indexes are cities south of the Yangtze River, Beijing ranks fourth, and the top three are Shenzhen, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
    Zhang Bairui, deputy director of the Institute of Urban Studies, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, once noticed a detail. In many southern cities, no matter the size of the restaurant store or what time it is at night, few waiters take the initiative to remind them to close, and this scene is very common in Beijing. "Affected by natural conditions, the night economy in the south is more developed than that in the north, and the service consciousness is stronger." He told China Newsweek.
    Climate is not the only reason that restricts Beijing’s economy at night. The inconvenient transportation at night is also an important factor. In the urban nightlife index released by the New First-tier Cities Research Institute, almost all the top ten cities in the night bus coverage are southern cities, especially Guangdong and Hainan. Beijing ranks out of the top 20, and its night bus coverage rate is only 17.8%. For many white-collar workers who have dinner at night, they must pinch the time like Cinderella, and make the happiness of the party come to an abrupt end before the end of the last bus.
    But this year, this situation has changed a lot. In order to stimulate the night economy, the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission announced that the operation hours of Metro Lines 1 and 2 will be extended from May to October every year on Fridays and Saturdays, so as to provide convenience for consumers to go to the night consumption places in Beijing along Chang ‘an Avenue and around the Second Ring Road. At the same time, many other subway lines also extended their business hours over the weekend.
    "In fact, Beijing has a large enough demand for night consumption." Zhang Bairui believes that for a world-class city like Beijing, the development of night economy has the effect of "getting more at once": it is not only an important way to promote consumption upgrading, but also a necessary condition for developing high-quality life and an important symbol of Beijing’s urban vitality. "In some international metropolises, the prosperity of night economy also represents the vitality of the city to a certain extent."
    Make up "Midnight Food Store"
    Guijie is a microcosm of Beijing’s night economy.
    Guijie, where Hu Da Restaurant is located, is the most landmark midnight snack street in Beijing. On both sides of the street with a total length of more than 1400 meters, there are more than 250 merchants, of which more than 90 are crayfish shops. Hu Da Restaurant has four branches in this street, which can sell 8,000 Jin of crayfish every day. Fang Xuhu, assistant general manager of Hu Da Restaurant, told China Newsweek that at the gate of the main store, people began to line up at 11 am every day, and the waiting time continued until 2 am. There are also some customers who will eat until six or seven in the morning, wake up completely from the drunkenness of the night before, get up and walk into a new day.
    Although midnight snack in Guijie Street has been popular for more than 20 years, Beijing, like other parts of the country, is planning to build more "Midnight Food Store" on how to better take care of people’s restless stomachs in the middle of the night.
    In the context of the slowdown of national economic growth, various places have begun to tap the potential of night economy. How to eat well is the most important thing in all the ways to promote the night economy, because catering is one of the most important categories in the night economy. On July 12th, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce launched "13 items of night economy", in which it specifically mentioned that 10 food and beverage blocks with Midnight Food Store characteristics were launched. The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce also provided real money to provide financial support to Midnight Food Store.
    Yang Wenxin took over as the general manager of Beijing Zhongjun World City (hereinafter referred to as "World City") last year. World City is a commercial complex in Chaoyang CBD area. At that time, a big problem faced by Yang Wenxin was that the World City was located in a narrow block on the north side of World Trade Center day order, facing the popular Qiaofufang Grassland in the northwest. The project was very small, and it has been running for 10 years, and it has been tepid and lacked a sense of existence in the eyes of consumers.
    He led the team to conduct market research, asked about the needs of consumers and businesses, and smelled the potential of night consumption in Beijing. The heat map provided by Didi to the World City shows that the area around the World City has the largest number of orders among the areas where the special orange car is played at night in Beijing. Yang Wenxin’s analysis of China Newsweek shows that the main customer base of World City is middle and high-end users, who have consumption power and demand, so he decided to play differentiated competition in business format and time.
    Yang Wenxin’s team began to transform the world city block, transforming the former retail and lifestyle boutiques into catering shops, and introducing some catering brands and online celebrity stores. In his view, the consumption in the big environment is relatively bad, and everyone can’t make higher-level consumption. The World City pays more attention to doing some "lipstick effect" industries, such as eating a meal and watching a movie. In addition to introducing stores with their own traffic, World City started late-night operation in July, and many stores have posted the words "Midnight Food Store", and the business hours have been extended to 2 am, of which Haidilao is open 24 hours a day.
    Jassamyn Liu, the manager of a yogurt house in the World City, remembers that after zero, the number of consumers decreased obviously. But from time to time, tipsy customers from the opposite bar turn in and order a cup of yogurt to relieve the hangover. What impressed her the most was that the store closed immediately, and a foreigner couldn’t find other restaurants nearby. He sat in the yogurt house for more than 3 o’clock in the morning and buried himself in three bowls of yogurt. In Jassamyn Liu’s view, even in the middle of the night, people still have a demand for food and beverage.
    In just one month, "Midnight Food Store" gave a beautiful report card. According to the data provided by the Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce, World City is the only high-end dining block in the CBD of Chaoyang District that is open late at night. From 22: 00 pm in June to 2: 00 am the next day, the daily average passenger flow of stores in World City increased by more than 40 times, reaching nearly 10,000 person-times.
    However, the extension of business hours will inevitably bring about an increase in costs. Yang Wenxin introduced that the opening of the World City project in Midnight Food Store will increase the cost by about 1.2 million yuan per month. In the view of Fang Xuhu, assistant general manager of Hu Da Restaurant, the head office is open 24 hours a day, and the staff cost will definitely increase, but they are more concerned about creating an atmosphere of night economy and gathering popularity for Guijie.
    24-hour business also poses more challenges to the operation and management of the store. Every night, there are more than 50 waiters in the front hall of Hu Da Head Office shuttling between the private rooms and the lobby, and more than 50 chefs in the back kitchen stir-fry all the time. Cao Wenli, the manager of the head office, is concentrating on checking every process of the hotel. After two o’clock in the morning, the long queue ended, but the hall was still full of customers. People’s rhythm slowed down, but the manager Cao didn’t dare to relax.
    During this time, people are most likely to drink and make trouble. "Now we are drinking late at night, and the cups touch together, all of which are the sound of broken dreams." The poet Kitajima wrote in A Visitor from Poland. And waiters in Hu Da must always be alert, most afraid of hearing the sound of broken cups.
    Night economy night market
    Apart from catering, bars and nightclubs, the traditional places of nightlife, are not encouraged.
    In the researchers’ view, this time, the government tried to create an "upgraded version" of the night economy in the past, and some people said it was version 2.0 of the night economy, which was different from version 1.0 spontaneously formed by the market in the past. The 1.0 version of the night economy is dominated by night markets and bars, but it has gradually shrunk in recent years under the influence of various factors.
    The night market has always been a missing link in Beijing’s night economy. The civilian open-air night market has been banned, and even the Wangfujing Donghuamen snack street, which foreign tourists love to punch cards, has been shut down and transformed. The open-air barbecue has not been allowed for many years, and there are fewer and fewer civilian nightlife methods. On the other hand, high consumption at night has become a roadblock for ordinary people’s nightlife. Beijing has never lacked the legend of profligacy at night. Some WeChat official account once broke the news: In 2016, Wang Sicong threw 2.5 million yuan at KTV one night. Some people lamented: "I drank a house in Beijing’s East Fifth Ring Road."
    Zhang Bairui, deputy director of the Institute of Urban Studies of the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, told China Newsweek that in the past, night economy was a minority research field in the mainstream domestic economics and public policy fields. Some policy makers do not have a comprehensive understanding of the night economy, and often associate the night economy with specific consumption symbols such as bars, nightclubs and food stalls, and even have some negative associations.
    But to some extent, the bar is an important indicator to measure the level of urban nightlife. "I have a story. Do you have any wine?" For many urban young people, "having a drink" is the sign of the beginning of urban nightlife.
    The format of bars and nightclubs has also experienced ups and downs in Beijing, among which Sanlitun is the representative. The first bar in Sanlitun was officially opened in 1995, and "Sanlitun North Street", a street adjacent to the embassy district, became popular rapidly in just a few years. In 2002, a debate broke out on whether Sanlitun should be demolished, and the resulting "Sanlitun Bar Street Reconstruction Project" planned to "merge" the bar street with the original site of Sanlitun clothing market that had been demolished. However, this planned "sense of order" does not have much vitality. The original bar consumers soon gathered in another alley, and the "dirty street" quietly rose around 2005. But soon, Sanlitun North and South Street began to be rectified again. This time, it was positioned as a "fashion and cultural block". Many bars that had just obtained business licenses were forced to close because they did not meet the development orientation. Until 2017, another round of large-scale rectification made the "dirty street" completely withdraw from the historical stage.
    However, with the recovery of night economy in various places this year, the night economy has also gone through the process of re-understanding. The latest research report of PwC Eliot’s "Night Economy Activates City" FUN Life "shows that: from an international perspective, night economy is very diverse. Localization and internationalization, tradition and trend, grounding gas and high night economy often have their own markets. For example, as the most dynamic economic and cultural center in the world and a "city that never sleeps" famous for its 24-hour subway, new york’s nightlife starts from culture. Whether it is the traditional center of Times Square and Broadway, or the East Village and Brooklyn where young people gather, the nightlife is rich and full of vitality.
    The domestic night economy has also begun to show a diversified trend. 24-hour bookstores, museums, art galleries and Livehouse performance markets have begun to become the main positions for late-night consumption in Beijing.
    At 9 o’clock in the evening, Zhao Qi crossed the busy Taikooli South District and flicker into Sanlian Taofen Bookstore, which is open 24 hours a day. Compared with the busy neighborhood outside, the bookstore is a bit deserted. Zhao Qi lives nearby. She just quarreled with her family in the evening. She has nowhere to go but to run into the bookstore. The 24-hour bookstore can always provide psychological comfort for some urban night returnees when necessary.
    Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce told China Newsweek that Sanlian Bookstore operates at night and is still losing money at present, but it is more for the sake of public service. In order to develop the night economy, Chaoyang District has built 150 24-hour self-service library, 4 city bookstores, and 2 street-level libraries to extend the consumption time.
    In response to the development of Beijing’s night economy, the National Museum was extended to close at 9 pm every Sunday in summer from July 28th. Guobo’s attempt played a leading role. beijing museum of natural history, China Garden Museum and Beijing Guo Shoujing Memorial Hall all joined the "Museum Night" team.
    In Zhang Bairui’s view, compared with other cities, the biggest advantage of Beijing’s night economy lies in culture and technology. The head of the Consumption Promotion Department of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce told China Newsweek that no city in China has more cultural resources than Beijing. There are more than 160 museums, more than 50 art galleries, a large number of public libraries, private libraries, zoos and various historical and cultural attractions in Beijing, all of which are the blue ocean of "night economy" to be developed.
    However, in Zhang Bairui’s view, Beijing still has great potential to enhance the value of culture and technology in the night economy. The index report of city night tour released by the New First-tier City Research Institute also points out: On the whole, the night economic development of cities is still in the primary stage, and there are few night activities and night tour places with different attributes, so there is still a lot of room for development.
    The Dilemma of "Elephant Turning"
    As the special status of the capital, Beijing has both special endowments and many constraints in developing the night economy.
    Fang Xuhu, assistant general manager of Hu Da Restaurant, told China Newsweek that in July this year, the Guijie Chamber of Commerce, composed of Guijie merchants, and 36 merchants, planned to hold a "No Night Festival" during the summer peak hours to extend the business hours and attract more people to Guijie. In order to hold this event, the Chamber of Commerce needs to go to at least 10 departments including Dongcheng District Transportation Commission, Food and Drug Administration, and Emergency Office for filing and approval in advance.
    But this plan was initially opposed by many departments. "Guijie Chamber of Commerce has no choice but to find feedback from Dongcheng District Bureau of Commerce. The Bureau of Commerce finally invited the district head to come forward and convened the heads of various departments to hold a coordination meeting to develop the night economy." Fang Xuhu recalled that after this coordination meeting, Guijie Chamber of Commerce clearly felt the reversal of attitudes of various departments, stopped unanimously opposing, and began to emphasize precautions and emergency plans, and then said, "We will cooperate with you, and you should regulate yourself."
    Being in the political center, Beijing’s demand for order and stability is overwhelming. For a long time in the past, Beijing has invested a lot of energy in rectifying the appearance of the city. Open-air barbecues, nightclubs, bars, food stalls and other projects that are prone to potential safety hazards and frequently receive complaints about traffic, environmental protection and noise have become key management targets.
    For several years in a row, Guijie Street has been the focus of rectification. At the end of March 2014, the urban management, public security, traffic control and other departments of Dongcheng District and Beixinqiao Sub-district Office jointly took action to dismantle the lanterns and light box advertisements that had been hung in more than 40 stores on Guijie Street for many years. In 2016, Guijie was selected into the list of "sparse function and population control" in Dongcheng District, Beijing, and then it was upgraded: the sidewalks were widened and greenery was added. No parking was allowed on the roadside, but it was concentrated in nearly 200 parking spaces around Guijie. Even, in order to improve hygiene, the melon seeds knocked by the guests were replaced with corn flakes.
    Guijie Street has changed from the original "dirty mess" to a model dining street, and the transformation has been satisfied by the surrounding residents, but the merchants can’t hide their disappointment. Fang Xuhu remembers that in the winter of 2017, many shops in Guijie Street also suffered from the cold winter of passenger flow. Guests can’t park on the street, and the queue atmosphere of fireworks is lost. The business in Hu Da has dropped by nearly 50%. "Guijie Street is clean and tidy now, but the business atmosphere is not as strong as before." Some shopkeepers he knew could not bear to lose money, and they moved away after the contract expired, feeling that "Guijie is no longer the Guijie of the past".
    The prosperous scene spontaneously formed in the past has been pulled back and forth in the repeated policies and criticized by many people as the root cause of the lack of vitality in the night economy. But for the management, "laissez-faire" is unrealistic and unacceptable. How to coordinate the relationship between tourists and residents, residents and businesses, businesses and the government tests the level of urban night governance.
    A staff member of Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce visited Shanghai and Chengdu, and he obviously felt that the "outward swing project" in these places was relatively open in management. Shanghai’s "outdoor display project" of night economy already has a set of mechanisms. The local commercial bureau can coordinate the streets and law enforcement departments and have a standardized access mechanism for night display, while Beijing is not so easy.
    In the new round of night economic boom, how to explore more inclusive supervision methods has become a new topic that all localities must face. Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce told China Newsweek that as one of the landmarks of "Night Capital", Sanlitun business district is conducting a pilot project of outward display, which is different from the disorderly state in the past, and has stricter norms on environmental protection and safety.
    The development of "night economy" sometimes means that some governance methods in the past must be re-examined or even "adjusted back". The Bureau of Commerce of a certain district in Beijing told China Newsweek that this year, a coordination meeting has been held with various departments to explain the night economic policy to different departments, but many departments did not understand it at first. "Some street offices complain that in the past few years, it took so much effort to solve the small business hawkers and now let them out." After several coordination meetings, each department slowly understood the policy and appropriately liberalized the scale.
    The assessment standards for some departments also need to be changed. The staff of the above-mentioned Bureau of Commerce told China Newsweek that Beijing has implemented "12345" as soon as complaints are received, and the government will regularly inform the streets and departments with lower rankings based on the response rate, settlement rate and satisfaction rate. However, the development of night economy may increase the complaint rate. Under such standards, the assessed units are under great pressure. "It is possible to be strict economically at night in order to fulfill their duties. Therefore, to develop the night economy, it is necessary to gradually improve the supporting contents such as assessment standards. "
    "The development of night economy should be market-oriented, and the government plays an encouraging and guiding role." Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce told China Newsweek frankly.
    Some scholars also suggest that the government should not only cultivate, but also get rid of excessive regulation that is not conducive to night consumption.
    (At the request of the interviewee, Jia Jingnan and Zhao Qi are pseudonyms)